Thank you for taking time to visit, and I hope I am even a tiny bit helpful as I have been helped and blessed by so many others. I have been doing Calligraphy since teens, and card making for many years as well. In 1990 I delighted in the joys of stamping with ink and embossing after a trip to Cairns, Qld. In 2009 I discovered the brayer, 2010 the Cuttlebug, also have now taking to reading up on crafting blogs and lo! Here I am, on one of my own.

I live on the coast of eastern Australia. I am a Christian. I trusted in the LORD down here at the beach, amazingly it is not far from where I now live. It was over 50 years ago, after a Beach Mission Service at the age of 12 years

Monday 31 December 2012

A New Year Approaches + Snippets

Hullo there everyone.. 
Well, another new year approaches - doesn't it?
omething which we all face with varying amounts of interest, planning or concern etc. mostly depending on how preceding one has past.
A new year - 365 days in which to serve our Lord, should He give them to us.
This year has been mixed. I think most of us say that.. the high was the wonderful trip over seas which have yet to share much about - to see my family... and then ended with number of medical necessities, not quite so wonderful! 
I still have stitches this time in right calf as it was positive there also... but it is easy peasy compared to hands and feet!! give me limbs any day!!!
Here are some pickies from Boxing day from my sister's beach home, front verandah, they live overlooking the beach and wake up to this view everyday!
Photos taken on mobile, here are some Galahs and Seagulls at bird bath:
This bright and beautiful Bromeliad in courtyard was our Christmas tree this year as it was a bright and colourful as one! and even had wee white fairy lights on it in the blooms! if you look up close!
Also it time to share a card - here is one I actually made with Snippets so can enter it in Di's Snippets challenge. This card was made quickly, as I wanted one on Christmas day! 
I had the Spellbinder Medallion dies already cut in gorgeous Magenta Mirri card in Snippets pile, also with DST in perfect colour combo with piece from another card, perfectly with wee gift card which came in post! So cut it up attached and mounted, add wee bling, and voilà!

Another thing  I hope, next year,  God willing, in the new year apart from sharing the superb blessings while away, is to show more of calligraphy past! Calligraphy was on back burner this year apart from one done in March. Still awaiting next cataract surgery but will show as have heaps of others I have to share there!!

In 2013, may we look to our LORD, praying for His hand on each moment of each day and also on us, keeping us till He comes
God bless your day everyone wherever you may be and thanks so very much for popping over for a peek and chat, and most all for all your very wonderful encouragement in 2012!!
Shaz in Oz.x
Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. Hebrews 12:2

Wednesday 26 December 2012

God Save our Gracious Queen

(pickies courtesy of world wide web)
Hullo there everyone! 
We are enjoying beautiful summer weather here downunder and it is Boxing day, and just watched at 1pm the start of the Sydney to Hobart Yacht race leaving from beautiful Sydney harbour! Tis a tradition on Boxing day along with Boxing day test, which also starts today! This year it is against Sri Lanka. Not much crafting going on but hopefully will start in real earnest in day or two :D
I want to thank everyone who has left good wishes and pray that you also are blessed of the LORD this Christmas New year season and good health and safety for all.
I was really blessed as were my other family members last night as we sat and listened to the speech given by our 86 year old Queen!

 A very trendy Queen too, as here she is delighted as she views her speech which was recorded in 3D for the first time this year!

I was really taken this year to her reference to the carol which over here in Oz, I had never really heard..(not being bleak or midwinter)

In The Bleak Midwinter
In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan,
Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone;
Snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow,
In the bleak midwinter, long ago.

Our God, heaven cannot hold Him, nor earth sustain;
Heaven and earth shall flee away when He comes to reign.
In the bleak midwinter a stable place sufficed
The Lord God Almighty, Jesus Christ.

Enough for Him, Whom cherubim, worship night and day,
Breastful of milk, and a mangerful of hay;
Enough for Him, Whom angels fall before,
The ox and ass and camel which adore.

Angels and archangels may have gathered there,
Cherubim and seraphim thronged the air;
But His mother only, in her maiden bliss,
Worshipped the beloved with a kiss.

What can I give Him, poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb;
If I were a Wise Man, I would do my part;
Yet what I can I give Him: give my heart.

It was the last verse upon which she focused: (quote below) 
"At Christmas I am always struck by how the spirit of togetherness lies also at the heart of the Christmas story. A young mother and a dutiful father with their baby were joined by poor shepherds and visitors from afar. They came with their gifts to worship the Christ child. From that day on He has inspired people to commit themselves to the best interests of others.

"This is the time of year when we remember that God sent his only son 'to serve, not to be served'. He restored love and service to the centre of our lives in the person of Jesus Christ.
"It is my prayer this Christmas Day that His example and teaching will continue to bring people together to give the best of themselves in the service of others.

"The carol, In The Bleak Midwinter, ends by asking a question of all of us who know the Christmas story, of how God gave himself to us in humble service: 'What can I give him, poor as I am? If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb; if I were a wise man, I would do my part'. 

The carol gives the answer 'Yet what I can I give him - give my heart'.

"I wish you all a very happy Christmas."
I thrills my heart when a person with great influences stands so boldly and true to God's Word and Truth.. doesn't it?

"Long may she reign over us,
God save our Queen".
God bless you everyone wherever you may be, and thanks so much for popping over for a peek and chat!
Shaz in Oz.x 
PS Happy WOYWW everyone - will, God willing, be back next week.
PPS. Thursday: Right calf biopsy showed it was an SCC cancer, so had it removed today. So crafting delayed bit more.. ah well, have good book to read. :D

Sunday 16 December 2012

The Why of Christmas?

Hullo there everyone!
 At this busy time of year when we barely have time to draw breath and think of why we are involved in all this hustle and bustle? 

 I sometimes wonder if in this great busy-ness, we end up losing sight of why this season occurs so regularly at this time of year ~ this event we call Christmas.
As we send this greeting, do we stop to think why?

Some of course abbreviate it to Happy Xmas.

Let's just think on that for minute....
Mathematically "X" = an Unknown Quantity.  

What is "X" replacing?  CHRIST.

Christ is from ancient Greek: Χριστός, is a translation of the Hebrew מָשִׁיחַ (Māšîaḥ), the Messiah , and is used as a title for Jesus, meaning the Anointed One - or Chosen One.

So Christ, the Son Of God, is most definitely not an "X" an Unknown Quantity!

..... but perhaps to those who do not believe in Him - He is an unknown quantity!
Maybe it says something more of those who use it, than anything else. 

Why was there that sparkling star so bright,
Steady over Bethlehem the first Christmas night?
Why did those wondering shepherds come?
Why or of what had the heavenly chorus sung?

Angels sang of Joy, Hope and Peace for all,
Of the babe Jesus born in lowly cattle stall
The babe, God’s only Son, born to live and die,
Bringing us God’s salvation, this is the reason Why.

Salvation which shows God’s love for man
By truly believing we fulfil Salvation’s plan.

Why? Or rather, what shall I do with Jesus?
The greatest Gift of all.
Shaz in Oz. 8..12.12

 This last question is one we all need to stop and think upon...

Until we take that gift of salvation found in the LORD Jesus Christ,
 we will not have have it!

No gift is ours till it is received. Have you received that gift?

For GOD so loved the world,
 that He gave his Only Begotten Son, JESUS,

that whosoever believes in Him,

Shall not perish but will  have everlasting life.  
John 3:16


Thanks so very much everyone for being such wonderful encouragers and supporting me so often throughout this year. 
To me you are all a great blessing!
I pray the LORD will richly bless each of you and those you love this Christmas and keep you in the year ahead - till He comes,
love Shaz in Oz.x
I would like to link this post over to Little Birdee Blessings for this week where you will find a post to uplift your heart ~ see here!

PS. For those curious on my health, skin graft on left foot slowly mending. I am still not crafting but getting there. I go this week on Wed to doctor to have it checked, but think there is another on right calf next. I seem to get them in runs {so left foot, right hand and leg} then they settle down again so hope that will be it for a while (please LORD).

Thanks so very much for all your wonderful comments, you bless my heart! :D 

Update: 19.12.12 all going well for skin graft another appointment on 27.12.12 but excellent so far :D thanks for prayers. I wait on results and the LORD for verdict on right calf biopsy. 

Friday 7 December 2012

(Candy results on post below ~ please click here!

Hi everyone - just very brief post to say wont be blogging for a wee while.
I have been laid up more than I thought with latest bit of work - small skin graft was needed for the skin cancer removal on left foot.
However, I wanted to thank all the dear blogging friends who have sent such cheering greetings - should be back in week or so, all being well :D

As I said few weeks ago, see here - "Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom. Ps 90:12"
..and think that this is just what I am being taught at present! 
To wait on the LORD, one day at a time - as we none of know what each day which we are given will really bring.
 Thanks for popping over for peek and chat, and I pray that the LORD will God bless you and your day wherever you may be,
Shaz in Oz.x
Some pickies .. taken a while back now!
Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia  -click here) flower in Mr H.'s garden, called such because of its glorious plumage!

Okay, I was boasting recently we had pretty good strawberries here is one at 49 grams - not bad, eh!
And it is surf time here everyone - well not for me, but lots of folks :D 
..and yes we do need to slip, slop, slap!
To keep away the skin cancer.
  •  slip on a shirt,
  • slop on the sunscreen,
  • slap on hat!

Sunday 2 December 2012

Candy Results, WOYWW-ers ~ LOOK SEE!

Hullo there every one - first of all apologies for delay in the draw which was supposed to be yesterday!
This weekend was an incredibly busy one both days and only just now had time tonight to do the post although the draw did take place earlier when had some assistance!
Enough waffle, to the matter in hand - after weeding out those who were not really Wonderful Encouragers, there were thirty entries. It was BIG THANK YOU to All the Wonderful Encouragers who have joined my blog over the two years, so this was a necessary criteria. Some received an extra entry as they had joined before the candy was announced, and put the candy on their sidebar, so bonus required - just to be fair, it was generally agreed.

Okay no peeking, now there anyone ~ all eyes shut! Must be done fair and square now!


tah - dah!

Hey, psst! does that look like a WOYW-er has won??? YES!  Julia will be pleased!

So Scrappy Mo - or Maureen please contact me - and apologies to everyone else - wish I owned a bank and could make everyone who encourages me a winner.. 

.. but  two other names were pulled out of the very colourful Bhutanese hat (gift from sister who visited last year)!

So would Sally H. and Mrs A. please email me as well and will send you a brayer thank you card as well

Will not have time to do WOYWW (What is On Your Workdesk Wednesday- see here) this week as have another skin cancer excision at skin drs on Tuesday, on foot this time.. hopefully it is that last for a while. It is common in Oz.
I may be able to pop around a bit, but dont think it will not have time to post!
Thanks so much for popping over for a peek and chat, and may God bless your day wherever you may be!
Shaz in Oz.x 
PS and big welcome to the newest Encourager - Catherine, who makes the most amazing pieces of quilling work!

Wednesday 28 November 2012

ArtNeko Poppy ATC stamp + WOYWW!

Hullo there everyone -and here we are again another Wednesday!! but to introduce my post thought would cheer all those up in northern hemisphere who are facing cooler temps ahead.
Here is what it looks like today in Oz! it 25c and we generally dont get really hot weather being near the coast! Isn't Gods creation amazing? and yes, I know how blessed I am..
Now to the business end of this post – as our hostesses Julia so eloquently explained on her post last week – Wednesday is the highlight of many of our weeks when we go on the biggest blog hop int the world ~ What is On Your Workdesk Wednesday!! 
Or the acronym of WOYWW! so here is my desk last night ~ after midnight, so was Wednesday :D So to join please visit Julia's blog here !
And am on the homeward run of the Artneko image I started a few weeks ago now, before the hiccough with stitches in right hand.They come out today - yay! and it's pretty good now.. thanks for all your kind thoughts and prayers.
You can see the brayered pieces of two weeks ago on desk right and back + other card making detritus!
The red die middle right was cut and rejected to go under the Artnkeo ATC poppy. Looked at punches and chose the layered arches corner  punch (Martha Stewart).

 It is my very favourite punch - dont have large number but put this one at top of list!
I used the Caran D'ache pencils for the poppy,  but used a Mister Huey's Leaf green spray to make wash for background. 
Then used piece of linen card embossed with folder (Quick Kutz, Diamonds and Dots ) sprayed two sprays, Mister Huey leaf green, Cosmic Shimmer gold, looks really lovely IRL. Then used some Chinese/ Japanese paper bought about 20 years ago in Sydney, in a large sheet. It is sooo lovely!
 Here is the finished card!
I really highly recommend these stamps from Artneko. I showed you them on this desk back here -you can see how lovely and clear they are! The bundle from Artneko ( a set of 9 ATC stamped images which can be bought individually, and Muted Bamboo too the top left).
Such amazing ones!

  To see their high quality  stamps, especially ones on 50% off sale at present  L@@K here! great post costs too!
I would like to enter this card in the following challenges also:
2. Use it Up Tuesday - Ink it up - use up stash -stamps not used before - this was first time used this stamp and the paper has been neglected for about 20 yrs!

Thanks so much everyone for popping over for peek and chat. Happy WOYWW!
May God bless your day wherever you may be,
Shaz in Oz.x 
PS. Don't forget the THANK YOU Wonderful Encourager's Anniversary candy on offer HERE till 30.11.12

Monday 26 November 2012

Christmas is a-coming, Crafty individuals + Using Up Scraps!

A big apology to all WOYWWer's - I made mistake in linking over - this is this week's WOYWW post CLICK here -  or see above this one!

Well, hullo everyone!
As said every post for the last few weeks the moments, days, weeks are flying by! It reminds me of a Bible verse in Psalms when I stop and wonder at the speed of it all:
"Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom. Ps 90:12"
As I tip tap to write this there are less than 30 days to the day when we remember the birth of our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ. So thought I would share a few of this year's unpublished Christmas cards I have made and link them up to various challenges!
Firstly to Sarn's Christmas card challenge - here at Stamping for Pleasure!
This card has Our Daily Bread Christmas greeting, and the wonderful Crafty Individuals Bird Postcard Unmounted stamp which  is masked to cover the postcard stamp on it, used also with these others here  -  here and here! 
All are scraps from various times over the year, so entering these in Di's  Snippets challenge as well. These all, to be honest, were sitting around waiting to be completed for an inordinate amount of time.
Coloured image of robin in chalks, and has a strip of red ribbon at the bottom and strip of red bling, the paper is a digi freebie by Glenda Waterworth, of Artylicious called Moroccan Velvet A4RED (must-look link here).
The baubles below were made with scrap from wrapping paper (shown above and more shown on this post - CLICK here ).
These cards are made with the Marianne Design Creatables Fir branch LR0181, the bauble is made with Nestabilities
The embossing folder is Allegro by Cuttlebug, large size.
These two cards have the folder from the Christmas Winter Wonderland set by Cuttlebug in pearlised card, greeting red embossed / bauble plus brads and bling!( for Frosty & Bright Panpastels)

ALLSORTS Challenge - Bring on the Bling!
This card has the candy Cane Cuttlebug folder, and Nellie Snellen Multi frame die - eastern Oval, brad, bling and glitter on edges of layers of ornament.

Challenges I would also like to enter these in:
Allsorts Challenge - Bring on the Bling!!  (and there is plenty, on most cards)
Pan pastels Challenge - Challenge 46 - Frosty and Bright - two cards have the snowflakes folder, Winter Wonderland, and snowflake brads, frostiest is the white one so entering it in this challenge.
ABC Christmas Challenge W is Wrapping - make card with some wrapping paper - all the baubles are!
Crafty Individuals Challenge - Festive Sparkle - Entering CI Robin card with the red bling strip + ribbon in this challenge.
Thanks for taking a peek and chat, and may God bless you wherever you may be,
Shaz in Oz.x

Wednesday 21 November 2012

WOYWW, Brayer video + Extra Crunchy Ginger nuts!

Hullo there everyone!!
I actually started most of this post ages ago now and never published it, but show you a bit of my "unchanged-from-last-week "desk just to keep up with the theme
Those of you who were around later last week will know I have a wounded paw. After doing last week's post, I left for the skin specialist and came back with 5 stitches in right hand (skin cancer, an SCC)-  :D They come out next Wed. then have to have one done on my foot.
Finally did a brayer video (taken before hand was done)
this post here from yesterday!

Showed the brayer backgrounds on last week's post, this is a crop of the desk shot last week. Same as I have not been in there all week to work due to hand!
The observant monkey watchers among you commented last week that Deer Monkey, on the right, has his deer shirt on already. :D The WOYWW badge which he usually wears has been seconded by his monkey mate, Mechant, who is sitting beside him.
 Okay, so a while back now, the baking bug temporarily hit. I just had to make some of mum's scrummy Ginger Nuts, so I thought would share them .

If you like them really crunchy, the key to the crunch with biscuits is to leave them on the tray to cool and if possible for five mins in the open oven - if you cooking another batch obviously you cannot. 
Take care they don't get too brown though. I like to make good dunkers (in tea of course) and they are certainly that! If you like them really gingery then put in two teaspoons (or more) of ground ginger like I do.
I have rather poor quality video of our cheeky clowns of the garden (Rainbow Lorikeets - see also here) taking a bath in our bird bath, taken the same time as last weeks photos. I thought of it after took the still photos, so they were nearly finished!
Poor quality because it was taken on maximum zoom with my camera, through the lounge room window!
Rainbow Lorikeet “Lorikeets are considered a small to medium parrot and range in size from 150mm (6") to 400mm (16"). The colour of the bird depends upon the species and the variation with in that species, however bright colours are common and popular. Lorikeets are one of the few parrots that eat mainly nectar and pollen. In Australia, it is common along the eastern seaboard, from Queensland to South Australia and northwest Tasmania.”
Happy WOYWW everyone!
For those of you not in the know - WOYWW is a weekly blog hop - What is On Your Wordesk Wednesday? and here we do a reveal of what we are working on at present - or not! check desks all over the world, (click here) at our brilliant hostess', Julia's blog and see what you may learn and glean. 

Thanks so much every one for popping over for a peek and chat, and may the Lord bless your day wherever you may be!
Shaz in Oz.x  
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