
Friday 25 October 2013

LOTV Upcycled Christmas Card

Hullo there everyone ~ thanks so much all your encouraging thoughts and prayers for those in the bushfire areas here in NSW! The weather has cooled down and so the crisis has eased, but no rain of significance where it is really needed as yet, so still in a "Watch and act" status. Sadly two firefighter pilots have died. One delivering water to the fires crashed when a wing fell of his aircraft; the other crashed on his way home and no reason there as yet, so praying for these two families today.
Well, linking over to Sarn's, where it is getting ready for Christmas with her Rudolph day challenge. I love Christmas with its hope and promise of our Saviour, the LORD Jesus Christ. 
I really think it is is all year around. I try and participate when I am able.
Here is one of my up-cycled cards - from last year. loved the frosty background on this card, it was full of glitter (not that you can see it). So decided to use it with a LOTV image shown here (love Lili of the Valley images) - frosty indeedy! Used square Scalloped Spellbinders to edge the square, and Cuttlebug Vintage corners in same snippet-y red mirri card. Added some more glitter on the image but also is hard to see.
Nice and brief today - thanks so much for popping over for a peek and chat..
.. and if you have joined this blog as one of the really Wonderful Encouragers, please pop over to this post here and join in the fun of the blogaversary candy!


  1. Your art is so beautiful, Shaz, and it's always SUCH a blessing and encouragement to me. I thank you SO MUCH for each and every card you create, and especially for those you are able to share with us in our challenges. Feel free to enter up to 5 per week with us. I LOVE seeing your work. Have a blessed week.
    Word Art Wednesday

  2. Well done on recycling your cards. My intentions are good.... This year I have done fewer cards that depict the nativity etc. I just seem to have stamps to use of other things, so I must make sure I put the right message inside them. At least Sarn encourages us to get a few done each month. Kate x

  3. Hi Shaz

    2 lovely upcycled Christmas cards here.

    Thank you for joining in with Rudolph Day when you're still not 100%. Hope you continue to make a good recovery.

    Sarn xxx

  4. Gorgeous cards there Shaz. I don't know about you but sometimes I prefer the upcycled version to the original!

  5. Such a very beautiful use of a lovely card to make an entirely new one, even more wonderful. Always love the LOTV images, and how well your glittery one served as the scallop background. Glad the weather is helping just a bit with the bad fires. God Bless. Hugs & TFS

  6. Two really great recycled cards really must try this by saving my cards this year, love the snowy background too.

    Kath x

  7. Just passing by with my c&p system still taking the strain to have a peek what you are up to and wish you a lovely weekend.

    B x

  8. Beautiful cards, Shaz - thanks for sharing them for both CHNC challenges - hope to see you again soon. x

  9. I'll also add the firefighter's families to my prayer list. Hopefully the ease in weather will help with the terrible fires.

    Thank you for your nice comment on my blog. Alex used to live in Aomori, in northern Japan and goodness! It really got cold there too, with lots of snow. Tokyo is better weather but he's not fond of the crowds.


  10. I love this cute image,just right for the lovely frosty background.
    Jean x

  11. Oooh, how clever! I never think to use the main part of a card rather than the image - like you Shaz, I adore LOTV images. Their papers are gorgeous too BTW :)

    Hugs, Di xx

  12. Beautiful cards!
    Hoping it rains soon where it's needed.

  13. Hi Shaz, glad to hear that things are improving and the hopefully those fires will die back completely very soon ... too tragic that the two pilots lost there lives though. Your card is lovely - LOTV squares too - and very clever idea of how to re-use old cards. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  14. Loving how yu reuse elements from previous cards to make new ones! I have started doing some myself and it is great fun! This is such a cute card, well done!

  15. Thanks for entering our 'Anything Goes' challenge Shaz, really pretty card.

    Good luck!

    Anne x
    Lili of the Valley


Thanks so VERY much for taking the time to encourage me by your comments! You REALLY make my day, and may God bless you for it!
Shaz in Oz.x
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