
Wednesday 26 January 2011

Happy Australia Day, Australia! +What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 86

Today is the 26th of Jan. and so that is why I have begun with the happy Australia day!! and it is a corker of a day! lovely and warm ( about 29C max.) and a swim at the creek is on the agenda hopefully, at high tide - a great way to celebrate! Looks good, eh??.. this was two days ago and I was too busy to swim..but will today all being well! A great way to celebrate!
A special prayer for all in Qld, NSW & Vic. suffering from floods and praying God will indeed bless Australia!

This Monday evening past my sisters and I made our annual pilgrimage to Weight Watchers... sigh! after Christmas and New Year, one must face the inevitable! Thus the books on my workdesk!
The last few days all my spare time has been spent studying the new programme as it has changed quite a bit this year. We go each year till we get to where we want to be and then skip the rest of the year (so we can put it all back on!).. kind of!?
... Oh, I know that is not our plan or Weight Watchers but it does seem to be what happens, and I know from the faces there that we are not the only ones that do this! Maybe it is something to do with being women, or being the age we are, or all of that?
I thought I would also do another calligraphy post as I was asked to do so on my first Wednesday two weeks ago!! Better even up the score.. cards are well and truly winning thus far.
So here is my very first piece of work done on vellum in dip pen and Textura text done not that long ago. To see the detail more clearly you might like to click on the picture. Tried several re-loads and resizes to get it clearer but this is the best I could do.

It is hanging in my bedroom, it is done in gouache and gold leaf (23carat) and I love it! It is from Jeremiah 9: 23, 24, and it is a beautiful passage.
Chap.9:vs 23) Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches:
vs[24] But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the LORD

So there you are Lizzy here is another calligraphy post just for you! I will try and be more regular in them. I actually have to get back into it as have orders so maybe you will see the work in progress in the weeks ahead! God willing!

Oh, and to join in the fun of WOYWW, make sure you drop by Julia's Stamping Ground!   Happy WOYWW, everyone!

PS. for those of you who kindly asked.. my family and I were mercifully spared from the floods but we know folk who were not and so pray for them and the many many others, and yes! our celebrations today were in some part tinged with sorrow.
On a brighter note, my swim was superb!! : D

PPS. Re the illuminated work: it is all done by hand, the scroll-work included.. no stamping etc as I was asked. That is why I dont do as many posts as they take so long..30 to 50 hours depending on size as opposed to a couple of hours.

For the record all colour (and black) and painting is done in Gouache, which is sort of water-based paint and the gold leaf is built up with a glue size then gilded. I was supposed to pounce the vellum with a powder similar to Embossing buddy to stop the dip pen gripping into the vellum as you write - but did not find out till I had finished it! Not necessary on paper but vellum is different.
Ah well! next time, would have helped a lot if I had known..


  1. Happy Australia day to you too!
    Your calligraphy is amazing!Thanks so much for showing it!
    Enjoy the rest of the day!
    Chrissie #5

  2. Happy Australia Day!! I am ever so slightly green at those temps!! Loving the calligraphy Hels #6

  3. I read about Australia Day on another blog yesterday. I know it's probably hard to celebrate and have a day of fun and games when so many are homeless due to the floods. I hope that you are far away from them. What beautiful calligraphy. You do great work. Happy WOYWW and Australia Day from #10.

  4. Happy Aussie Day, Oh how i long for a day as warm and bright as your photo lol
    Love the penmanship of your piece.
    Thanks for visiting me :D
    Happy Wednesday
    Minxy #1

  5. Wonderful projects, gorgeous pics, what a lovely day! Thanks for the peek and sharing. Hugs, Marjo #7, Happy WOYWW.

  6. Your calligraphy page is great - and so seems to be the weather too! Here in Finland is a cold winter day - even though the sun is shining :)
    Very happy Austrailia Day!

  7. Happy Australia Day Shaz! Gorgeous calligraphy. I love your weight watchers routine lol I'm probably a bit that way inclined at the moment. Shed a couple of kilos pre wedding and now am back to pre-wedding weight and once the pants get snug again, I'll go to the gym more often! I love food too much! Just about to try my first attempt at a cheese cake. Cookies and cream with oreos. xo

  8. Those calligraphy pictures are so lovely, really something to be proud of. They are so much more intricate than even parchment work. Happy Australia Day. I need the Starship Enterprise "Beam me up Scottie" thing to come and join you in the nice warm weather. Got to be better than dull, wet, miserable weather. By the way, thanks for dropping by so early. I actually uploaded at about 9 minutes past midnight. Hopefully, I have sorted the strange photos problem now and have added a bit to my blog.

  9. Happy Australia day. Really love your calligraphy piece. What talent.
    A x

  10. Beautiful work! And yes, it is a good verse to put on your wall. Flooding is terrible! And not only in Australia! Hope you'll do better this year with your weight goal! Patsy from

  11. Happy Australia Day to you, I wish it was 29c here in the UK instead of being cold, wet and dreary!!!
    I love your calligraphy work, it is beautiful.
    Have a great WOYWW,
    Karen #84

  12. thanks everyone for lovely words on calligraphy.. all glory to God.. not really me... and oh I laughed Maggie at your beam me up Scottie.. I dearly love to share our beautiful sunshine and beaches with you all!! Shaz.x

  13. Hi ya
    happy Australia day, wish i was in the warm, good luck at WW, use to dread the first weigh after Christmas! lol, beautiful caligraphy work,have great day, happy WOYWW sue,x (30)

  14. Happy Australia Day Shaz! A swim in the creek in the sunsine? Oh I wish, it's cold, wet & windy here in the north of the UK!

    I'm in awe of your calligraphy; I struggle to make my handwriting look decent, let alone tackle an artform as fine as that! In fact I am setting myself a challenge this year to improve my boyish scrawl (maybe I should have been a doctor!)

    Enjoyed your post today and look forward to next weeks already :-)

  15. What a glorious looking day - do enjoy the day - thinking of others too. Amazing work too - such patience!

    Sarah (sasa)

  16. Happy Australia Day to you. Your calligraphy is amazing - I'm so in awe of your talent. My handwriting alone leaves a lot to be desired, I'd certainly never be able to do anything of this standard. I have family in Melbourne and a nephew who is out there goodness knows where - so far all safe. Sincerely hope your acquaintances are too. Thanks for sharing. Elizabeth #60

  17. I am speechless. It has been a very long time since I have seen such wonderful calligraphy.
    truely beautiful
    Marianne #21

  18. Happy Australia Day - it is my beloved's birthday too - so we shall be celebrating in the dark and cold...hahah but staying warm will burn the calories we eat in the birthday feast...hee hee


  19. Happy Australia Day Shaz!
    What a lovely picture of the creek! We are in winter mode here so it is nice to see a summertime picture :)
    Your calligrahy is beautiful! Are the flourishes stamps? Or are they done by hand too? And the raised gold lettering? It is a gorgeous piece of work and so nice that you have it framed to enjoy every day!
    xoxo Karen (#117)

  20. The calligraphy is gorgeous Shaz, truly a work of art, and Happy Australia day to you.

  21. Happy Australia day to you. Stunning intricate calligraphy work too :).

  22. My family are in Oz but thankfully not in an affected part. It was harrowing to see the pictures of the floods so prayers are necessary.
    Your calligraphy is superb - such beautiful illumination. (is that the right word?)

  23. Your calligraphy is truly awe inspiring. Reminds me of the really old fashioned Bibles.
    Mrs A. #97

  24. Happy Australia day! I hope you enjoyed that lovely sunny day - ours was cold and dull and now wet but we enjoyed our day out.

  25. Very beautiful. The weather outside my window is so bright and sunny but when I opened the door it was shut quickly. It is about 40*F and windy. Pretty but nasty at the same time. Wish I had the warmth! Happy Australia Day! Vickie #59

  26. The calligraphy looks absolutely stunning!
    Thanks for stopping by earlier!

  27. Glad you were spared by the floods. My son lives in Sydney but has a friend up north that was not so lucky. :(

    Your calligraphy is gorgeous. What a fabulous gift. I'm awed.

    CaroleB #135

  28. The calligraphy is beautiful.

  29. Gorgeous calligraphy and the creek looks very inviting.

  30. Hi again! Thanks for the visit earlier! You mentioned you put your stamps on ez mount and then in an ez mount folder ... is that a special type of folder? I decided to stamp the laminated sheet and then put the stamps on the back sort of like how the Tim Holtz ones come.
    And No, I have never been called Kaz. But I like it!!!! I wonder if I can get people to call me that?! So is Shaz short for Sharon?

  31. Dear Shaz!!
    Thank you for the beautiful Calligraphy. I wish I could hold it in my hand and examine it closely! You know what I mean!! A person wants to run their hand over the details and hold the work up to the light so they can examine how everything was done. Then you back away and take in the whole picture so you can appreciate the art.

    I didn't realize you lived in Australia! My son wants to go there for his graduation present. You are encouraging me with your pictures. PLEASE tell me you do not live close to the picture of that beach! If you do...tell me gently so that I don't shrivel with jealousy!!!

    I'm going to dig out all my Calligraphy materials this weekend. Unlike you, I will NOT be posting my efforts...I'll just muck about in the corner!

    God Bless you dear!

  32. Happy Australia Day Shaz and I hope those poor people in Qld see some respite soon, although it will take years to rebuild their lives again. I'd love to walk to the each each day for a swim! Good luck with the WW, have a swim each day, it's good exercise! Beautiful and stunning calligraphy work and I'm glad you're getting am ATG, it was I who told you about Susan last week!

    Brenda 20

  33. Dearest Lizzy, I am sorry - is five minutes walk close?if so then I must tell you GENTLY yes it is very near where I love, I really know how spoilt I am and so are those of use who live here. God is so good to us, so glad I am encouraging you to dig out your calligraphy pieces again.. did you like the link to your blog?
    love Shaz.x
    Shaz in Oz.x

  34. Hi Shaz, thanks so much for coming to visit me and your lovely words. I love having blogging friends in Oz so that I can share Summer all year round. Your swimming spot looks fabulous and I am very envious of your temperatures, it's only 3oc here in chilly UK!!
    Wow, I'm blown away by your Calligraphy. Something I've always wanted to try but never been very good.
    A belated Happy Australia Day and my love to all those suffering with the floods.
    Hugs Lisax

  35. What an amzing piece of Calligraphy! I packed my pens away a few years ago, but you make me want to dig them out again.
    Happy WOYWW
    Tertia 137

  36. Wow what a stunning place to go and swim - and your calligraphy is beautiful so detailed and vivid - please show some more when you are working on it ~ Nicky 17

  37. beautiful calligraphy, so inspiring! i learned a new word from you today - corker. i love it when i learn some new words from WOYWW posts. most of the time it's from the English folks but today it's from Australia.

  38. Beautiful pic! I really need to get motivated onto the Weight watchers thing...looks like you are on the right track for the new year!

    Happy be-lated WOYWW and
    Thanks for the peek! :D


  39. Love the photo at the top...made me sigh! Took the kiddies to the beach yesterday and looked at the sand sculptures. A fun day had by all! Glad to hear your pink baby is on its way to you! Thanks for visiting and happy [LATE} WOYWW!
    Susan xxox 29


Thanks so VERY much for taking the time to encourage me by your comments! You REALLY make my day, and may God bless you for it!
Shaz in Oz.x
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