
Friday 23 April 2021

Two-fer Challenge + NBUS + Snippets Playground +Stencil Ink Resist Brushos Gilding Flakes

 Hi there everyone! Sooo sorry I’ve been soo silent, I am quite sure there are less hours in a day or maybe it me going slower!? 😉 I’m  popping into share my Two-fer, Snippets and NBUS with Simon Says “hugs”! Okay, multi-tasking is the go!

Firstly my Twofers, which I will share all about below!
My desk earlier... I’m sharing this picture to show you what I made my card topper from - a frozen meal packet.. a real snippet! It’s lovely and white, excellent for watercolour, so I used a brusho background, Cobalt, Sandstone and Yellow, then added the lovely Paper Roses Gumleaf stencil first used back here! All details there.

I wanted to use gilding flakes with this stencil but flitter glue is not easy to remove so didn’t want to use it. (Have made masks or stencils before with dies and thrown them away- see here). Anyway decided to try Cosmic gold stencil paste and then lay gold leaf loosely over it. When dried overnight brushed it off, and burnished it with my finger as stray bits stick even with brush.

This technique - ie gold stencil paste with gilding flakes is my NBUS (Never Before Used Schtuff). Not sure if technique included in Schtuff, but I was really delighted with result so thought I’d share it there! The gilding flakes were multi coloured. And now I think of the gold paste was new anyway! Not that you can see it. Hugs die is by  Impression Obsession.

My offering for TWO-FER “Leaves” challenge (see here), .. t’other card, is similar to one one done on linked post above, in different colours. Used DI Antique Linen at top, under the SU French script, white heat embossed background.. rest were Gansai Tambai watercolour in blues. Used rough hot pressed water colour pad, which you’re not supposed to use with stamping.

Mm, think some rules are made to broken and yes, has LOTS OF texture but still works well, just need to be careful with plenty of anti static powder, inky plus stamp, don’t rush your stamping, press really well and take your time. Had no multiple stamping as it is a wooden stamp. Used Distress oxides in blue on gum blossoms stencil.
Just sharing a THREE-Fer, another card made with this stencil, similar colours but the other different gumleaves shapes and no blossoms, it’s on the other side of the stencil!! Otherwise the same just lemon watercolour on base of blue, instead of DI Antique Linen.

Now to the Aussie photos, here are some kookaburras..

Three in our yard in deciduous frangipani, and one when was out walking..
Cosmos from front garden, first time ever grown them. Just sprinkled seeds from a dead head or two from a neighbour, and have a great show, that’s my kind of gardening!
Lastly a couple of Aussie seascape. Second one, has a wind surfer in it .. or paraglider, having fun! 

Thanks so much for popping over, dear ones, especially if you pop over to say hi. I'm sorry, still struggling to comment , do often visit folks, but on mobile comments often difficult. This post is done in mobile device too.

Loads of thanks and gentle prayer hugs.

Especially praying the Lord will watch over all of you, and keep you and those you love safe, 

Shaz in Oz.x 

Thought of the Day:

“O taste and see that the LORD is good,

blessed is the man that trusteth in Him” Psalm 34:8 

If we but look - we can see the finger of God in the beautiful handiwork of creation, in a bird, a flower or even clouds (which I love), they can all hold you breathless, at their beauty. 

How can one look at the rapidly changing sky, see the power and beauty of the ocean or the trees and doubt there is a hand that created it??

And this wonderful Creator God wants us to have a personal relationship with Him, through His Son Jesus’ death on the cross of Calvary for my sin, yours and the sins of the whole world

This gift of salvation is not ours till we take it by faith, believing.

What treasure we then have! A home in heaven .. by faith in Jesus.

 Indeed “TASTE and see that the LORD is good, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee.”

 Linking up with the following challenge:

1. gilding flakes card.

2. Word art Wednesday Anything goes!

3. Twofer challenge with Gumblossom stencil 

4 Snippets playground. Gilding flakes card.

5. Simon says Wednesday challenge - Sending Hugs .. gilding flake card with hugs on it!

6. We love Chocolate Baroque - Sprintime inspiration - Gumblossom card with stamped ink resist. 


  1. The kookaburra photos are lovely dear Shaz, along with the beautiful cards you've created to be shared.
    Dennis and I often talk about the fact that looking around you, at how everything works together perfectly, how can anyone ever doubt the love of a perfect Creator? Just look at our fingers, how they work and move with just a mere thought in our mind. And the mountains and oceans, trees and flowers.
    I hope and pray that you are doing better and better each day.
    Love and Blessings,

  2. So many wows! in this post!
    Love your cards, especially the stencilling with the gold leaf.
    Fabulous photos, loving the Cosmos.
    Thanks for sharing with us at We Love Chocolate Baroque challenge.

  3. Great use of the packaging, would never have guessed it is underneath all that
    lovely stenciling. Guesting over on Miss Di's blog. Hugs Mrs A.

  4. Two fabulous and different cards Shaz. Lovely Aussie Pic's..Loz

  5. Two really gorgeous creations, with a lovely image and super backgrounds. Thank you for joining our 'Springtime' challenge at We Love Chocolate Baroque.

    Kath x

  6. Fabulous cards Shaz, and love seeing that you use freezer foods packaging to watercolour, I have to try! Love the gold stencil paste for the leaves! Fab Aussie shots as always and love your new pink Cosmos!

  7. ... Forgot to say thank you for sharing with us at We Love Chocolate Baroque challenge :)

  8. Wonderful cards Shaz, absolutely love the different looks you've achieved with that stencil! (Still haven't used mine!) The stamping on the watercolour paper adds lots of interest, and I agree, sometimes rules don't need to be followed, hope you are well, Cathy x

  9. All the cards you posted are beautiful, Shaz! Your design for your Twofer is brilliantly executed on both cards! Love the Oz photos, too! Thank you for playing in TCC #37! Hugs, Darnell xoxo

  10. Your comment about hours in the day made me smile Shaz as often think the very same and like you concluded it's just me getting slower. There again you could turn it on it's head and say we just savour things more so therefore it must take longer?

    Beautiful creation as always, the gold embossing looks so lush and rich, many thanks for sharing and joining us at We Love Chocolate Baroque 'Springtime' theme this month.

    B x

  11. What beautiful cards Shaz - I love how you created a 'new' technique with the gold leaves - they are stunning! The backgrounds are all stunning too - love the one with the script on it.
    I know what you mean when you feel the days are going much faster than you :)
    Stay safe

  12. Incredible cards, Shaz. The colors alone, on each card, are really eyecatching. That stencil is fabulous, too. Your use of gold stencil paste with the gold leaf was a very clever idea! Such pretty cards. Thank you for joining us at The Twofer Challenge. Stay safe. Bev

  13. Love what you have done with the stencil and the gold , gorgeous look to it, they are really all just beautiful!
    So neat to see birds I haven't seen before.

  14. Nice cards you made. I like the kookaburra birds on your tree. I printed a bunch of photos on my canon pro-10 printer when I was printing out a few photos the last weekend. I put them into cards I get from Photographer's Edge. Photos are into a frame. You can actually put the card into a 5x7 inch frame and hang on wall as well. I put stickers on some of them to go with the photo. When I was looking where the hotel will be at in Anchorage, Alaska, (where we'll be staying at when at AK) I saw a park that's close. It's by a bay. It would be fun to see that while there. I like the photos of the ocean close to you. Most likely warmer than Oregon!!! Thanks for the scripture. So true that God loves us. Have a good weekend!

  15. Perfect recycling there and that inky background is just beautiful. The script showing through your second leaf is an inspired idea and gives a very special look. I must try that. Alison, Twofer GD

  16. Your cards are stunning mon amie! My brushos always look like mud, I am definetly doing something wrong! I love your idea of using stencil paste with foil, superb! As usual, your shots of your beautiful country are gorgeous. I would love to visit you! Yes, we are getting older and slower, time to scale back on our agendas!

  17. Ah! The golden leaves look amazing against the bluish sky, soo pretty! I also like the colors of the other two cards with the white script detailing.

  18. So many gorgeous creations! Thank you for joining us at We love Chocolate Baroque

  19. Really clever to use the packaging and I adore the gold on your snippets card - so rich with the blue.


    Di xx

  20. Hi Shaz, loving the cards and hope you're keeping okay. Sending hugs, Angela xxx


Thanks so VERY much for taking the time to encourage me by your comments! You REALLY make my day, and may God bless you for it!
Shaz in Oz.x
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