Hi there everyone – well what a to-do! Today is the very first anniversary of my blog – which began on a very memorable day 01.11.10! ah, my very own Palindrome. :D
The purpose of the post is to say a really huge thank you to all my Wonderful Encouragers! I really did not know what I was starting on 01.11.10 - see first post! God has blessed me by so many wonderful friends that I really want to thank you all!

2. If not yet an Encourager you are extremely welcome to become one, especially if you like what you see on my blog. I would dearly love you to occasionally visit and comment.
3. I would appreciate it if you would kindly put a link for the candy on your sidebar of your blog, if you have one.
4. It will be drawn on 30.11.11 (6am UK time or 5pm 30.11.11 here in Australia). No fancy methods for the draw – I will put names in hat, old style!
Many, many thanks again to you one and all.
The candy is as follows:
A pocket calendar 2012, Quick Kutz die set, Marianne Creatables die, English Rose, Card toppers and pearls. These were chosen for light post from Oz.
And the MYSTERIOUS question mark??? Well, this item will be chosen by the winner!
I am offering a small piece of calligraphy - I will offer a selection, or a brayered Stampscapes if preferred.
If the winner has no use for the crafty items (ie not a crafter) I will do another draw for just these items.
As the calligraphy piece is hand done and takes time, there will needs be a postal delay for it.
A big thank you again to all you dear wonderful people and may God richly bless you all for your kindness over the past year.
Shaz in Oz.x
PS To those who said they were concerned on cost of post of candy (thank YOU, oldest and dearest encouragers of this blog who said this - Eileen was number one and Maggie number four).
However, I made it light on purpose so it is ready to go to anywhere in the world... so if you are an Encourager, and comment below - your name will go into the hat for the draw! :D
PS To those who said they were concerned on cost of post of candy (thank YOU, oldest and dearest encouragers of this blog who said this - Eileen was number one and Maggie number four).
However, I made it light on purpose so it is ready to go to anywhere in the world... so if you are an Encourager, and comment below - your name will go into the hat for the draw! :D
Dear Shaz, Happy 1st Blog Anniversary!
Wow, that is a big landmark, isn't it?
By the way, how do I put a link for your candy on my sidebar seeing there is no code? Do I just copy the picture? If you like, I could make you one and send it via e-mail for you to promote on your blog!
Happy Blogversary
Congratulations on your milestone celebration! Your blog is always an encouragement to me and I enjoy visiting. Here's to many more!
Woohoo Shaz ...congratulations! Many happy returns and lots of 'em xx How do I put the link on ... I am not very technical! ... Going to do my own Blog candy soon ( I have been collecting goodies for a while!)cos I am close to 200 followers. I think I will do the same as you and go with the comments and 'Hat'! Rock and Roll Shaz
luv Eileen xxxx
Congratulations on the anniversary of your blog beginning....Looking forward to joining you in the next year dv.
Don't include me in the draw...too far to post etc.
Best Wishes
Dear Shaz,
Happy 1st Blog Anniversary or Birthday or Blogversary...whichever, lol! :D
Your blog is a blessing and your work, inspiring. I pray the Lord will continue to use it for His glory and for your blessing and joy:)!
God bless,
P.S.: I don't know how to put your link on my blog, yet...would love to know how....cheers:)!
Congratulations on your lst Blog anniversary. It's been a joy to visit - you're such a talented crafter and a wonderful supporter and a friend to so many in blogland!
Best wishes, ikki x
I cannot believe it is only one year since you started blogging. Well done on that achievement. I am not putting myself down for your blog candy, due to the cost of postage from Oz to the UK, but I am sure someone will be very happy when they receive your generous gift.
Woo hoo! Congratulations on your first year anniversary!! I am a follower and enjoy popping in to see what's on your mind (and your work desk).
Congratulations! Wonderful, and yes, I'm an encourager of you and your wonderful blog! Bless you my friend!
Ginormous congratulations on your first blogaversary! It is an honour to share your wonderful talents through your blog and very generous that you offer a chacne of blog candy. Here;s to many more creative blogging years!
Love joZarty x
Oooops! I thought I was already a follower as I DO FOLLOW!! So have just joined...
Love Jo x
Morning Shaz . . . thanks for the opportunity to win some lovely crafty goodies.
Have a great day.
Hugs, Sandra
Hi Shaz, Well you have reminded me that it is almost one year since I also started this blogging business. Maybe I will think up some blog candy too? Not good with the sidebar thingies but I will have a go at it! Hope you are well! Happy WOYWW!
Happy blogversary Shaz! I have enjoyed following your blog this past year and look forward to the next one. I get RSS feed but can't find the follower widget to see if I am actually a follower! I think Google gremlins hide them from time to time! Vickie
Huge congrats on your palindrome anniversary! Always loved that word, lol! What a lot of joy you've managed to spread in just one year, this world is definitely nicer with you in it my friend. I tried to buy that Marianne die when I was in England but everywhere was sold out!! I'll add your post to my side bar later, but first I have some WOYWW visiting to do!!
Congratulations on your blogaversary - and to have started on such an auspicious date. I really enjoy reading your posts, learning snippets of information and seeing the photos of Australia and admiring your lovely projects, so long may you continue. Of course I'll add your candy to my sidebar - hopefully you might gain a few more encouragers:) Elizabeth x
Forgot to say ... the image is now for the L card - that's L for Let It Snow :) Elizabeth x #59
Congratulations Shaz. I really enjoy popping into a fellow Aussie blog. Looking forward to your 2nd Bloggerversary
Congratulations on the anniversary of your blog. I love to visit and see all your wonderful creations!
Well done on your blogiversary. I don't want to go in the draw but just wanted to say I am now a follower! I have followed you for ages on WOYWW but now I am a real follower. lol. x Jo
Hi Shaz, Happy anniversary and thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog ! Here's to the next year, lets hope it's a mega creative and peaceful
love and hugs
chris richards
Hi Shaz congrats on your one year anniversary !
Thank you for your wonderful comments on my blog !
Here's to the next year....lets hope its a peaceful and creative one !!
I have put a link on my blog for your candy !
love and hugs
chris richards
Hi Shaz, thanks for the early visit- I was going to post at 6.15 our time, but Julia was running late today, so I had to go to work. I would love to be part of your draw,and I love the term Encouragers- that's exactly how all our online friends are, isn't it? I have seen your blog link on Kevins site, I think its so cool that he encourages all of us as much as he does, and yes, I think he is right up there with Tim. Have a great day Shaz,
Hi Shaz!!
I posted a card with such English Roses in my blog. I use it, sometimes. So I wish this candy will be a big blessing for those who don't have it!
I love so much your candy, and love that you give to us! Thankyou so much!
It's pleasant to see that you remmember me in your post!
But my country is Ukraine,I wrote on Russian=)
Vika Dolya
Happy One year Shaz!!!
Wonderful generous candy.
Keep smiling and creating
Happy Anniversary Shaz!! Wow!! Its hard to believe how fast one year can pass... I think I am in Jan or Feb. Will have to go look!
Thanks for all of your thoughtful, wonderful comments on my blog. When I see you show up it always makes me smile!
I think you are the most talented calligraphy artist out there and always look forward to seeing your new projects come to life. Your cards are right up there too...always a masterpiece.
Once again.. congratulations my friend!
Yoohoo! I have linked and put the Candy on my side bar !!xxxxxx
Happy Bloggaversary Shaz with many more to come.
Love stopping by your blog to see what yoju are up to. Hugs Mrs A.
I hope this is the first of many, Shaz. You are a wonderful friend to have in this wonderful Blogasphere of ours. Congrats on your first birthday and thank you so much for the chance to win such wonderful candy. I have linked it to my sidebar.
Hugs Lisax
What a wonderful place for me to land on, I love calligraphy. I'm a bit older than you and it was compulsory for us to do it at school (in the UK) from the age of 11 and I fell in love with it then.
I have just recently taken it up again since the 1980's after having a hectic life, it's a shame life gets in the way of doing what we love best.
Keep up the lovely work.
I finally found the comment link...derrr brain here needs more chocolate!!!! It was a wonderful moment the day i found your blog site, so many congratulationsfor sharing this first year of wonderful posts. I simply love your cards but your calligraphy pieces give me such a thrill in my heart. May you be blessed with many more blog years of sharing and ministering!
Congratulations on your 1st Blogaversary Shaz! I treasure our friendship and appreciate your continued encouragement and support. God bless you my dear sister in Christ.
{{hugs}} and blessings
Congratulations on your 1st Anniversary. I will visit often. I have added your candy to my blogs sidebar.
huge congratulations Shaz, what a great first year. Always amazing things to see and learn on this blog.
love Annie
Congrats on your blogaversary Shaz. How exciting that the year has flown by so far with so many lovely creations you have shared. Enjoy the rest of your weekend xo
Hi Shaz
Great blog you have, I like calligraphy and find being left handed it works well for me. love to win your blog candy but I am sure whoever wins will find the prize great
Congradulations on your blogaverary. I really like your blog. I especially like your calligraphy.
Congrats on your Blogoversary...Love your Thank You card. Thanks for sharing and have a happy WOYWW. Enjoy the season
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