
Wednesday 5 October 2011

Surfs Up! Weddings, weeding and WOYWW!

Hullo there everyone!  another lovely day here and on a walk yesterday the surf was up and the grommets  were having a great day surfing. Junior surfers are called grommets (school holidays are on)
There was actually a surfing grommet competition at the next beach north up from where I was walking, I was on the rock wall, next to North Wall beach, and this is a really treacherous beach because the waves crash on to rocks! People drown sadly nearly every year too on this beach because of bad rips.

However this does not seem to deter them and thought that I would share a few of the pictures of them, and the marina as well – photo is one side of wall looking north east and other photo below is looking south west. 

A fisherman is down there rod-fishing, quite a few pleasure craft, and whale watching vessels. There are whales going past twice a year on their annual migration north and south according to the season

We also have fishing boats (+ yummy fresh fish at the co-op) & trawlers here and watched one unloading on my walk around. Trying to get fit after foot injury, as I have trip to Syd. Drs coming up soon.
Well the garden is claiming most of free time with the spring days and so here is a photo of our Hippeastrums in flower; there are available some amazing colours but I have the old original ones.
Now to the business end of our day - here is my desk.

There was this order for a wedding card and it meant craft gear was all over the place this morning for the card I was making – did a trial run first as it was for someone very special and really wanted a super card for them. 

 I was asked to do white, silver with a touch of purple - hence the colour scheme, which I really love. There are some Nesties in use here, plus Swiss spots embossing folder etc. Have to go and put finishing touches to card (yes, the initials aren't in the right place on it! - not glued down), then off to physio appointment so will give details on separate post. Just came in from an hour dental appointment - we do have interesting days!
To check out the glories of much more interesting desks do pop over to Julia’s blog and meet the rest of the crew at Julia's Stamping Ground!

I did miss you all last week; have hardly been in blogland and may not get as much done this week either as still not finished all the weeding, mulching, replanting etc.

Happy WOYWW (What is On Your Workdesk Wednesday) everyone –and may God richly bless you wherever you may be,
Shaz in Oz.x


  1. Ahhh, the photos of the sea look so inviting and how blue does the sky look?!! Wow - wish I was there now soaking up some warmth......

    Love the hippeastrums. I have a pot of red ones that belonged to my late father and every time they flower, they make me smile.

    Love the wedding card Shaz. I think the colours look very elegant and classy. I am sure the card will be very much appreciated by the recipients.

    Not much crafting happening around here. It is the 2nd week of school hols so very little interrupted crafting time these past 10 days and haven't done a lot of blog surfing either. Been thinking about making some more Christmas cards as time is flying by. Ooops, just been interrupted again, so I had better go...sigh....


  2. Such wonderful photos whilst England descends into pre Winter duskiness. I could dive right in... Enjoy that sun, looks divine. Great wedding card and colours in the make!
    Thanks for the peek! Sarah (at 11)

  3. Gorgeous wedding card Shaz. You are so lucky going into spring it looks really beautiful where you live. Thanks for sharing enjoy your garden and all the fab weather xx

  4. Oh my word Shaz, your photos do my heart good - sunshine, sea and the promise of a summer..and to hear you're preparing the garden....I really do wish I could spend 6 months a year here and there!
    The wedding card is lovely, just right I'd say; it always causes me masses of tidying up and ridiculous pressure when someone asks for something really specail!

  5. Beautiful card, garden and sea shots. So nice to have you back this week. My garden also needs my attention, but I would rather be getting inky!

  6. The beach looks absolutely incredible!

    The wedding card is perfect - love the touch of purple.

  7. Love the piccys oh do wish i was
    I absolutely love the beautiful; wedding card sure the person it's for will love them.the touch of purple just makes the card!
    Have fab wedensday and a creative week .Pop by as i have candy on offer until 26th
    hugs Judex9

  8. Didn't know you owed me an email - now you have me puzzled? Anyway, will be lovely to hear from you when you take time off from your busy gardening. Definitely missed you last week.
    Oh how lovely to walk along the cliffs and take in that magnificent scenery, such beautiful photos you have treated us all to. So nice to see such blueness when we, up in the north of England, are experiencing grey this week. Can't grumble had "golden" last week with rare sunshine.
    Must stop garbling along and say Thanks for sharing - Hugs, Neet (numero uno - yeah - at last!)

  9. Hi there, so lovely to see the photos of the beach and flowers. Your card is looking lovely too. Hope you have a lovely week.

  10. How wonderful to be able to go out and walk along the beach or just to sit and watch the surf on the rocks - my idea of heaven.Thank you for sharing that with us.

    Your card is really lovely, and the colour scheme is beautiful.

  11. What wonderful photographs... and I really love your embellished Spellbinder fancy tag!
    Have a great day!
    Chrissie #28

  12. Oh wow what a beautiful wedding card!!! I'm also on a wedding card on my little tray too. I hope mine turns out as nice as yours! Enjoy WOYWW!

  13. Hi there Shaz! I too spent a lot of time gardening over the past week, but with me it's pulling stuff up and making good for the winter! Lovely pics of the sea - brings back fond memories of when we went out into Hervey Bay, looking for humpbacks - saw them too :D Happy days!
    Hugs, LLJ xx

  14. What gorgeous photos, the weather looks good you can send me some of that blue sky if you have to much, it's a bit grey here!!

  15. To be able to take a walk and see all this must be the most wonderful thing! Love your card. It is absolutely gorgeous!

  16. What wonderful pictures and i love your card too.

  17. Beautiful photos Shaz - thanks for sharing - I love the flowers are they the same as Amaryllis. Love the colour. Thanks for the birthday wishes!! x Jo

  18. Beautiful photos Shaz, had to smile at the Grommets! Such a funny name! I have to get out in the garden too, but for us it will be clearing up and emptying out pots etc. Beautiful wedding card, LOVE the touch of purple, very classy.

    Brenda 67

  19. How interesting about the surfers.Lovely photos. We are in the process of planning a trip to Oahu and hope to see some surfers. Gorgeous classy card.
    Keep smiling and creating

  20. Thanks for your brilliant idea - why didn't I think of that? xx

  21. Your beach looks so lovely in your photos. We are just moving into autumn here in Spain, but we still have blue skies and interesting beaches, but not enough waves for surfing.
    I love the colours of your wedding card and the way you have used the nesties. Kate x

  22. What beautiful pictures...thank you for sharing! Always so interesting seeing pictures from different parts of the world. Your wedding card is gorgeous, you've really done a wonderful job! Thank you for letting me visit and have a wonderful week!

  23. Ah, you get Spring sunshine and I get rain and more rain, our patio is flooded today! Those rocks do look dangerous but lovely photographs - thanks for sharing. The colours on the card are just gorgeous ... I'm not wildly fond of purple but just putting a wee touch with the white and silver it's perfect. I'll be seeing the physio again next week and in the meantime I'm doing my exercises like a good girl - yes, it's an interesting life we lead :) Hope your week goes well. Elizabeth x #75

  24. Clever use of different nesties on the Wedding card and I like the colour combination. Can sympathise with the dentist. Went there yesterday too and landed a £120 bill and I didn't have anything wrong much my dentists disgust!!! Hugs Mrs A.

  25. That is a gorgeous card and those photos are stunning. We had a holiday near the sea last week - fabulous.
    Hope you are soon back to normal with your foot.

  26. Beautiful photos. Clear blue sies and sea. Love all the frills, lace and pearls on your desk. You've got a lovely card in the making. Those nesties mixed and matched help create something so classy. Love purple too.
    Liz xx

  27. Missed you last week, Shaz but what a treat to see these lovely photos. You are making me green with envy, you live in such a beautiful place and the weather looks fantastic.
    We were spoilt with high temperatures last week but it's all gone now and it's been awful today, high winds, driving rain and sooooo cold!!!! I'm emigrating to Oz.
    Love the flowers!!!!!
    Take care my friend
    Hugs Lisax

  28. The pictures and card are stunning. I agree the color combo is wonderful. Very regal.


  29. Your photos are beautiful Shaz! Just lovely!! Take care and I'll be back soon!

  30. Gorgeous photos, Shaz - lovely surfing one especially! - and as for that card, well, it's absolutely beautiful. Thanks for the comment on my blog. Don't you have clementines in Australia? They are very similar to satsumas, but perhaps you don't have them either - easy-peel baby oranges really, but with a different, sweeter flavour. Glad you liked my stuff!

  31. Hi Shaz,
    These pictures are lovely. I can almost smell the beach, the waves, hear the birds, and feel the warm sunshine, and, oh! the yummy smell of fisherman's co-op...I miss all these very much:).
    This is a lovely time of year. God's mercies are great.

    I love the wedding card, too. It's really beautiful.

    God Bless,

  32. WOW - great photo's Shaz. And I just ADORE that wedding card.

    Hugs, Sandra


Thanks so VERY much for taking the time to encourage me by your comments! You REALLY make my day, and may God bless you for it!
Shaz in Oz.x
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