Yes, sorry or rather, sort of sorry! ;D
Here is a very small part of the Lord's beautiful creation - and how everyone is enjoying it down at the secluded and safe harbour.
Here is a very small part of the Lord's beautiful creation - and how everyone is enjoying it down at the secluded and safe harbour.

Although it entails a lot of work and I am not able to blog or create as much as I would like, I love it. There is the lovely weather and the getting ready for Christmas events! The last two nights I've heard our Christmas beetles trying to get through the screen door at nights (or wire-screen, or flywire, depending on what you call it?). Also in the evening the cicadas are beginning to tune up their summer chorus! Yay!
In a hanging basket in the courtyard garden, is a stunning red "Christmas-y" Zygocactus. Simply loaded with blooms again this year, I am amazed at these plants. You ignore them for 11 months of the year, throw a bit of fertiliser/water around occasionally and they repay you like this glorious bouquet! Again my heart sings with praise to God for His many mercies.
Before I go any further I want to say a very BIG welcome to all new Wonderful Encouragers, your kind words cheer my day! Thank you to ALL of you, who have been checking in on this blog over the time, you are all more deeply appreciated than words can convey!
And happy WOYWW or What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday, everyone. What is happening here? Well, not much it is all YET to happen you see.
The card I am attempting to make has been in this state for almost week. A trip to Sydney doctors last Thurs for another check (all good, thank you, Lord and dear friends who were asking!). I'm trying to summon creative thoughts and put together what should be a simple card. However 'cos it is me, I make what is simple - complicated. {for those from Oz, the sparkly paper is from KMart, the Creativ brand- cheap and yummy!}
We have had new birth a few weeks back, our new little one has arrived (Emily Elizabeth – isn’t it such a pretty a name?). Hence I want this card to be extra special.
As her mummy sometimes reads my blog I will not elaborate any more on what is going on (maybe 'cos I don’t know what is?) but perhaps the knowledgeable among you may be able to figure it out from the picture? For those of you who are puzzled why we are looking at work desks do join in the fun, and take a trip over to Julia's Stamping Ground!
Thanks so very much for stopping by to have a chat. I am now off peek at other desks of the world and may God bless your day wherever you may be.
Shaz in oz.x
PS have some new cards on post below, Unity Stamp with brayer and sponge. And dont forget my candy wonderful Encouragers of my blog, if you have not entered it yet. See almost top of sidebar.
PS have some new cards on post below, Unity Stamp with brayer and sponge. And dont forget my candy wonderful Encouragers of my blog, if you have not entered it yet. See almost top of sidebar.
woohoooo is it Wednesday already? I guess it is even here!! Mine's not up yet,just put it on timer. I must say that beach looks beautiful! and your desk, very productive! Happy Woyoww
Hi Shaz, Love that sparkly paper! The card will be lovely, I'm sure. Hope you are OK? Wish my zygocactus looked half as good as yours!
Welcome back and wow I love your zygo thingamigig, its gorgeous. Also gorgeous beach picture. I can see something pretty evolving from those gorgeous papers
Bridget #29
Summer at Christmas just seems all topsy turvey. On good years we get snow here mostly it is grey and drizzly. Mind you if it was summer it wouldn't do that properly either here in the UK. Hope you get some inspiration for your card it is hard when you feel pressure to get something personal right.
Such a glorious place you live in - that photo is fantastic, as is the flower laden cactus.
Happy WOYWW, 12
Such a lovely place, wish I was on that beach!
and that desk looks busy .....
love and hugs
chris richards
Never heard of a zygocactus before - but wow, what a stunner!! That's the sort of plant I like, minimum imput, maximum effect!!
I don't have a clue as to what you're going to make for baby Emily, but it's going to be pretty, looking at the papers :)
Hugs, LLJ #45 xx
Exciting goodies in your workspace - look forward to seeing the card - welcome to baby Emily Elizabeth (yes, what a lovely name) - Hazel WOYWW #43 x
Yes, I thought I knew that brand (the sparkly paper), and I got those dot things from Lincraft. Can't think of the brand, but I will let you know if I remember. They are sort of clear looking, but if you put them on white paper they are a pale apricot!
Hi there; thank you for sharing your place of creativity with us this week, it was great to pop in and visit. The sunshine weather there and those lovely red flowers are glorious; especially as it's getting colder here! Hope you have a blessed week.
Neil #58
Ooooh you do live in a beautiful part of the world! Lovely papers on your desk too. Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Sunshine Girl – No 34
ohh beautiful ... thanks for sharing that - it's foggy and damp here.
Kay #21
You do live in one of the prettiest spots in OZ. Hope your health continues to improve. Guessing from your other cards this one will be beautiful.
I'm jealous of the beauty around you! Where I live we have gorgeous mountains, but I long for the ocean! What glorious pictures! I totally understand why you want to be outdoors!
your work desk is sooo much cleaner than mine! Love that glitter paper frame!
Lovely post to read and made me wish we were in warmer climes as it gets colder and colder here and damp and dull and grey. Not moaning just wishing!
Welcome to this wonderful world to Emily. A new child is such joy.
Lots of love
joZarty x
Just doing a quick pass through today ... I am going to get everyone visited!!! Fab goodies on your desk.
Cathy xx #19
Wow, I wish the weather was that nice here! Although Christmas and winter go hand in hand for me, don't know what I'd do with warm weather right now. Thanks for the peek. Sue #83
It is dark and dingy, slightly foggy here and damp. I think that I shall have to come and see you Shaz it looks so beautiful. Although despite the weather I am a family and home girl. Glad to hear everything is all right and hope that this continues - love Melissa
What beautiful photos sat dreaming there for moment .The reality stuck looked out the window cold,damp thick fog.Oh how i wish somewhere warm.But then can't imagine christmas in the heat and no cold frosty mornings or even snow.
That plant is absolutely gorgeous .Have fun filled creative week .Happy Woyww
hugs judex 6
I'm a bit late today on my journey round the desks (shopping day - new handbag) but am trying to get round as many as I can.
What a beautiful part of the world you live in.
Ann B #39
Привет, Shaz. У нас снег, а у вас такая благоприятная погода! Это замечательно! Спасибо за этот чудесный вид. Шикарно цветет Рождественский цветок!. Так интересно читать про жуков, у нас таких нет :) Вдохновения тебе и благословений в рождественских заботах. Мне приятно быть у тебя в гостях и читать твой блог!
Congratulations on your new family member's arrival. It is a lovely name. Thank you for showing us where you live. Those Christmas cactuses are such tough plants. When they have finished flowering here, they usually get dumped out into the garden in a sheltered place, out of the sun, and, if I remember, they get brought back in after the first touch of frost. At that point, they breathe a sigh of relief and flower like mad.
Love all the yummylicious pinkness! Can't wait to see it all finished.
Thanks for the peek and sharing. Hope you are having a great WOYWW,
xoxo Marjo #109
Hi Shaz, oh how I could do with a bit of that sunshine - it was zero degrees out on the patio this morning and the garden shimmered with frost. Your plant is gorgeous - we have one growing indoors, it's about 16 years old, and it's flowering now too ... with fewer blossoms though. Haven't been able to figure out what you type of card you are making for Emily Elizabeth ... got to agree that's a really pretty name :)... but whatever, it's sure to be pretty judging by the materials you have ready. Glad to hear you've got the all okay from the doc and hope you have a happy time making more of your beautiful Christmas cards. Elizabeth x #78
such pretty fresh colours on your desk today. Can't wait to see the finished card.
Vika Dolya said...
From Vika Doyla in Russian above, translation below:
Привет, Shaz. У нас снег, а у вас такая благоприятная погода! Это замечательно! Спасибо за этот чудесный вид. Шикарно цветет Рождественский цветок!. Так интересно читать про жуков, у нас таких нет :) Вдохновения тебе и благословений в рождественских заботах. Мне приятно быть у тебя в гостях и читать твой блог!
Vika Dolya said ...
Hi, Shaz. We have snow, but you have such good weather! This is wonderful! Thank you for this wonderful view. Elegant flower Christmas flower!. It is so interesting to read about bugs, we have none:) The inspiration and blessings to you in the Christmas worries. I am pleased to be with you at a party and reading your blog!
Thank you!
Ohhhh.. it looks so lovely across the pond! The weather here is miserable today with very high winds. The rain is horizontal and it doesnt seem like the sun is up at all. I hear there is snow here and there.
How do you keep your work desk so organized.. I clean mine up and have half the room pulled out again before I finish a card! haha!
Have fun in the sun!
Hi Shaz,
I really miss that beach and harbour. I don't think there is anything quite like it up here for swimming.
Yes, Christmas is almost here...can't believe it! God is good and faithful!
I love those Christmasy flowers...they're quite amazing:)
May the Lord be with you in this blessed and very busy season:D!
How I love the name Emily Elizabeth, it conjures up such pretty pictures in my mind. Welcome little one.
Fab picture to greet us Shaz and cheer us on a crisp cold day here in the north of England. Nice and sunny but still quite cold.
Glad things were ok at the doctors and how nice to know what preparation you are into for the coming celebration. Thanks for sharing with us at WOYWW - Hugs, Neet #9
Such beautiful photos Shaz! I must get a move on with my Christmas cactus or there'll be no flowers, and I repotted my two amaryllis bulbs bit so far no sign of life! So that's where our cicadas have got to!! I know they bury into the soil for winter but I had no idea they'd made it all the way Down Under!! Glad to heat the Dr's visit was all good.
Brenda 86
Hi Shaz
Thanks for stopping by. Yep.... "oh no no no" was exactly what was going through my mind too..... LOL. Still, these things are meant to try us! Lovely papers on your desk - and congrats on the arrival of the little one, you guys must be as proud as mummy and daddy are!
Cricket brings us all to a standstill, not good for productivity here in SA!
SO sorry no time to WOYWW this week ... just don't know where it has gone! That beach looks just gorgeous but I'm very much a winter person and was very happy snuggling up with my hot-water bottle last night! Debbie x
Very pretty papers on your desk down there and what a fantastic sight to behold! I could do with some lovely sunshine right now! Cold wet and miserable in South Wales!!
Have a great week and beautiful cards below.
Dear Shaz,
I fully agree with you, the name "Emily Elizabeth" is beautiful! Two lovely names, put together with such taste.
My family love old-fashioned names. My little brother and sister are Darcy Charles, and Eleanor Grace. Old fashioned, and English!
God bless you,
Thanks for your beautiful piuctures. We could do with warming up here in the UK. It is dismal and damp and no sun. Haven't been able to blog or comment lately due to family health issues. Hugs Mrs A.
Thank you for those most wonderful pictures! I would love to hear the sounds of nature at it's best! Your hanging planter is devine to say the least! We are starting to see the colder temperatures and we've even had a bit of snow fall but nothing to speak of really! I crave the warmer temperatures already and winter isn't even hear yet! Oh dear!!!!
I love the colours on your desk, so pretty! I get some great deals at Walmart too and they have all the same stuff (not as much though) as the bigger craft stores but better prices! Sorry I am late getting around, have a wonderful week!
Shaz, I'm following up on your comment on my blog. I have so enjoyed my visit to yours! Seeing pictures of Oz has been so much fun, and your calligraphy is AMAZING! I play around with it, am entirely self-taught so mine is rudimentary at best. While teaching elementary school, I taught my kids about illuminated letters when we studied the Middle Ages. I'd always have them write a story and use their letters. I bought books full of examples and directions for them. I still have them. Hmmm I should get them out!
For being number 1 this week, I'm awfully late visiting. I'm so sorry I'm late, but, after a computer crash I had to stop by and get a bit of inspiration from your lovely art. I know what you mean by something that should be simple turns into a living nightmare. You'll get there. BTW, we also have KMart in the states.
Hi Shaz.... Bit damp and foggy over here at the mo but your super pictures have lifted my spirits!
Came over this morning to check you are okay and glad to see your latest Doctors visit is good news.
Thinking of you my little blogging buddy!
Take care xx Eileen xxxx
BTW .... The Scenescape stamps are coming out to play soon .....more later! Whoop,whoop!
Abt bloomin time I hear you call!!! lol
Hi Shaz
Phew!!!! Just made it before next weeks WOYWW. Sorry to be such a late visitor this week. Too much work and not enough time.
Your beautiful beautiful sunny scene has really cheered me. We have had days of greyness and fog and oh how I long for the sunny summer days again.
I can't get over your Christmas cactus. We have to grow them in doors and mine has just flowered but nothing like this. Those flowers are amazing.
Your desk looks very industrious. I recognise those inkadinkadoo owls.
Congrats on your new arrival. It is indeed a very pretty name.
BTW I did get your e-mail and will act on it now time is on my side again.
Hugs Lisax
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