
Monday 18 November 2013

Jan's Birthday card - Painting made into Digi Image

Hullo there everyone, just a brief post today.
I made this card ages go now for my step mum, Jan's birthday in April. I really really loved it. The focal image is a digi image I made from one of Jan's watercolour paintings. {Just print it out in size you want in high resolution on good card}
When visiting them this painting below was on their lounge room floor, ready to go to an exhibition, and I took this photo on my mobile. Then asked dad if he would email me the photo they always take before framing, as thought it would make a great card. Dad paints too, but mainly oils and have shown his works before too here and here.
As you can see this is nothing like the original one which I printed out for the card the colour is not quite right. Used LOTV sentiment and two types of snippets of DP to match the image. Spellbinder scallops rectangles to mount it and scrap of SU ribbon bow was tied with bow easy.
Thanks all you dear folks, I am very busy and not quite 100% so blogging is limited. I hope to show the calligraphy texts by my class later this week (when have sorted out the images).
Thank you for popping over for a peek and chat, and may God bless your day wherever you may be , Shaz in Oz.x
Word Art Wednesday - Anything goes.


  1. Really so very pretty and lovely work.

    B x

  2. A gorgeous painting and lovely how you have made into a card. I have started doing the same with my oil paintings. Taking a photo of them and then printing off in word onto good quality card stock and making into cards. Hope you feeling better soon. Hugs Mrs A.

  3. Oh how beautiful Shaz - it's just perfect and lifted a heavy heart here tonight. Just pain, nothing more. but it does grind one down :(

    Hugs, Di xx

  4. So pretty Shaz and in my very favorite color!

  5. You very talented artist out there!! loverly!!

  6. Wonderful painting and beautiful card! You have showcased it brilliantly! I hope you feel 100% very soon - take care! xx

  7. That is such a wonderful image. Nice to see how you used them in a couple of different projects. I am totally blessed by your artwork. Thanks for sharing with us at Word Art Wednesday. Hugs, always!

    JO ANN

  8. This is so very pretty Shaz! Bet she loved it too!

    How nice that they are both artists!
    Like you...

  9. Such a beautiful card from a beautiful painting! Bravo! I do hope and pray you are feeling much better soon. xxx

  10. I love this pretty card, the flowers are such a gorgeous colour.
    Jean x

  11. A fabulous painting and a beautiful card
    Rosie x

  12. Ohhh, this is so pretty Shaz. What a fantastic idea - and I am sure your step-Mum really loved her card and thought it was very special.

    {{hugs}} and prayers
    Jocelyn x


Thanks so VERY much for taking the time to encourage me by your comments! You REALLY make my day, and may God bless you for it!
Shaz in Oz.x
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