
Wednesday 21 October 2020

Christmas Stencilled Oxides Snippets + WOYWW

Well, yes, it’s Wednesday in a blink!  Am hoping to make this short but probably won’t πŸ˜† so thanks ahead for your patience as lots to share! Wednesday time to pop over at Julia’s Stamping Ground, where we see desks, of marvellous inspiration worldwide. 
Desk one was yesterday morning, the night before I’d started on another card batch baking. I’ve one made, took two goes to be happy, but will show next week, it’s going to be nothing like this little ink duster scene, it’s just background. *** BTW for those who asked last week, the ink dusters are by Inkyliscious, UK, I’ve three double ended so with six ends.  Do all colours, my preferred brushes. Easiest to use I think from subtle to deep, used hand cut mask for hills.
BTW for those who asked last week, the ink dusters are by Inkyliscious, UK brand, I’ve three double ended so with six ends, my preferred brushes. Easiest to use I think from subtle to deep, used hand cut mask for hills. 
(Edit to answer further queries: These brushes are in colour families - Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Purple, Black. Clean off excess ink on scraps, do NOT wash. Pink use red brush, brown closest to yellow {for beige} to black. Do NOT use with oxides)
Edit 2: Re Oxides, yes I recommend them. But don't get loads. I've about ten, no intention of getting more. When short of a colour in blending I just use equivalent colour in Distress Inks and it all goes in together just fine. They blend easier, but not better than DI. 
Will add to DI eg NEED Duck Egg Blue yummo! But not adding more oxides
Next desk is late yesterday arvo, quite staged, two piles of completed cards, and on right is the lovely Mo from Scrappy Mo has sent her candy my way. In June, I was quite ill in hospital in Coronary Care Unit, had done my card for Mo’s challenge, but not published. I really wanted to enter every single challenge this year. So of course πŸ˜‰ I just quickly wrote up my phone in Hospital and entered. I forgot to decline candy and won it! I emailed Mo, saying not to send it cos was so sick thought would never craft again. But dear Maureen said  she didn’t want to redraw she’d wait and see. And Lord in His mercy made me better again. So here it is in Oz! I’m pretty sure the Penny Black heart flower die is a bonus. I can see two gorgeous cards styles for these dies as for NBUS entries. Thanks SO MUCH, Mo!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Now first lot of completed cards are seven in all, these are ones started on last week’s desk.

I did a trial on side of scrap card first, find this helps crystallise ideas. That Holly stamp is a Sweet n Sassy Silhouettes stamp, I am ashamed to say it's a NBUS! No idea how old probably 3 or 4 years! Second lot of cards are snippets, the rectangle is a die cut window left over from another set of ten.
Not happy with this stencilled TH holly stencil, so only did four. The verse is same one on set above, is Stampendous. 
The verse is beautiful - “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11

Have quite a few Aussie pickies today.

First the roses still in spring flush, perfect this year, these are incredibly fragrant, Sutter’s Gold.
This is a zygo cactus, was off great granny’s plant..
.. and hippeastrum as we call them, or Amaryllis.
The obligatory sea shots are in our harbour it was really blowing this day so it was a place of shelter. 
Lastly are two photos out far  western NSW, near Texas, Qld.
Two family members are out there harvesting wheat out on far west border of NSW and Qld  .. they’re grey nomads and were  caravanning out there some weeks back, and the wheat farmer asked if they’d come and give a hand at harvest? 
So they did!

As our borders are closed, they’re VERY short of labour. With good rains, they’ve some of the biggest crops ever! Two years so different.. last year was fires and droughts, this year huge crops. God is good. 

**Praying hard the rain keeps away and these wheat crops are harvested dry as rain is predicted today and in days ahead, in this black soil country. Wet it becomes glue. Ugh.

Pray with me for them, please?? 

There are three emus in the wheat field there, they’re vegetarian, so having a great feed. 

(Edit: click on photo and zoom in, emus are visible even on mobile if zoom in, black dots in centre and to right, but obvious emus when zoom in).

This was their sunset the other day, with silos as silhouettes.
This is wheat harvesting photo from net to give you idea. Big boys toys these, so much fun if you love them! Mind you trucks BiL driving is much bigger, its only on farm, and is B-Double .

Well, that’s it for today. Thanks so very much for popping over for peek and chat. I’m praying for you, for your families and may the Lord God keep you all safe. We are blessed, those closed borders make it hard for farmers but means we are lot better off. No cases here in our town or area of NSW since April. Cities have some cases, but not country.

Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz.x πŸ™πŸ€—

Thought of Day:

I think sometimes we forget exactly what the Lord Jesus when He was still on earth promised ..

“These things I have spoken unto you, 

that in Me ye might have PEACE.

In the world ye shall have tribulation: 

but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33

 So if things are tough, we should not wonder, God is simply doing as He promised..

IN Jesus, we have peace... IN the world we have troubles!

 However He promised to be with us in it and through it. 

“Be of GOOD CHEER! For I have overcome the world.”

 In the strength of the Lord Jesus Christ we will make it through! 

He didn’t promise ease, but He did promise His presence.

Linking over to these challenges:
**Word Art Wednesday - anything goes. Both cards
** Di's Snippets Playground .Latest Snippets Challenge here - Christmas card stencilled recycling rectangular die cut, left over from a frame.
** Hazelnuts Christmas Challenge. Saturday challenge here 
** NBUS challenge the Christmas holly silhouettes is NBUS “NEVER BEFORE USED SCHTUFF”over here at Darnells


  1. Well desrved Candy win Shaz. Love the cards again this week, especially the ones you previewed last week. Have fun playing. STay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

  2. well done winning the candy. Gorgeous cards as always. stay safe and happy WOYWW Helen #2

  3. Happy WOYWW. How exciting to win the Candy, and of course wonderful that you are able to enjoy it. Seeing your Christmas cards has given me an idea for a design, which involves holly. As farmers, we have always struggled to find good/reliable staff - and it has been even more difficult this year. For a lot of farmers in the UK they rely on people coming from Eastern Europe, but obviously they have not been able to travel here this year. There have been several appeals for UK people to help out, but only a few have come forward. I get quite angry when I hear about people of all ages who are not working, but claiming benefits, and there is work to be done. There is definitely too much of people wanting to pick & choose which job they do. When I was younger I would do anything to earn money - cleaning toilets, washing up in a pub etc! I love to watch the big farm machinery at work. One of our neighbours has been ploughing/sowing the fields across the valley from the farmhouse, and it is wonderful to see the lights going through the night. Ali x #7

  4. Congrats on the win, i'm sure you will put it to good use Shaz. Your cards are beautiful. I love it when a design gives so much pleasure we want to replicate it... I love doing just the same. Lovely scene's, I hope the caravaners too up the offer to help harvest, I would help in a shot if I wasn't so far away, stunning place to work in.
    Happy WoywW Tracey #8 xx stay safe x

  5. Yet another person using Distress Oxides... I may just have to take the plunge and get some. It would be a problem to know where to put them once I get them however... space is at a premium around here! DO you prefer them to regular Distress Inks? I feel as though I'm weakening!
    Chrissie #10
    PS Love that set of cards you started last week!

  6. Hello
    I'm back, sort of . .
    Love the photos, cannot imagine all those flowers blossoming at the same time! You have three of our seasons in three photos.
    Thanks for all your support and prayers over the last few weeks.
    God Bless

  7. Hi Shaz. Ooo - a prize - well done. Lovely. I love the cards you have made - they are beautiful. Aussie shots looking great. My amaryllis are hibernating and resting at the moment - but not in the garden!! Safely tucked up in pots on the shower room window sill. Borders closed seems a good idea to me at the moment... even though it presents other problems.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  8. Beautiful cards Shaz, I love the bright colours of that second card a lot! Hooray for you winning the giveaway too, bet that was a fab pick me up. Hope you're feeling better these days - I'm glad that Covid seems to have gone from your area, no such luck here...sigh.
    HUgs LLJ 17 xx

  9. How lovely of Maureen to hold your prize, and wasn’t it a delight, very nice, useful candy I must say. Beautiful cards Shaz, the batch with the masked panel are really just gorgeous. I can’t imagine why you aren’t pleased with the stencilling on the second batch, they too are gorgeous, I love the colour blending, really draws they eye to the verse. So these you tend to use them for the same colours all the time, or do you wash them after each session? Asking for a friend....

  10. Well done for winning from your hospital bed and glad you’re better.
    I hope the Covid stays away. Loved your harvest photos but I couldn’t make out the emus. Your garden is looking great. Things are so drab here in October
    Take care, stay safe and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 16

  11. Your cards are gorgeous. The delicate shading on the first is so pretty and strikes such a perfect balance with the words, and I love the holly ones - they are very classy. I think the vibrant background of the last ones works brilliantly and I love the stencilling on it too despite you not being so happy with it.
    Hope you have a great week,
    Diana xx #19

  12. I always love to come visit because you have such beauty on display every time. I love your cards expecially the ones with the holly and berries down the side. Also the photos of life around you always amazes me. There is such beauty there. Thanks for sharing!

  13. Lovely to see you've had a win. Your cards are really lovely as are the gorgeous photos you've added.
    Annie x #12

  14. Hi Shaz, a beautiful selection of cards, I really love the one with Holly over the script panel, I may have to try that out. So good to hear you are much better. Beautiful flowers and scenic shots, it's amazing how huge the wheat fields are! Stay safe, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 X

  15. Hi Shaz, I am loving that heart die it's so pretty and all those gorgeous Christmas cards too. I was interested that you referred to the cactus as a Zygo we call these Easter and Christmas cacti in the UK. I looked it up and they have a few names: Schlumbergera truncate, Zygocactus truncate also The Thanksgiving Cacti but they are all the same. I have two of these and they seem to do really well. Have a lovely day my friend and happy woyww, Angela x20x

  16. Shaz, I totally love all your cards!! The dusters, I have wanted for a couple of years. I first saw them on Clarity Stamps videos and have wanted ever since. Your use of them is so beautiful! Your flower shots continue to be so beautiful!! And wow for the caravaners!! What an amazing gift that family received and I know they will be blessed for helping!! It's always good to see God at work in ALL things! :) I will definitely lift up your area with prayer! Have a great rest of the week! Blessings, Felicia #32

  17. Hi Shaz, what a lovely prize to win and good on Mo for not wanting to redraw. You've been through so much this year you deserve a wee treat. As usual, I love your Aussie pics and what a story the 'grey nomads' will have to tell after their harvesting experience. Have a very good week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #30

    PS: I have the same brushes and agree with you, they are good. x

  18. Hello my dear Shaz. It was lovely visiting with you today and seeing all of your lovely cards.
    I very much enjoyed the Aussie photos. The one you had of the grain silo's in will be shared with Dennis tonight. He has designed silos and the entire storage systems for over 40 years now. They have sites all over the world, although I don't think very many in Australia. I can tell you about virtually every part of those systems and center pivot irrigation too! You learn through osmosis when your husband and father-in-law are in the same business!
    Take care my dear friend and enjoy your springtime. We're predicted to have our first snow on Friday. We've had frost most mornings the past week.

  19. Your cards and your blooms are beautiful ~ Congrats on your win and your improved health. I love your landscape photos, especially the beach. ~ Yes, He has overcome the world ~ Amen, and I am thankful for His presence ~ Love, Karen #40

  20. Amen to that last verse, so many times we try to rely on ourselves instead of Him. Those roses look gorgeous, we need smell-a-vision. Why do you have to have different brushes for DI and oxides if you can mix them in use? I have some of those double ended brushes, but I mainly use sponges for Di.
    Happy WOYWW Angela #36

  21. So glad you feel better and won the lovely die from Mo's challenge! Amazing arrays of cards, blooms and shots!

  22. Beautiful cards as always, Shaz. I have Inkylicious Ink Dusters too, and have them in colour families like you. They are great! I keep them on one of those Tim Holtz whirligig things. I've got quite a lot of Distress Oxides and they are fabulous blended when wet - love 'em! I don't have as many a my ordinary distress inks but I think I shall have to get the speckled egg one once I get back to doing paper stuff in the studio (till on embroidery).

    Happy WOYWW and God bless,
    Shoshi x #22

  23. Hope the harvesting is going well. I remember when we farmed hay to pray or pray against rain.
    Your cards are beautiful. I think I'm the only desker that doesn't have Distress Oxides!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Carol N #29

  24. Your art is always so beautiful and always a blessing to me. Thank you for being such a faithful participant in our challenges. I appreciate it so very much. Thanks also for sharing a bit of your life and your heart. God bless you, my friend.
    Word Art Wednesday

  25. Beautiful job on all these cards, love the soft background in the first, the holly cards are beautiful.
    So good to hear things are so well with your crops after all that dry time you had and good to hear your area is keeping the covid down!

  26. Gorgeous selection of cards Shaz. Thanks for the info on using distress inks with oxides. Also for telling me about Eileen Godwin. Her stamping is fantastic. Beautiful photos of your flowers and aussing pics..Loz

  27. Oh what a great pair of card designs this week Shaz - and loving the brushed 'scene' in the first photo.
    Your garden must look amazing this year - it's years since I have seen a Sutter's Gold - I do have on 'original' Peace rose that is just starting to show colour. I also have my first bloom out - Dublin Bay, as usual. I am realising that I will miss the roses when I move - all going to plan I will see the first flush before I move...
    Stay safe

  28. Gorgeous cards and congratulations on winning the candy! So glad you are well now to use it, Yay! Fabulous photos. Take care and stay safe xxxxxxx

  29. Great post Shaz, exciting to get a win and hope from the read that you are ok. Lovely sets of cards, but your photos also caught my eye... my lilies are flowering too, but I'm also hoping the rains we've had this weekend have spared our farmers.. have a great weekend, happy stamping Robyn

  30. It is so interesting to read your post! Well done on the win! I have some of those dusting brushes, bought from a craft shoe in the UK. Beautiful cards and fabulous photos! Sorry I am so late visiting. Susan #24

  31. I always love seeing what is on your desk sweet lady! I have some smaller brushes and use them from time to time. What ever card you have in progress on the desk looks amazing! The second desk view looks interesting, looks of goodies going on there! I'm glad you were able to get your card posted while in the hospital and won the challenge prize. Even more glad Mo didn't listen to you!!! Of course the good Lord made you better again, He knows He needs you to keep spreading His word as you are so good a it! We will all go, but not before the Lord is ready to take us home. He also knows we still need you around! Love your first baking batch of cards, this design is just a beautiful Christmas card! The next batch, well the inking is stunning, love the soft tone on tone stamping and of course your verses are always perfect! Loving your Aussie shots, the flowers are just gorgeous! I always love seeing the beach scenes, just so much beauty in them. But it is the last few photos of the harvesting of the wheat that I can identify with so much and miss! Loved riding on the combine with Dwayne when he harvested and wheat was my favorite crop. Dwayne always wanted to go out west and be in a combine "parade" harvesting crops like in your photo. He never got to do that, but he sure got to farm here at home. His most passionate hobby. I do so miss my farming guy, but he is at home with the Lord and who can ask for more?! My the Lord keep you too my sweet sis. Keep safe and glad your borders are closed as it is for the best. Our cases have gone way up and it is a little nerve wracking but I am trusting in the Lord and using my common sense with this virus stuff. Love and hugs, Brenda

  32. Love your snippets cards Shaz - as well as the other ones of course. And some great photos as always. So glad you're much better now and enjoying your crafting.

    Sorry I'm late commenting!


    Di xx

  33. What a lovely post. I just love those holly cards with the text. They are simple and beautiful. I am not as keen on the other four although I do like bright colours.
    I enjoyed seeing your other photos, the gorgeous roses and peaceful, empty beach. The last one is the best. I have always loved sunset photos with grasses etc silhouetted against the sky, and have often tried to recreate them for my cards.
    I hope you are quite better now. Kate x


Thanks so VERY much for taking the time to encourage me by your comments! You REALLY make my day, and may God bless you for it!
Shaz in Oz.x
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