
Wednesday 1 February 2012

Step by Step Calligraphy - Illuminated Text and WOYWW 139!

(Anyone who has not joined in this Blog's candy, please click on the candy side bar )

Well, it is wet, wild and woolly here again today, we have had 135mm (over 5 1/2ins) in about 4 and half hours and we are on flood watch again. Praying it may ease, and does seem to be doing so.

For bloggers who have been concerned, I am thankfully not in a flood area but am praying for those who are - one of my good friends is, and was flooded badly last year. It is tidal here as well and thankfully the high tides are not big this week, they were last week. We came off okay last week, for which I was thankful to the Lord. It was flooded north, south and west of here and the highway and major roads were closed for few days on coast and some were inland. 
A land of contrasts is our Australia - as Dorothea Mackellar said in My Country : 
"I love a sunburnt country a land... of droughts and flooding rains, 
I love her wide horizons, I love her jewel sea..."
Now to the purpose of this post, WOYWW, or for those who are unaware (are there any?) What is On Your Workdesk Wednesday hosted by the brilliant Julia, find her at her Stamping Ground for our worldwide blog hop – HERE!  
As you can see I am still in a mess – but very different variety. I am in the middle of doing some calligraphy. My desk this week will give you a few progressive shots.
You will see the layout changes quite a bit from the first to the next ones.

  Picture one is the beginning where I “fiddle-faddle” around; praying as I go, God's Word is living Word and need to be considered carefully and prayed over, that the true meaning shines through.
So here I am trying to work out the best emphasis for the words, and the most balanced layout. This can take some time (days, weeks sometimes) and lots of sheets of scrap paper…and make a few mistakes too - there is one on there – however it is checked at each of the many stages…

Photo 2 is the final choice of layouts thus far revised and working on the size of the prints lines, once the layout is sorted.

You can see on Picture 1, I have used double ended calligraphy textas (which would horrify a true calligrapher) to work out the letter sizes. 
Once this is decided, I then transfer to tracing paper( picture 3). I use tracing paper for several reasons.
Primarily, this is because the decoration can take some fiddling, and then the good paper may be messed with drawing, erasing, etc. 
Secondly if someone asks me to do it again as another order, I have it to this stage already to lift out of my file. Saves a lot of time and it is not unusual to be asked again as have a portfolio, and give a discount for ones done before, because of time saved.

The last stage today’s desk is the tracing paper layout in pencil and I am fiddling with the design of decoration. God willing, next week will have it on the paper next week and up to the inking in stage…

Here is the last pickie, a piece of a weed as I call it, a Mother-in-law Tongue is what is commonly called here. The funny thing is they have become very fashionable and expensive to buy at nurseries! But this one decided to grow between our fence and the flower is rather attractive I thought! Well, off to peek at some other desks (as much time allows, sorry if don’t get around to all!)…

Thanks everyone for popping over for a peek and chat, and may God bless your day wherever you may be,

Shaz in Oz. x

 PS. Thanks so very much for all the new Wonderful Encouragers of this humble blog - you are all appreciated more than words can say. It still amazes me that folk like to pop over here! so a big welcome to you one and all, and many thanks to those who have been wonderfully encouraging over a longer time. :D
PPS. I have changed the design a little as you will see next week, God willing, taking on board the comment made by Sarah below, and in more prayer with the LORD... so thanks everyone for your thoughts on this! I deeply appreciate you all...mind you am rubbing out again!! As I found three top lines were slightly crooked by 1mm - 3mm, amazing how it suddenly leaps put at you - this why it is not done on paper first!


  1. Shaz, твоя каллиграфия прекрасна. Это большой труд. Для меня это не постижимо, как ты это пишешь. Бог благословляет твои руки, ибо Его Слово всегда перед твоими глазами и в твоем сердце.
    Люблю, Виктория.

    1. )) ... VikaJan 31, 2012 01:31 PM (From Ukraine)
      Shaz, your calligraphy is beautiful. This is great work. For me it is not understandable, as you write. God bless your hands, because His word is always in front of your eyes and in your heart.
      I love you, Victoria.

  2. Oh shaz, I do admire your precision and the beauty of you calligraphy. so much work.
    It's funny to see your weed, I have had a Mother-in-Law's tongue in my kitchen since I got married (nearly 33 years).
    They only grow indoors here and It has never flowered.It is about 4ft tall.
    I have given you an award, you can see it onmy blog this week. Keep dry!

  3. Dear Shaz,
    Sorry, I haven't been around your blog much lately...been.very busy with assignments and things:)
    This is a lovely verse. I like the layout and I can't wait to see it all done. I just have a small observation which I'm not sure was intentional or not. The 'is' is missing from 'The Lord is my light and my salvation'. IDon't know but I have a sight feeling it is important to keep in the layout somehow. Though, perhaps, it may not be a big deal, too. I don't know.
    Will be praying for you.
    Love in Him,

    1. Hi there Sarah, Actually that was part of the design in the end -
      the LORD light and
      my salvation
      the strength of my life..
      The lady who ordered it wanted a fairly long verse in not a large text but wanted it to be easy to read ie large print so had to play around a really lot. It was important to leave int e the words that were relevant and tried to to do that wisely. love and God bless, Shaz.x

  4. It was a treat to see more of your calligraphy, Shaz. I cherish the words of this psalm.
    Praying with you the rain would cease. Sounds like it is falling so thickly in your area. We're having a drier day, with possible rain this afternoon.
    God bless you,
    Love maddy

  5. Praying that the rains will hold off and that flooding will go down, but so conscious of those who are affected long after the water subsides because of the damage it does. Your calligraphy is outstanding - how I wish I could do something like that - (Hazel, WOYWW #10) x

  6. Seeing all this calligraphy remind's me of my uncle, he had a way with the pen just like you do, thanks for sharing and invoking my thoughts.

    Happy Wednesday x
    Minxy x

  7. Hi Shaz, Sorry I haven't been around for a while. Have had "summer flu/hayfever" or something, and blogger had been making things a bit difficult too. Anyway, all OK now. I've got a few of those MIL plants too. Don't actually like them but they have a certain artistic look about them, don't you think? Can you recommend a good "calligraphy texta" that I could use just for "nice" writing? I would never have the patience to pursue beautiful calligraphy like yours. Hope you are well. Happy WOYWW!

  8. I have a couple of blogging friends who live in Australia and they must live in an area where it doesn't rain. They tell me the drought is so bad there, life is actually threatened by lack of rain. What an amazing country you must live in. Happy WOYWW. I'm # 30 this week.

  9. You do beautiful work...It lifts my heart!

  10. Hi there. Prayers and thoughts for those affected by the rains down your way. It's great to have a peek into your crafty world and the progress of your work this morning thanks to the wonders of WOYWW! Hope the rest of your week goes well too.
    Neil #48

  11. ...looks like you've been a very busy lady Shaz...your writing is so beautiful...hope the rain stays away for you...we are under the threat of snow this weekend with temps of -10 brrrrr...have a wonderful day...Mel :) xx

  12. Hope you continue to stay safe from the flooding! Great read today and lovely to see the stages of your work.

  13. Your piece is going to be just lovely! As for the Mother In Law's Tongue...we don't consider them weeds in the USA. I've only seen them in pots growing and cared for tenderly!

  14. Hi Shaz, always look forward to your posts ... love the quote from Dorothea Mackellar, not heard of her so not read My County, might search it out on Amazon later. So interesting to see the various steps you go through to create your beautiful calligraphy works too. And although we do grown mother-in-law's tongue here as an indoor plant, I don't believe I have ever seen it flowering ... and it is prettier than I'd expect.

    I do hope your weather improves before it turns to disaster for you all. Hope you have a wonderful week.

    Elizabeth x #78

  15. Gorgeous work, Shaz - a lot of thought goes into the layout and design, doesn't it? Beautiful results however :) Here's hoping that the rain abates and no-one gets flooded out this time.
    Hugs, LLJ #68 xx

  16. Oh my goodness, you are way too superior in your talent with calligraphy. Do you think you could do my name in calligraphy and how much would it cost? And what font choices can I pick?
    Glad I could help you with your blog question.
    Bridget #72

  17. Fab peek into your world, glad you are safe. Hope you enjoy this WOYWW. Zo x 89

  18. I never ceased to be amazed at your beautiful work Shaz! I am intrigued by calligraphy, I adore it and only wish I could do it! Thank you for sharing some of your techniques on this. It is so interesting! You are so blessed and gifted! After starting an exegesis on a book I was given,I found it totally inaccurate. It has been a blessing to come to your blog and find God's Word beautifully and accurately written...what excellent timing! My Spirit has been lifted! I have not been aware of the flooding in Australia as I don't get to see much news and our friends live in Brisbane, (8 Mile Plains), so no news. I hope and pray things will be better than last year....such tragedy.Take care and God bless you richly for your faithfullness!

  19. Glad to hear you aren't threatened by the flooding. Will keep your friend in my thoughts! I love all the work you are doing...and it is work. My DD does Illumination for a local Society for Creative Anachronism...SCA and makes badges, posters, and diplomas for them. It is a lot of work. I have several pots of Mother in Laws tongue that I have been growing for years bringing it in during the winter etc. I was given one piece long ago and keep repotting and giving it away! I am offering up some blog candy so come leave a comment on my blog and get a chance to win! Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Vickie #87

  20. Such a pleasure to see a little of the process involved in your beautiful calligraphy. I think the whole world is affected by this crazy weather .. my heart really goes out to the people who were affected by the rain last year and now.

  21. Hi Shaz
    long time no see, sorry to hear about all your bad weather hope it soon starts to get better, lots of gorgeous work to look at, beautiful,thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x(54)

  22. Beautiful work Shaz. I know it must take an age to plan out and do properly but it is wonderful when finished.
    Ann B

  23. Your work Shaz is outstanding that is why people visit your blog and a lovely lady to go with it, thoughts & prayers that the rain will ease , Have a great week, Hugs May x x x

  24. Love popping in to see all your fabulous work...hoping the rins soon pass have a great wek, Happy WOYWW

  25. you do such interesting work.............and how smart to keep a copy for your records!!! Stay dry and be safe!!

  26. Love the crafty space, fab, Happy WOYWW Hun, hoping this posts as I have had issues all week!!

    Lou P

  27. Thanks for showing us your process, it is quite a labor of love.

  28. They always say that a weed is just a flower in the wrong place. I don't think tat plant would do too well in our climate, although with global warming, who knows. Warming -- it was freezing last night, everything was white over with frost. I really admire your patience and meticulous work on those calligraphy projects. They are just so beautiful. xx Maggie #112

  29. Shaz you are so clever with your calligraphy, it always looks amazing :) I do hope you, your family and your friends will all be kept safe during your awful weather, hopefully it will ease very soon :)

    Have a great WOYWW, Luv & hugs Karen #108

  30. It's great to see your thought process when creating your gorgeous Calligraphy, Shaz. You put so much time and love into it, no wonder it is so stunning.
    Thanks for the flowers. Fancy them becoming fashionable , we rarely see them here now although they are indoor plants.
    Hope you stay safe with all the floods.
    Thinking about you my friend.
    Hugs Lisax

  31. Hi, I hope the floods don't come your way. What a super desk today the calligraphy is beautiful work, I have to laugh at the mother in laws tongue growing in the garden, not much chance of that happening in Scotland. Have a lovely Wednesday. Laura

  32. Hi Shaz,

    I'm back to let you know I WILL be using rocking horses in my ABs, since I am offering free classes on them. Looks like you missed my WOYWW post and went straight to my calendar post.

  33. I didn't realise how much work went into Calligraphy! You do it so beautifully. I hope the weather stays good to you. xx

  34. What a beautiful verse. Your calligraphy is truly stunning.

    Hop ethe weather gets better for you soon.

    Laura #86

  35. Hi Shaz,

    Your calligraphy is amazing! I love seeing the different steps to finalizing a piece.

    I'm glad you are not in the flooding area and pray for those that are. I was evacuated from my home for a week last year due to wildfire - the entire town was evacuated. Water is just as destructive as anything - sometimes more so.

    I'm not participating in WOYWW this week as I didn't get photos taken. Thought I'd take a peek anyway.


  36. thanks for this week's crafty are so talented to be able to do the beautiful calligraphy...hugs kath (63)

  37. It's great to see the progress of calligraphy in action - I was interested in it and illuminated letters a bit when I was at school but then I got distracted with other things. It's terrible that I live in Ireland and have never gone to see The Book of Kells.

    I'm attempting to get around everyone's woyww posts this week (a new one for me!) I don't usually have time to get round everyone.
    But I haven't done my own post yet - it'll have to wait til I get home from work this evening.


  38. Thanks for a great crafty snoop this week. Loving those flowers, and your calligraphy is beautiful

  39. Hi Shaz, it's so interesting to see the stages you go through to produce such lovely calligraphy. I would love to see the finished piece of work when you have completed it. What a talent!

  40. Hi Shaz. Lovely to see a 'walk through' as it were, of how you work. Mother in laws tongue is what they are called over here too- wierd to see what we class as a houseplant growing wild! thanks for the help with the scheduled post- it worked! Yippee! lol. Have a great week, Shaz

  41. Well thanks to the wonders of WOYWW I’m here having a peek into your crafty world this week and there seems to be much going on.

    You must really love what you do with your Calligraphy because there’s so much work goes into each piece.

    I hope the rest of the week’s turns out to be just as crafty.

    Happy Crafting!

  42. Happy WOYWW and beautiful Calligraphy it is an art form that is almost extinct, yet you do it with so much finesse, tfs

  43. I never realized that so much work went into great calligraphy. I mean, I knew it wasn't something one just whipped out! It was interesting to see how it progresses from a thought in your head to the final part (which I hope we get to see!).

  44. Oh MY!!! You have the patience of a saint! Just beautiful!!
    Sorry, I haven't been around. Just recently got internet again.
    BTW, LOVE your cards! I am so going to try your faux marble technique. Thanks for the tutorial.
    Have a great week and stay dry!

  45. Ashamed to say I was not a follower, was convinced I was as I have always admired your work so.
    Amendment now made.
    Love your calligraphy, such a talent.
    MIL's tongue? We buy it and grow indoors, shows how different our climate is and I am going backj to England next week where it is set for icy conditions. Cannot believe how warm it is here in California - in January!
    Take care - Thanks for sharing - Hugs, Neet #1512 xx

  46. Thanks for your extra visits this week and all your lovely comments. As far as the Kindle books are concerned, we have a number of authors that we particularly like, and do reread their books, especially a lady called Joyce Stranger who wrote about animals and life in the country, both fiction and non-fiction. I was fortunate enough to correspond with her for about a year before she sadly died, so her books mean a lot to us, and bring back memories of the help she gave us with our two dogs. I also tend to speed read, and each time I reread a good book I find things in it that I had not taken in before.

  47. Such wonderful work you do. How blessed are the people who receive it!
    We are having very bad rains over here in South Africa too, the weather seems to have gone completely bonkers. One day it is so hot you can hardly breathe and the next it rains all day!
    Happy belated WOYWW

  48. Hi Shaz, I was pleased to see your name over on WOYWW, I was a regular contributor for a long time and must have stopped round about the time you joined, but good to see our paths have crossed again. Your writing looks lovely -my Grandaughter, Caitlin aged 8 has just had her first pen but as yet has not mastered using it. Right off to play with my beads, enjoy your week and I hope the weather stays good for you and your friends. Speak soon, ikki x

  49. Hi forgot to say you were right -the green beads are stones called Chrysotine. I mainly use semi precious gems, I just love the feel and it's really relaxing to work them. I show some in the Cupboard soon. ikki x

  50. Great desk...great thought process....wonder why it is all so familiar??

  51. Hello Shaz Just thought I'd let you know how absolutely wonderful the work you do is. I just love them all. Love YSIC Yve

  52. I had no idea that Such a lot of work went into calligraphy - shouldn't be surprised tho because it is so beautiful and anything that looks as wonderful as that, would take a lot of time and effort, so i gather that you can use 'normal paper' while you are 'working out and preparing' and then special paper for the final piece???
    It looks amazing you are very talented. I enjoy looking and reading your creations. Hope you have a lovely weekend & the weather improves and that all stay safe in the flood areas. Lou x

  53. Gosh that's a lot of work to put one piece together, although I can see it's larger than the ones you normally work on. Hope the rain stops soon, it's either feast or famine isn't it?

    Brenda 115

  54. I'm late of course, but totally entranced by your working method, what a marvellous post. That amount of rain in a few hours is incredible....a huge storm front...I hope by now it has passed and yndyour fri ends are safer.

  55. corrr, I love your caligraphy, I do a bit every so often, tis very therapeutic isn't it... looking forward to seeing your finished piece x Sorry am late, doing a mahoosive catch up today :O))


Thanks so VERY much for taking the time to encourage me by your comments! You REALLY make my day, and may God bless you for it!
Shaz in Oz.x
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