
Wednesday 30 September 2020

Scrappy Mo’s Snippetty Christmas Challenge + NBUS + WOYWW

Well, yes! we ARE into Rudolph Day AGAIN, at Scrappy Mo’s from 25th to 30th SeptHere are my ultra quick upcycles!
Was (as you can see below) originally one whole card from last year’s Christmas cards, a handy topper! I just cut out two sections of a very busy card to make two more CAS cards.
This desk below was at the weekend and talking of desks it’s Desk Day, so come and please do share over WOYWW or What is On Your Workdesk Wednesday at Julia’s Stamping Ground!
Love it when you can take some snippets, a white card base and come out with this (Snippets, yay! So off to the playground)!
These are both made with Stitched Circle Dies Memory Box, scallops are CCD. Verses are two digis from a set bought years ago. As Christmas is rocking in so quickly, I’d better get my skates on, and make some more. 🤔🙏
I’ve made other cards even though I’ve not blogged sorry! I’m okay, just going slower so blogging neglected. Here is one from last week.
It was for a very special young lady. I used my bargain Grand Calibur Spellbinder die set for the first time (so off to NBUS Challenge here, yay!) bought half price for base, it’s very nice, made a square insert frame with Sweet Poppy Double Stitched rectangular die set, largest die.
The Papertrey Quartrefoil die was used on both sides.
On the inside of the window, and the clear insert is a laminated sheet with glitter and sequins, etc. captured in between when laminating the sheet (aka Jennifer McGuire, see HERE!). Don't worry didn't cut it in there, was just checking size of window..
The image is Mo Manning image called “Between”, and the inside image is reversed with a tool on my Samsung photo gallery.
The inside section needed to be plain white where the image shows.
I did partial embossing (see image above: just add shape desired in centre, I used about five cardstock layers, and emboss with suitable sandwich for your machine). Just then have dots folder embossing in centre.
Added calligraphy greeting, and flower border. Pink, especially hot pink - which this was although looks purple, it is Emily’s favourite colour.
Next are some roses - the spring flush has arrived, this was one day's pick.
And some Clivia in flower.

A beach photo for those who need their beach fix 😃.
Many thanks for popping over for peek and chat I will endeavour to return visits. However, I'm continuing a bit of a break from blogging as only way I can manage at mo. I am well for me, but just tired a lot. Love and prayers for all of you, especially in the struggles in your life. I pray with you in all of your burdens. Prayer hugs, 🙏🤗
Shaz in Oz.x
PS sorry formatting is mixed .. the new blogger changes as you go! Or not go in some cases.
Thought for the Day
I saw these and thought to share them with you as they cheered my heart.
I so need God's strength, I’d not be here by now if it were not for keeping saving power of my God and Saviour. He is there in those difficult long nights, those days when nought goes just the way you’d hoped. I may not see the Road ahead, but there is One Who walks before me on it, is with me as I go through it and is also as scripture puts it, my “rereward” too!
Isn’t that amazing? 
Jesus is fore and aft, and beside me all the way. No, never ever alone!

Linking up with the following:
**Christmas card with Rudolph day, link above, and also with Hazelnuts Christmas challenge, here.
**All cards shared with Word Art Wednesday.. link here.
**Snippets used on Christmas card so sharing hereAt the Snippets playground

Wednesday 2 September 2020

Calligraphy First Birthday, Optical Illusions + WOYWW

Hullo there, everyone, and yes 'tis Wednesday so it’s time to pop over at Julia’s Stamping Ground, where we see desk of marvellous inspiration worldwide.
This desk is actually a few weeks ago as was preparing for a birthday pressie and card. This is an Aussie bird, of course, a Kooka, or more correctly blue winged kingfisher or colloquially called kookaburra.
NOTE: I did NOT draw this image, it’s taken from web.
 I tried unsuccessfully to find who it was by, to give them credit but it wasn’t clear on google image, I suspect it’s an old one. I did very light grey print out of image on good art paper, hand coloured it with Prismas and did calligraphy with dip pen and Calli black ink "Oliver sleeps here".

I wasn’t really well when did this and writing was shaky, but did my best, coloured image with pencils.
Here is a pickie I took of our Kookas on good camera a few years a good.
The card is LOTV Image (a NBUS had for years), used some random DP, with TH EF called dot matrix, edge die is old one by Nellie Snellen, fitted circle die with number on is also from an old Nellie Snellen Lace Circle set (this is smallest die, never knew it cut this shape till made this).
Next two are some quick makes a while ago as needed cards, one old brayered inky stamp, not sure what stamp set, edge die disc ODB, Corners SB square die piece cut up.
Love this Sweet n sassy verse stamp, had pre-stamped.
Its card for a very dear friend. Braid is old NBUS, corners are Lala Land filigree, DP printed from stash.
Last card is for a very special mathematical lad in our family, he loves maths like my dad. Dad was the first person in Aust to do the diploma of Mathematics from the London University, by correspondence in early 1960’s.
So I made an optical illusion card for Thomas‘ 11th birthday on 26th Aug. last Thursday.
Digi was freebie that came up in google search of “optical illusion”.
Now Aussie photos, some flowers from our garden, my friend’s favourite colour is red 😁.
This pot plant is a mystery plant, a succulent is all I know for sure, a type of kalanchoe according to Google.

These are taken in our Botanic gardens the other day.
Last is a beach photo, we have had lots of wind lately.
Thanks so much those who’ve popped over for a peek and chat. I loved Le Tour de France Sprint win on Monday leg by our little Aussie sprinter, Caleb Ewan - he wove his way through from 300m out from 18th to 1st, a breathtaking overhead view! 
Praying God’s keeping upon you and those you love,
Prayer hugs, 🙏🤗
Shaz in Oz.x
Thought for day: 
This verse on card above, the full verse is 
“Cast thy burden upon the lord and He shall sustain thee; 
He shall not suffer the righteous to be moved” 
Psalm 55:22 is always uplifting.. because it points us to the Lord, He never fails when we seek Him. Such a comfort and strength in every circumstance, and only ever a prayer away. 
Over here is the first post since heart attack on Christian blog.
Sharing cards with following:
**All cards shared with Word Art Wednesday.. link here.
** NBUS challenge = NBUS= Not Used Before Schtuff 
Baby card, NBUS is Image, LOTV, DP Unkown, Circle Die, but octagon  with number is NBUS Nellie Snellen.
Allsorts theme chosen by Kath is “Going round in Circles” How I often feel 😁 = LOTV Image baby card has lots of circles or dots, and also the Ocaragon is actually a circle die byNellie Snellen circle die old set, as is NS border die and has dot edge EF is TH Dot Matrix.
**Not sure if can add second card of Optical illusion 11th birthday, but if can, adding it too, as has dots or circles all over it. 
Was hard on your eyes working on this card! Had to cover some of image as made me go cross eyed.