As we watch this year rapidly disappearing from the scene, the Wednesdays are really running into one other – aren’t they everyone? Phew – a deep breath here to catch up!! And yes as you see by the first pickie on this post the sunny days still here – this is some para-surfing action down at our creek mouth, about ten minutes walk from here. God's glories shine forth indeed.

I was talking a few weeks ago about our Christmas beetles making their presence felt – so here is pickie of one.
This is the large variety, about 2cm long. There are the small brown and black ones that scratch at the wire on the windows to try and get in... These are brown and black ones are no-where near as beautiful as this iridescent beauty. We used to have heaps of these big ones eating our gum trees but the trees were removed. Click on pickie to see him up close! It is amazing.

I smiled when Vika who lives in Ukraine commented on my post a couple of weeks ago, that they have few insects over there. I cannot imagine what that would be like.
The last nature shot is for Lisa who was talking about her Lantana she was trying to grow and keep alive through the winter in UK. I told her over that over here it is a noxious weed – it is planted in some gardens here these days but only specially bred varieties, that wont grow rampant. This one was taken on my walk the same day as the one at the top beach scene as it on the path through the sandhills.
Okay here is my desk (dining table) from a bit earlier – it is bare now so super dull.
This was when I was making Emily Elizabeth’s card and you can find all the details on the post below.

Then Nellie Snellen Multi-frames - Square Stitch Nellie Snellen Multiframe Die Set 033 in two shades of mint and lilac to match the DP. The stamp is a combo one with frame of Penny Black hedgie baby set. I masked off the sling with Penny Black baby hedgie in the centre of the stamp and added small owl Inkadinkado stamped image added afterwards. Used the Petite Oval Spellbinders for the greeting.
Then this card was made with left over pieces as I changed the colour scheme as I went along, etc. I did not want to waste it all so made a simple little baby card for a spare with left over bits. The border is Nellie Snellen border die and scoreboard.
A long post today as you probably wont hear from me for a while except for the draw of candy, not long to go now.
For those of you who would love to join in the fun of looking at work desks around the world, do join in the fun, and take a trip over to Julia's Stamping Ground!
Thanks so very much for stopping by to have a chat.May God bless your day wherever you may be.
Shaz in Oz.x
This was posted on Wednesday - early Wednesday here - now (due to daylight saving changes) we are 11 hours ahead of UK time now, and even more elsewhere!
This was posted on Wednesday - early Wednesday here - now (due to daylight saving changes) we are 11 hours ahead of UK time now, and even more elsewhere!
That beetle is beautiful. I wouldn't mind having that in my backyard! I have tiny little lizards at my house; they are so fun to watch scurrying around. Also, I might have planted some lantana in my backyard. It looks like the plant -- I lost the plant card. Seems like it is recommended here to attract butterflies.
The card looks great! I cleaned off my worktable (dining room table) and it is now piled with Christmas presents that need wrapping.
Shaz :))) Мне так приятно читать твои посты !
Они очень интересные и познавательные!
Спасибо за рождественских жуков.)) Ооо, какими красивыми их сотворил Господь! У нас нет таких жуков, есть похожие, но они называются майскими жуками и появляются весной.
У нас холодно и идет снег. Жуки все спят :)))
Нет зеленных деревьев...
Очень красивая природа и благословение видеть эту красоту.
Я дома всем рассказываю о том, о чем ты пишешь.
Спасибо тебе огромное.
Люблю, Вика.
Bit early Shaz - or is it Wednesday already in Australia? Love that beetle, isn't she beautiful.
well this is weird as it is still tuesday as i am reading this. I love seeing your nature pictures the little lizard is lovely (daughter no2 wants one!!. The owl cards are very pretty, you have been busy.
ps it has been cold, blowing a gale and raining all day so enjoy your lovely weather.
I shall miss your blog, Shaz. I enjoy seeing all your very different wildlife, and that beetle is very beautiful even if I don't much like that kind of insect. I love your owl cards, they are so cute. Now, I do like owls, and I love to hear them in the evenings when they are calling. If you do not blog before Christmas, have a lovely time doing whatever you have planned to do, and take care of yourself. xx
Vika Dolya said ...
Shaz:))) I'm so pleased to read your posts!
They are very interesting and informative!
Thank you for the Christmas beetles.)) Ooh, what beauty they made by the Lord! We do not have bugs, there are similar, but they called the May beetles and appear in spring.
We have cold and snowing. Beetles are all asleep:)))
No green trees ...
Very beautiful scenery and a blessing to see this beauty.
I'm telling everyone at home about what you write.
Thank you very much.
I love you, Vic.
November 30, 2011 4:29 AM
Spring has truly sprung! That MS punch is great. Thanks for sharing the card, too. Love the spring colors on your desk. Happy WOYWW from #7.
what lovely weather you're all your nature pics and Dad's painting is just stunning...thanks for the crafty snoop...Happy WOYWW...hugs kath (33)
Hi there and thanks for the peek into your creative zone. It looks like there is loads going on so thanks for sharing. Hope you have a brilliant week and have plenty of creative time! I love seeing all the photos around where you live so thanks for letting us share them with you. I see from your candy post the gifts run in the family, that painting is super!
Neil #24
Thanks for the photo, Shaz. I have one just like this!!!
Also thanks for the blast of sunshine, boy do we need it here in the UK at the minute. It's been a wet and windy spell of weather over the last few days, although we have weak sunshine this morning.
That beetle is amazing, what colours. It doesn't look real.
Hugs Lisax
Gorgeous pictures Shaz, you obviously live in a very pretty part of the world. Happy WOYWW x
Love all the pictures of the landscape, animals and flowers. They are so different from my country and yes.... a little bit of sun. That's what make you feel happy.
Love the cards you've made too. They are so neat.
Thanks for sharing and happy WOYWW.
Wow, that beetle is amazing - the irridescent colours are simply gorgeous. Isn't nature wonderful? Great painting by your pa in the post above, you are one talented family, that's for sure!
hugs, LLJ #40 xx
Love the nature shots! That Christmas beetle is beautiful! I miss the little geckos that we would have in South Carolina. Too cold up here in the Pacific NW. Love the cards that you made! Way to work those scraps! -Amanda #21
Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos. Your Dad's painting is awesome. Love the colors. And I love the nature pictures..Enjoy WOYWW and have a wonderful week
Beautiful photos Shaz, love your Dad's painting too. Love the little Lizard, not sure about the beetle, looks like it would eat all my veggies if it lived here!! Lovely cards, glad you're still doing a bit of crafting here and there.
Brenda 78
Love your photos and cards.
Nice post Shaz ! That beetle is incredible.....
I just love the irridescence! Thanks for your comments on our blogs....
love and hugs
chris and Dave R
Lovely cards here as usual - and you do have a knack with the old camera, eh? Fab photo of the beetle!
Thanks for stopping by this week!
Hi Shaz, love all your photos - you live in a gorgeous corner of the world. The Christmas beetle is very aply named - love it's golden colour. The cute owls are a lovely choice for your cards - especially like the glossy one. I hope it is just the busy-ness of Christmas that is keeping you too busy to post over the forthcoming period and nothing more serious than that. Take care, Elizabeth x #111
Lovely pictures this week, Shaz! Thanks so much for sharing. It's hard to get my head round the fact that it's summer with you! Love the little lizard doing a bit of hot tubbing, and that absoltuely beautiful metallic beetle!! Isn't our Creator just wonderful? Happy WOYWW, Shoshi #62
Gorgeous pictures Sharon and even though I don't like beetles that one is beautiful. He could almost be a brooch, and an expensive one at that.
What a beautiful card you have made for Emily Elizabeth.
(I feel silly, it was actually warm in Munich and I pretended in my post it was cold - LOL)
Hugs, Neet x
Wow! I have really enjoyed seeing all your pictures! I think you have one very talented Dad...beautiful painting! I love nature and loved your photos. Lanterna has to be taken into the green house during winter in Europe and the sap is poisonous. Butterflies love it! Gorgeous card for Emily are such a gifted lady! God has blessed you greatly! TFS!
Just a quick reply to your visit to me, for which "Thank you". I do have a bread maker, but I also love making bread by hand if I have time. I have recently been watching videos by Richard Bertinet on how to make good bread, and his technique does seem to have improved my already acceptable recipes.
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