Hullo there everyone – well here we are again with yet another WOYWW on its way - wait we haven’t caught up yet from last week – please!!
For those not in the know the acronym WOYWW stands for “What Is on Your Workdesk Wednesday?” For those of you who would love to join in the fun of looking at work desks around the world, do join in the fun, and take a trip over to Julia's Stamping Ground!

Also on my desk you can see some Chinese calligraphy shown better in the close up photo below. It was a present at Christmas from my sister and brother in law as they had been to China for the year – now wonder if any of you can read Chinese characters.
I cannot – but since I do calligraphy they thought I would like my name in calligraphy – Chinese style.
I cannot – but since I do calligraphy they thought I would like my name in calligraphy – Chinese style.
It is a very good addition to my room at present in computer room but when craft room eventuates I hope to put it in there.

There is one new card on the desk the beginning of which you can also see in the photo with the Rwandan items. It is a brayer card too and have made it up simply with the Cuttlebug plus folder Carly, I think it is called, a favourite Lavender Fairy stamp I have had for over twenty years and some ribbon binding.
Well thanks so much everyone for popping over for a peek and a chat and don’t forget to join in the candy thank YOU for my Wonderful Encouragers click here or post below!
May God bless your day wherever you may be,
Shaz in Oz. x
Shaz, your work space is much tidier than mine!! Really like the fairy card. Love the colors.
What wonderful gifts! The chinese calligraphy is beautiful, as is the little hut. Your desk looks mighty tidy. Your cards are nice, as usual!!
It's only Tuesday evening so I'm getting a jump on the posts from other countries!!
Happy WOYWW -- I'll probably be towards the bottom! hee hee
Thank you for sharing a bit of your world with us WOYWWers this morning! I hope you have a wonderful week. So many exciting things to see today. Each with a special memory too for you to enjoy.
Neil # 34
Oh, your cards are always so beautiful! I really love that Lavender Fairy card! And it is amazing that the stamp is 20 years old! Some things just never go out of style!
Happy WOYWW!
xoxo Karen #68
That is such gorgeous calligraphy, Shaz. Love the embossing & colour combination on the new card you've made.
Lovely tidy desk. Great backgrounds.
Lovely desk this week! Love the fairy card. So pretty with the shades of purple!
Such a lovely show and tell today. Thank you for your comtinued support.
A x
Such lovely work Shaz! Debbie #85
You carft very very neatly! Mine stays a wreck LOL
What amazing friends you have to be working in Rwanda. Lovely cards and I will be checking out the marbling technique very shortly.
Well love your card but especial;y love the one your sister sent with your name on .Glad you told us what the writing was as i wouldnt have glue either.Have very creative week
hugs judex14
Love the fairy card, a nice clean desk, the calligraphy is beautiful, Hugs May x x x
You always show such gorgeous and interesting things, Shaz. What lovely gifts to receive.
Love the cards and those in progress too.
Hope all is good with you this week.
Hugs Lisax
Hello Shaz, very much enjoyed reading your post today ... and your desk has some lovely items on it. The gifts from Rwanda are wonderful and how nice to have a name in Chinese calligraphy too. The lavender card is beautiful and as a relative newcomer to stamping, I am so impressed that you've had the fairy stamp for 20 years! Have a great week. Elizabeth x #99
PS: I finally got your mystery box uploaded to my sidebar - couldn't find it initially as Google Chrome downloads it to a different folder on my pc from Explorer!
Thank you for sharing your wonderful gifts from around the world! I also love the cards, they are so beautiful.
Happy WOYWW! Katie #16
I love the Chinese calligraphy, what a beautiful gift. Fab cards too, I especially love the embossed one :)
Have a fab WOYWW and have a great week, Luv Karen #86
So much to see on your desk this week Shaz and all beautiful as usual. Love the 'cuttlebugged' card - always think white card embossed is elegant. Lovely chinese caligraphy as well.
As for the sinusitus I think it is the weather, that and having the central heating on all day doesn't help - thank goodness for paracetamol
Ann B
Lovely work Shaz and I'm the lucky one who's seen some first hand.
The lavender fairy reminds me I have it somewhere and not used it in absolutely ages, so may need to put that right this week.
B x
You do have some beautiful things on your desk this week. That name picture is so stylish, and I love the flower fairy. You have given me another idea on how to use up some of my aperture cards, which have sat in a box for ever. Have a good week. xx Maggie #70
Always such a lot going on Shaz. Love the Chinese calligraphy and the gifts from Rwanda look great, as we as being a good source of income I hope for the people making them. Beautiful brayer cards as usual, particularly like the purple one in the main photo.
Brenda 104
Ah... the brayer. Somehow we're not friends, the brayer and I. I do like what you achieved with one though. And your calligraphy is stunning. Keep on keeping on!
im loving that birdie one, such a great card and image
hugs and thanks for the snoop
Judie xx
Your work space is wayyyy too neat and tidy! Compared to your room.. mine would be highlighted on a special episode of 'Hoarders'!! I am loving that lavendar design in the lower left side of the photo. It's too gorgeous and hope you post the finished piece soon!
Gosh well done you on reaching a 100 encourager's. I was getting excited to hut 30+ as I only had a handful for a long while. It is strange but I don't tend to follow WOYWWs because I know I will 'see' them once a week. What lovely gifts yo have received. I am looking forward to Chinese new year we are celebrating on Saturday with friends :)
great work as usual, I love the bird stamp. You have been given some lovely presents form some special people
thanks for sharing
janet #35
The calligraphy is beautiful - I have a real passion for things Oriental. The work on some of the Japanese and Chinese costumes in The Royal Armouries Museum, Leeds, was awe inspiring..
I love the card with the grasses against the lilac sky - that's pretty :)
Hugs, LLJ #43 xx
Lovely set of cards! I love the little knitted critter :)
katie (112)
what a brill collection of cards thanks for sharing :)
Becky #45
Your brayered cards are beautiful. Can I just ask how you clean the brayer up each time? Hugd Mrs A.
Love the Chinese characters ( is it kanji, I am never sure). Love your cards and the way the colour fades out is really striking. thanks for sharing -Hugs Neet 11. Xx
What an ecclectic group of presents! The ones from Rwanda soun especially unique. The breyer cards are BEAUTIFUL! Good luck with the calligraphy text! Happy WOYWW- Amanda 40
Oh Mrs A. also meant to say use an old toothbrush and gently scrub in a circular motion I as clean it, like my stamps - to those wondering this is my reply on Mrs. A's blog:
"I clean my brayer with cold water and kitchen deterg. as I do it in the kitchen. It is my one and only brayer so never leave it dirty long - dont use permanent ink on it as a rule but if I do I use Stazon and the Ranger stamp cleaner - like it the best of the stamp cleaners bought Granma's cleaner too and it is good for some thing but general cleaning use the Ranger...."
No idea Neet, was worried would put it upside down! but it has a hanger which they put on - phew!
Wow these are fab, great pics.Thanks for sharing. Zo x
Beautiful cards, and I love the Chinese writing - what a lovely souvenir. :)
Hi Shaz - now following you too, not idea what took me so long as I often hop in for a peek:) Love the cards and calligraphy - belated happy WOYWW!! Di xx
Beautiful cards. You might find it worthwhile to look on my CHNC challenge blog for some good news! Hope to see you there soon! Hazel, WOYWW #146 x
Helloand thankyou for sharing a desk so full of beautiful cards and presents, Anne x
Thanks for your comments on my CHNC blog. I've sent you an email (hope I've got the right email addy) x
You are Brilliant!!! Thanks so much for popping over and giving me the links to Vintage corners. I checked out Ikki's blog and can always get lost there for hours... and also the WalMart link as well. Now I'm off to web hop and track that CuttleBug die down!
Thanks soooo much for taking the time to fill me in! You're an angel!
how nice to have presents from far away places. your cuttlebug card is lovely!
happy WOYWW, and thanks for sharing!
peggy aplSEEDS
Lovely gifts, so thoughtful, it's so lovely to have your support recognised. Much deserved. I have Miss DS name scribed in several languages, it looks beautiful however it's written, but the Chinese is so special; words of a double syllable are so expressive in those characters.
Looking at your work top I am doubly amazed! Not only do you make such beautiful cards, using so many techniques which you generously share with us, but your table is so clean and organised!Not a drop of ink, even on your sponges and brayer! I clean mine but it is still stained and my sponges?...don't go there! I don't know what I do wrong! I love the multi-coloured ink pads but always got lines where the joins are and can't get rid of them...sigh! Your gifts are beautiful and precious, TFS!I still get a thrill when I open your blog and see your amazing calligraphgy scripture piece! God bless you!
Wow you have been busy this week. I picked up a brayer this week - so I'm of to have a look at the tutorial you posted!! Hope your well!! xx
Hi Shaz,
Have been trying to leave a comment here (and other blogs) for a couple of days but just kept timing out - soooo frustrating but looks like it is working again now - yay!
Lovely show and tell today. How special to have your name done in Chinese calligraphy! What a thoughtful gift.
Beautiful cards as always. You are such a whizz with your brayer!
{{hugs}} and blessings
Love the cards and your name in chinese calligraphy is such a wonderful gift you must be frilled, i have not mastered the brayer yeti hope one day i will get the hang of it. Hope you have a good week Lou x
Such lovely cards, and a great space you have this week - apologies that I'm a bit late getting round but it's been a bit busy lately!
Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Shaz!! Great deask this week, so many intresting and beautiful things!! Especially the calligraphy and what will be calligraphy!! Love it! I'm looking for your "join button"
Have a great day!
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