Thank you for taking time to visit, and I hope I am even a tiny bit helpful as I have been helped and blessed by so many others. I have been doing Calligraphy since teens, and card making for many years as well. In 1990 I delighted in the joys of stamping with ink and embossing after a trip to Cairns, Qld. In 2009 I discovered the brayer, 2010 the Cuttlebug, also have now taking to reading up on crafting blogs and lo! Here I am, on one of my own.

I live on the coast of eastern Australia. I am a Christian. I trusted in the LORD down here at the beach, amazingly it is not far from where I now live. It was over 50 years ago, after a Beach Mission Service at the age of 12 years

Wednesday 2 October 2024

WOYWW 800 in review + Snippets

(I unusually did this early as have medical entertainment today, found out after doing it we were if possible to share our first WOWW post. Mine is HERE January 2011. Oh, it took me back, over a decade!)

 Well, I've heard through email 2nd of Oct is a very important date... our 800th WOYWW! Hurray! So even though I've not blogged since June, I'm going to attempt a catch up share and reminisce as requested by Sarah at Sarah's Craft Shed, Head Desker of WOYWW.. this year Sarah kindly replaced our former Queen of Desks, Queen Julia. 

My desk shows some current cards and also my first item for my first anniversary from 2011! (I joined Jan 2011). We had a PiF or Pass it Forward then instead of ATC. My PiF was from Jozarty who had as I recall a round craft table with a strawberries 🍓 cloth on it, then as her craft interest changed it had a metal top then Jozarty went into making exquisite sewn bags with detailed embroidery.
My PiF was a kind of key chain, labelled with WOYWW icon, and is always on my desk, at the back, along with monkeys and their WOYWW Badges, WOYWW sign + lighthouse light pull from 2018 crop. I'm unsure of Jozarty all these years later. My most exciting adventures with WOYWW was when I met up with WOYWWers in UK.  Neet and Margaret were the two instigators. I think the most exciting was my visit in 2018 to Llundudno. I met Shaz Silverwolf who's sadly no longer with us.

From WOYWW crop with dear kind Magaret I received many ATCs. Tag was from Sarah (I think). I loved it.
Neet have me the gorgeous ATC holder above and glasses case from dear Jan and bear from Annie, spare ATC is Heather.

Here's the ATC cover that Neet made me for that crop and Shaz brought me a huge bag of crafty treasures too. I then met up with Sarah and lots of other WOYWWers. Margaret took me all over! to even see my friend Iris who lives near where Margaret's now living in Lincolnshire.

It's Spring in Oz, & I've picked in last 2 days 8 bunches of flowers, 5 of roses 3 of sweetpeas ... sharing a few here.

There are still more out there. I've 3 dozen roses, and I now have more help paid for by a government package as I couldn't manage otherwise. My health is very poor these days. God is good and kind to me though and I'm well looked after. I'm still crafting and learning new techniques. I just rarely come onto blog land to share. I'll share new cards now as my blog is also my creative record for myself. Some panpastel cards with PB Aspire stamp, Lavinia stamping and also a disc Bible stamp. Birthday cards too.
A surfer handcoloured free digi and die cut card for Eamon who's 9, I loved the purple card on this I used perfect pearls in interference violet on top of purple ink. It was WOW. Eamon loves purple.
As does Emily who's 13, loves her ballet and she has brusho deep blue and purple background with unamed stamp on it, greeting is celebrate die cut and digi. Inside I did photos of Emily over last 12 years and a poem. It was very special. Just adding cards now since June, sorry for overload as I said this is my record, a wedding card and other special ones.
This is glittery but photo won't pick it up. Lavinia, new stamps as are pair of birthday cards below, also NBUS Lavinia stencils.
SNIPPETS CARD, mostly kraft like packaging from freezer goods, coloured with inks and Lavinia red brick stencil (a NBUS), the gold bronze in back ground is heat and dry embossed CB cogs folder. Gold cogs and number 5 are years old and heat embossed. Linking to Snippets Challenge here.

Now to Oz photos! Mostly nearby.

I've just realised I've laser surgery on cataract today so glad I've done this early. I maybe late in comments, depending on eyesight.
And NOW thought of the day.
Living as I do with precarious health, I've become very conscious of life's brevity and to make every moment count for Jesus. I don't want to be ashamed when I stand before Him as my Judge. I want to be always ready .. "ready for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh ". Matt. 24:44.
1. As well as Snippets with link above in post, I'd like to link up to:
2. NBUS Challenge here red brick stencil by Lavinia is new on 5 y.o birthday, the ballet stamping on 13.y.o also, and are Lavinina stamps in mauve encouragement card with bible verse.
3. Allsorts Challenge 800! A hearty congratulations,  to Brenda and crew... how amazing is that 👏👏👏 exactly the same as WOYWW 800!!
See over here Anything goes so linking the 13 y.o birthday card which uses brushos and NBUS stamp.
 4. I'd also like to link these cards over to this wonderful challenge - Word Art Wednesday- Anything goes. 
Linking the 5 cards as chosen, I think it's best I can do, hopefully ok. I'm struggling doing this post so hope this is okay.
God bless and have a great day everyone. Shaz in Oz.x


Grandmabeckyl.blogspot said...

Shaz, it was good to see your post with old and new cards that you made. I've been thinking about you lately. I need to go through photos that I've had for years and make cards with them. I already have cards where I put the pictures in. Maybe some to give away. I'm enjoying my mug of Edinburgh black tea with my lunch at home. I've been going to a Bible study every Tuesday morning. The new one is The Names of God. It connects us with what He does in the Bible and in our lives. Take care and pray 🙏 for your healing. Blessings and hugs , Becky

Helen said...

Great to see you on this 800th week of WOYWW and your catch up I didn't know Margaret had moved to Lincolnshire! great cards as always. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Gail L said...

So great to see you!
Lovely flowers!
Great cards!
Thank you for sharing at Allsorts!

Sarah Brennan said...

So good to see you Shaz and thanks for all the wonderful memories and cards on this great anniversary. It was so good meeting you in 2018 at the crop. Glad the laser went well and that you are crafting despite your health difficulties. Hugs and Happy 800th WOYWW. Sarah

brenda said...

This is a real bumper post Shaz, your garden blooms are looking magnificent as are your cards. The surf one made me smile, my surfer son rang yesterday, the awful UK weather has benefits, the surf is good, he'd been out before work.

Take care, I know you like me get hampered by our bodies, I've had a very on and (mainly) off few months.

B x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

How lovely to see you on the Link again Shaz, I’ve missed seeing your beautiful cards and that glorious Australian scenery. I’m so glad you’re still crafting and even if you pop in occasionally to WOYWW then that would be wonderful. Thank you as well for the reminder about JoZarty, I’d forgotten about that strawberry table cloth and yet it was always such a feature of her desk!
Sending love and gentle hugs,
LLJ 4 xxx

Mary Anne said...

Nice to se you again! And what an epic post :) ah Jozarty. I made LillyBo quilts for her charity appeal many years ago. Lovely trip down memory lane this week!
Recovering today but can't miss out!
Happy 800th WOYWW.
Mary Anne (9)

Lynnecrafts said...

Lovely to see you on the bloghop again Shaz. Your souvenirs and flowers are so beautiful. It’s so good we can all meet, despite differing beliefs. I hope your laser surgery goes well.
Take care and happy 800th WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 3 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Shaz, great to see you and hope you're laser surgery does the trick. Happy 800th woyww, Angela x10x

Neet said...

Hi Shaz - lovely to see you on here - and as numero uno too. I remember our first meet up in Manchester, outside Boots, gosh that was a fabulous day. Thanks for all the reminders in your post, Jo's tablecloth, how I miss her. As usual you have given us some lovely cards (I spy the Lavinia ones) and gorgeous photos of Australia.
Talk soon, Hugs, Neet 14 x said...

A fantastic collection of all your lovely card, flowers and photos, with memories in there too.A great post and one for you to look back on too. Happy WOYWW Michelle x #13

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Surprise....had been thinking about this WOYWW group and had some time it's 4 am here and Bailey awoke me ! Even forgot how to blog......sign in....Made a quick copy of my 1st post and added a few lines....FORGOT a NEW PHOTO...maybe next week. WISHING you the best and I have missed all of you and your fun posts. Making the visits early this am and even forgot how to post/sign in and for got to go down and take a current photo. Maybe next week.... WOW...Wishing you the best I did much enjoyed the posts and comments all these years. Life just took a turn for me Maybe little by little I can check in !

Twiglet said...

How lovely to see you here for our 800 blog post Shaz. I do hope your op goes well and I'm sorry to hear your health is not so good. We often think of you. Yes our look back reminded us of our lovely friends especially those like Jozarty who are no longer with us. We are so lucky if we have good health and a happy life and are really blessed. As usual your cards and your beautiful Oz pics are very special . Sending a big hug.x x Jo 🌈

BJ said...

Lovely catch-up super cards, especially love the ballet dancer one. You've been here a mighty long time and great to see the Cuttlebug on your first post, I still have that one! Gorgeous flowers, bet the scent is divine too. Love how you have done the JOY card too. I can't think of Christmas until Advent though. Oh and I still play badminton, son is home for a visit tonight and he'll be coming along to our club tomorrow too - whoop whoop. Hugs BJ#6

Di said...

What a varied post Shaz - lovely to catch up. I like all your cards - you've been a busy bee. Snippets one is fun! Great photos of your side of the World too.

Di xx

Darnell said...

It's always so lovely to see you post, my friend! I am sorry to hear that your health is very poor right now and I pray your cataract surgery went well. I really enjoyed the creative record you shared of your fun times and gifts from WOYWW. (I remember my posts with WOYWW with such fondness and I treasure our friendship and those of others I met there.) All your cards and flowers and OZ photos are beautiful! I especially love those sweet peas and, of course, the amazing scenery. Take care, Shaz. I am sending hugs, prayers, and love and I thank you for inspiring everyone to use their NBUS! Hugs, Darnell

Regina said...

How awesome! I wish I was talented and creative to ma!e such lovely cards!

kiwimeskreations said...

I had to pop in and 'see' you Shaz - your cards are exquisite as ever - You so impress me with your ability to craft even when unwell. Your flowers are gorgeous - so far ahead of ours, but ours will come. :)
Loving your Aus shots - one day I will get back to see family of the Gold Coast...

Elizabeth said...

Great to see you on this 800th week of WOYWW and your catch up! I remember meeting you at Llandudno so well. Like, Helen, I didn't know Margaret had moved to Lincolnshire. Your cards are beautiful and in the days when I was cardmaking I was often inspired by your work. I'm sorry to hear your health isn't so good at the moment. Hope you recover well from your cataract surgery soon. Best wishes and happy 800th. Elizabeth x #17

Sarn said...

Your robot card for a 5th birthday is fab.
Thanks for entering a piece of homework to the Snippets Playground. See you up in the treehouse later. Hope you make a speedy recovery from your cataract op. xxx

Susan Renshaw said...

Loved reading your post Shaz! Lovely memories, great cards and super Oz pics. Happy 800th WOYWW! Susan #8

Lindart said...

Gorgeous Cards! Nice to see you on our 800th post! I envy you coming into Spring, we are going into Fall now, but I much prefer Spring! Beautiful flowers! Happy 800! Lindart #17

Conniecrafter said...

Sorry to hear about your health troubles, glad you are still able to make cards and get out and take pictures. Your flowers are gorgeous. Beautiful cards, I so love the flower/plant cards. My two favorites are the joy and the last card!
Hope all went well with your surgery!

Karen Letchworth said...

Your creativity is amazing and it's always such a blessing to me to see your wonderful cards linked up with us at Word Art Wednesday. I praise God for you, Shaz, and for all the wonderful art you share with us. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, and have a blessed week! God bless yoU!

Kyla said...

ooh how lovely to see your memories and latest makes (love the robot card especially). Hope your surgery went ok and thanks for visiting my desk. In answer to your question about whether I still have those wood stamps, yes I do, but I removed them from the wood a few years ago, think it may have been Helen, Shaz or Mary Anne who told me about that trick at a WOYWW crop a few years back!

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