
Monday 9 January 2012

What Is Our Life…?

Do you believe in co-incidences? A very dear friend, Isabella, once said to me some time back, “Co-incidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous”, and this saying occurs to me at such times.
Let me share with you this threefold co-incidence. When I recently re-vamped my blog for the New Year, I also chose a new “Verse To Ponder” to replace the Christmas one on my sidebar. I change these regularly. I chose: 
  Then the next day in his sermon our Pastor chose to preach from this very passage (click here to read the few verses in James 4:13-17). And then just tonight, in my devotional the passage is the very same one. There are 66 books in the Bible with some of them containing over 150 (Psalms) chapters, and yet God chose this again!

I think God has something to say to us here… or to me at least...
The reason the verse leapt out to me for selection on that day was as a consequence of a early morning phone call to say a friend, aged 38yrs, had died in his sleep that night.
He never lived to see 2012, as this was New Year’s Eve. We had known him since he was 12 years old. I pray for all who loved him, for God's comfort at such a time as this.

When such an unexpected event occurs it really puts life into perspective. As James says, I am not to boast myself of the morrow, and all I might do – but rather if the LORD will I will do this or that…
Where is this young man now? He is in heaven with his LORD and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Tim trusted in the Lord as a teenager, and was faithful to the to Him, to the best of his ability. That is all that is required. We are not expected to do what we cannot do… but God does enable us to do what we cannot imagine we will do. This blog is a small example of this in my life.

It is not wrong to plan, but it is wrong to let that plan control you and to rule you, and I need to remind myself of this.

I dedicate this post to a faithful servant of the LORD - Tim, till we meet again.   

“God holds the future in His hands
With grace sufficient for the day,
Through good or ill He gently leads,
If we but let Him have his way.
(By Rhors.)

Those who know Christ as their Saviour
Can face the future with joy.”

(Excerpt from Our Daily Bread. 5.1.2012)


  1. Dear Shaz,
    this is indeed an important verse to remember. We see it so often around these is only a vapour only what is done for Christ will last (as one quote says).
    The Lord often speaks to us in these 'coincidences'. I think they're really special. I like that: “Co-incidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous”.

    It is sad that someone so young would have to go so early, and yet it is a comfort that he knew the Lord and that he is not really dead because he is present with the Lord. May the Lord comfort his family and friends.

    Thanks for sharing this.
    God Bless, Sarah

  2. i am so sorry to hear about your friend but so glad that his family and friends have the consolation of the promise of eternal life. indeed, we never know what the future holds but we know who holds the future. hugs, hugs,
    peggy aplSEEDS

  3. Dear Shaz,
    This is a beautiful truth, that "those who know Christ as their Saviour can face the future with joy". Thank you for sharing this. May the Lord comfort this family, with the light and hope of His Presence.
    All praise to Jesus, for He holds this vapour of life in His Hands as we trust in Him. So that each day truly can be faced and met "as He wills".
    Thanks again for these words,

  4. Absent from the Body....Present with the Lord. In the blink of an eye we become present with the Lord. I find great joy in this. May the family of this man find strength and peace in this difficult time.

  5. Ohh, how sad for the young man's family. What a shock for all concerned!

    Such a beautiful verse from James. Thank you Shaz!


  6. Hello and condlences on the loss of your friend my heart goes out to you and all his family. I will remember you all in my prayers tonight.
    Also wanted to say thnakyou for becoming a follower and encouraging me in my efforts. Anne x

  7. Such tragic news and pray that his family are comforted by friends and scripture verse. So apt ... but, then again when is God's word not relevant in today's crazy fallen world.

  8. Shaz your words are so inspired and so true. Thank you for reminding us all that we must number our days, living each day for Christ as if it were our last. I feel so sorry for Tim's family and friends, but like you rejoice that those who have asked Jesus to be their Lord and Saviour WILL meet with Tim again. Oh what joy!

  9. Sorry to hear about your friend passing - yes, so young, but what joy to know that he is now in Glory enjoying the presence of his Saviour.


Thanks so VERY much for taking the time to encourage me by your comments! You REALLY make my day, and may God bless you for it!
Shaz in Oz.x
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