
Wednesday 22 February 2012

Psalm 27:1, 3a Illuminated - Finished at last. WOYWW!

Well how it seems a huge relief when a never ending task is finally completed - some of you may remember the beginnings way back here and now at long last and over fifity hours later of hard work (and  frustrating at times)I can show you:
Psalm.27:1 , 3a
The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?
 the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? 
Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear:
 Unfortunately my photo cuts out the top and bottom but this was the most accurate one colour wise which I have had time to take - so sorry about that! 
Tomorrow, God willing, I will give a more fulsome and very detailed steps of how this was accomplished. As I found recently when I was trying to explain to someone who was wanting to do one I did not have it all on one post so tomorrow I hope to do it from woe to go! 

So take a peek then if you want - will link it over for a new blog hop I have found too - no more time here, must fly - but do rush over to the best exploring and learning blog hop around at Julia's  - the Queen of WOYWW for What Is On Your Workdesk Wednesday!

Happy WOYWW everyone and may God bless your day wherever you may be,
Shaz in oz.x


  1. Gosh Shaz, this is gorgeous. I am SO in awe of your calligraphy skills. This turned out beautiful beyond words. Have a great WOYWW from #9 this week!

  2. Wow, that's a real lot of work there Shaz! You must have endless patience! Beautiful as usual! Happy WOYWW.

  3. Hi Shaz,

    This is beautiful! Wow. I will definitely come back and read the post on all that's involved in the making of this. It's just amazing.

    Thank you for my lovely card! It's up on my mantel in the living room. I love the colors and the sentiment. It's very special to me.

    #29 (I linked up early this week)

  4. WOW!!!!!! I'm speechless what a blessing you have! thanks for sharing.

  5. Awesome work...just lovely:)

    Mary Ann #23

  6. That is beautiful! I love the colors you choose.

    What a nice gift that would make for someone.

    Happy Woyww,

    Sandy #26

  7. Woooow! That came out really beautifully, Shaz! I love it:) the Lord has clearly guided you in this. The verse is very special, too.
    God bless,

  8. Shaz ..thats absolutely beautiful and such lovely keepsake you can hang.I know silly oclock here in uk but whilst awake thought id pop by and aee some desks.Have great creative week hugs judex 34

  9. That is a beautiful calligraphy piece, Shaz, and I really love that Scripture verse in Psalms!

    God bless,
    ~Joy @

  10. Shaz, this is a gorgeous piece of art. We had to memorize that in grade school and have never forgotten it.
    I peeped about last weeks also, Lovely Lilly plant and pretty photos. Just can't make ALL the stops each week so will play catch up I guess. Enjoy your WOYWW

  11. What a beautiful job you have done here.

  12. OH My gosh, you are talented beyond belief, having been a calligraphy student and not being able to get beyond trying to hold the pen right, I know what you mean and how much effort it takes to produce something like this, and to get the spelling right LOL.
    I bow to you my friend
    Bridget #54

  13. Oh ps I love your WOYWW sign, did you make it and how? Also can you take a close up of the word LORD, I want to see it betterer

  14. It looks gorgeous!
    Big hugs from the middle of the snowbanks!

    Tuire #37

  15. It is wonderful to see the finished piece after that tantalising pencil drafts a few weeks ago! I love the two tones of the letters and how it draws your eye down. Absolutely fantastic!

  16. Shaz, this is stunning! I am sure it is worth all your many hours of work on it... and now you can start another one! (ducks for cover)
    Happy WOYWW, Helen 41

  17. Beautiful! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina at 3:56 in the morning :)

  18. This is another beautiful creation! Well done my friend!

  19. Your illumniated art is simply stunning, Shaz. I love the delicate flower and vine detail. Happy WOYWW
    Cathy #59

  20. Now that, Miss Shaz In Oz, is an impressive desk shot! Oh my what a beauty, no wonder it's over 50 hours work...I hope you're pleased with it. Is it a commission - they'll be over the moon.

  21. Your work is just stunning Shaz and that piece is exceptional ... very well done to you. Debbie xXx

  22. O my word Shaz, This is Fabulous, such beauty, so worth all those hours of hard work, Have a peaceful week, Hugs May x x x

  23. Good morning, Shaz. I hope your weather is a little better than ours today. I know we are desperate for rain and heading for a drought, but it does look depressing out there. However your work really brings the sunshine back into our lives - it is just so beautiful. Speak to you soon, have a good week. xx Maggie #11

  24. Hi Shaz, what a beautiful piece......
    you should be so proud of this !!!
    love and hugs
    chris richards

  25. ...oh Shaz this is a stunning piece of work, your Calligraphy is a sight to behold...Mel :)

  26. I'm full of admiration for your caligraphy skills as this is a stunning piece of art and well worth all the hours and love you have put inot it.

    Ann B
    I have blog candy if you are interested

  27. Gobsmacked at the beauty of it. Just stunning. I need to go lie down...


    Mary Anne

  28. this is fantabulous! No that is not a word in the English dictionary, but one that says both fantastic and fabulous all rolled into one cos there just isn't a word good enough to describe this labour of love!

  29. Oh my stars, this is gorgeous!!!

  30. Wow Shaz, what an amazing piece you've produced, such painstaking work. It's absolutely lovely. My blog has always had that second line but some of the themes I've used over the years haven't supported it. I did wonder weather to leave it in there or not!!


    Thanks again for my lovely card.

  31. Goodness me Shaz, no wonder you have been otherwise occupied recently, what a stunning piece of work.

    You asked about the ink dusters, I got mine direct from Inkylicious who make them, but I noticed yesterday that Joanna Sheen sells them and as she has worldwide free P&P, would be a better option for you ?

    Have to say I am totally blown away by the ease in which you can blend colours and when using masks you seem to get much better shading than with a brayer....never thought I would admit that.

    B x

  32. WOW Shaz that is just so beautiful, a really amazing piece of artwork :)

    Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Luv Karen xx

  33. That is some calligraphy! And a half! Beautiful work Sharon, the gold looks to be standing proud of the background. The shaded lettering is superb and the whole is breathtaking.

    Thank you so much for sharing (and your comments on my blog - loved them) - Hugs, Neet 33

  34. Wow its fantastic, you are so talented! xx

  35. Hi Shaz, your calligraphy piece is gorgeous ... I'm not at all surprised it took fifty hours, it is truly beautiful. Love the gold lettering. The recipient will be well chuffed with it. Hope you are well and rested after that mammoth task. Elizabeth x #80

  36. This is stunning - love the colours, you are talented. Enjoy this week's WOYWW snoop around the world. Take care Zo xx 81

  37. Gorgeous absolutely gorgeous - just love it! Karen 131 x

  38. beautiful piece of caligraphy,am sure you are very proud of all your hard work,x

  39. your work is Sooo beautiful I wish I had your patience . . 50 hours of my gosh.
    happy WOYWW
    janet #8 ish

  40. You amaze me every time I see one of your works of art! Everything about this is beautiful! Do you also draw all the little flowering vines?
    xoxo Karen (aka to you as Kaz!)

  41. stunning! this is so beautiful! happy WOYWW, and thanks for sharing!
    peggy aplSEEDS

  42. Beautiful work! You are so talented! :) x

  43. Your calligraphy is stunning - it's so intricate! Happy WOYWW,

  44. gorgeous! bet you are glad to be done! I am a bit late getting around this week but I forgot to post on Wednesday and have been busy all week. Just wanted to make the rounds and remind everyone my blog candy closes on Tuesday night of next week and I will announce winners on Wednesday. Drop by become a follower and leave a comment for a chance to win. Vickie #173

  45. Wow, that is absolutely fabulous!

  46. So sorry about the word verification thing - I scoured my blog and I don't even have it turned on and from the reading I did it seems to be a random thing that blogger is doing from time to time for 24 hrs........ Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment it was especially appreciated x


Thanks so VERY much for taking the time to encourage me by your comments! You REALLY make my day, and may God bless you for it!
Shaz in Oz.x
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