Well here we go flying through another week and rapidly heading toward to the two year anniversary of next week, so I had better get my skates on and finish that pIf, hadn’t I? .. here is some more work in transit on my desk. Today on left side, I am starting a small order for Morti of WOYWW fame, and a surprise her mother; so you can see its beginnings on the left hand side there, all pencilled in waiting for my ink Have finished the one I was working on last week and I have posted it below. I’m working also on another large one which is an order for a wedding.
I will show it to you next week all being well it is inked in just waiting for colours to be laid down.
It did not take long to get to that stage as I had done it before and did not have to work from scratch, just copy it onto my sheet from the copy I already had here, which makes me very, very happy!!
Now you can see my faithful bug on my desk which is still chugging along and also there are two cards in the process of being made for Fat Cats Card Corner. Both are Crafty Individuals Stamps - one is the lovely Robin or bird one.. I think it is a generic bird, but for this one I decided to make it Robins and stamped it on acetate. I used the Nellie Snellen Doily lace die also on this and the Epiphany Button Studio with the button there. Method explaining acetate stamping and gelly roll pens here, and also did the gorgeous sailing ship the same way. You can see some nautical print outs which are freebies from Far Hill (see side bar link to them) which I think I will use on assembling the Sailing ship card.
Thanks for looking and if you want to know why I am showing you my workdesk - do pop over to Julia's Stamping Ground and share in the fun of our blog hop around the world’s desks! You will learn lot! I have in my brief time sharing each week!
God bless your day,
Shaz in Oz. x

PS just want to apologise to anyone who wondered what happened to their comment, Blogger ate some last week and they are still missing so wasn't cos I deleted them. Poor old blogger has had a rough time lately!
PPS. this morning I finished off the cards so posting them here in their complete state. As we are ages ahead of UK and have a very busy afternoon, I will be late linking over today too. Elements in ship card as follow, DP Kasiercraft, Cuttlebug folder Spots and Dots, Large labels from Nesties extended. Also used an element from Far Hill Digi Freebies mounted on card, cut out and added Glossy Accents.
PPPS. the bubble thing on my desk that Sarpreet asks about is my clip on magnifier I need to use for my calligraphy - as eye sight aint what it used to be!

PS just want to apologise to anyone who wondered what happened to their comment, Blogger ate some last week and they are still missing so wasn't cos I deleted them. Poor old blogger has had a rough time lately!
PPS. this morning I finished off the cards so posting them here in their complete state. As we are ages ahead of UK and have a very busy afternoon, I will be late linking over today too. Elements in ship card as follow, DP Kasiercraft, Cuttlebug folder Spots and Dots, Large labels from Nesties extended. Also used an element from Far Hill Digi Freebies mounted on card, cut out and added Glossy Accents.
PPPS. the bubble thing on my desk that Sarpreet asks about is my clip on magnifier I need to use for my calligraphy - as eye sight aint what it used to be!