Hullo there everyone!
At this busy time of year when we barely have time to draw breath and think of why we are involved in all this hustle and bustle?

As we send this greeting, do we stop to think why?
Some of course abbreviate it to Happy Xmas.
Let's just think on that for minute....
Mathematically "X" = an Unknown Quantity.
What is "X" replacing? CHRIST.
Christ is from ancient Greek: Χριστός, is a translation of the Hebrew מָשִׁיחַ (Māšîaḥ), the Messiah , and is used as a title for Jesus, meaning the Anointed One - or Chosen One.
So Christ, the Son Of God, is most definitely not an "X" an Unknown Quantity!
..... but perhaps to those who do not believe in Him - He is an unknown quantity!
Maybe it says something more of those who use it, than anything else.
Why was there that sparkling star so bright,
Steady over Bethlehem the first Christmas night?
Why did those wondering shepherds come?
Why or of what had the heavenly chorus sung?
Angels sang of Joy, Hope and Peace for
Of the babe Jesus born in lowly cattle
The babe, God’s only Son, born to live
and die,
Bringing us God’s salvation, this is the
reason Why.
Salvation which shows God’s love for man
By truly believing we fulfil Salvation’s
Why? Or rather, what shall I do with Jesus?
The greatest Gift of all.
Shaz in Oz. 8..12.12
This last question is one we all need to stop and think upon...
Until we take that gift of salvation found in the LORD Jesus Christ,
we will not have have it!
No gift is ours till it is received. Have you received that gift?
For GOD so loved
the world,
that He gave
his Only Begotten Son, JESUS,
that whosoever believes
in Him,
Shall not perish but will have everlasting life.
Thanks so very much everyone for being such wonderful encouragers and supporting me so often throughout this year.
To me you are all a great blessing!
I pray the LORD will richly bless each of you and those you love this Christmas and keep you in the year ahead - till He comes,
love Shaz in Oz.x
I would like to link this post over to Little Birdee Blessings for this week where you will find a post to uplift your heart ~ see here!
I would like to link this post over to Little Birdee Blessings for this week where you will find a post to uplift your heart ~ see here!
PS. For those curious on my health, skin graft on left foot slowly mending. I am still not crafting but getting there. I go this week on Wed to doctor to have it checked, but think there is another on right calf next. I seem to get them in runs {so left foot, right hand and leg} then they settle down again so hope that will be it for a while (please LORD).
Thanks so very much for all your wonderful comments, you bless my heart! :D
Update: 19.12.12 all going well for skin graft another appointment on 27.12.12 but excellent so far :D thanks for prayers. I wait on results and the LORD for verdict on right calf biopsy.
Wonderful post.
I will pray that your right calf is not skin cancer. You have been through enough!
Such a lovely post which hopefully reminds many of the true meaning of this celebration. I agree that we should not put a X in place of the name of Jesus.
I'll add a special few words in hope for your speedy recovery from these troubles...
Jo x
Great post Shaz and I do think people forget the true meaning of Christmas. I got asked the other day why I only had two of the four votive candles lit near my Nativity set! Three tonight :-D
I too hate the use of Xmas instead of Christmas. I was at a craft fair once and I declined buying a set of stamps as it had Xmas in it. The stall holder was quite afronted but it was MY choice!
Glad to hear you are getting better and look forward to seeing your new projects.
Thanks for all these reminders that Jesus is the reason for the season. I appreciate you linking to my post. Have a wonderful Christmas season and blessings to you and your family in the new year. ~ Abby
A lovely post. It saddens me that Christmas seems to be all about spending lots of money, partying and so on. I too hate an x being used instead of Christ. I hope that you are healing well and that there is no more skin cancer on your right calf. God Bless. Anne x
I quite agree with your sentiments about Xmas. Just not right. I don't feel it is really Christmas until I can sit down and join in with the Carols from King's College. I always love singing the old carols, which have so much meaning - In the Bleak Midwinter in particular. As a former choir member, we spent a lot of time in church at this time of year and it was very special, and also collecting with our school brass band at various concerts around the area. Hope you find your health problems will vanish as we head into the New year. I shall be thinking of you. Thank you so much for all your lovely posts and comments this year. They have all meant so much. xx Maggie
Sharon, a lovely post. Your poems were so beautiful, and I wholeheartedly agree with the Merry CHRISTmas. If I can't say THAT, I refuse all the other salutations one hears or sees this time of year. We all need to stop and think about the wonderful gift that is at the basic root of this holiday, and get back to it. So many horrible, awful things happening around the world, and I wonder if the Father has decided to remind us: He is Lord. Remember Him. Thanks for such a lovely reminder with the sweet poetry. Hope you continue to heal, and that 2013 will be a more healthful year. In the meantime, Hugs & Merry Christmas! See you in Blogland when 2013 rolls around & you're able to craft once more.
Gorgeous post, Shaz! I really hope you have a wonderful Christmas and that 2013 sees you up and ready to go again.
Sending love and hugs, LLJ #25 xx
May I wish you a very blessed time over Christmas, Shaz. Like Maggie, the King's College carol service is the most important thing for me and I hate all the frippery and materialism at this time of year. Thanks for your visit and comment - my hubby's poor little bear is proper poorly at the moment but hopefully will soon have new paws! Your skin grafts are a lot more serious of course, and I hope all goes well and that they heal properly, and that 2013 will be a better year all round for you.
Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #47
I enjoyed ready your post Shaz and thank-you so much for sharing the poems. I NEVER use the X!!!!
Hope that all is ok for you and that 2013 is a much better year for you.
Happy Christmas, Shaz,
We, too, in this household, celebrate the wonder of Jesus coming as man to save us from all sin. Trust all will continue to heal, and that your next appointment goes well. God bless you with His peace and joy as you celebrate His birthday.
A lovely post Sharon and a timely reminder of the true meaning of Christmas. Thanks for commenting on my blog and for being a cyber friend, not only a cyber friend though as it was lovely to meet you earlier in the year.
Hope you are soon feeling up to doing a bit more crafting and that you have a Happy and peaceful Christmas.
Ann B
Thanks so much for your lovely comment Shaz... love and happiness to you,
Jo x
It is so easy to forget the true meaning of Christmas. I hope all goes well with the leg etc and you have a wonderful christmas
janet #21
Hi Shaz
Thanks for stopping by and for your kind comments.
Hoping all the best for you and that everything gets better as soon as possible. I have never (and will never) use the common abbreviated form of Christmas. There, I didn't even use it then. I so dislike the commercialism of it and we need to be reminded of the true meaning.
I want to take just a moment and Wish you a very Merry Christmas! I have enjoyed sharing your wonderful creations this year and look forward to seeing all you do in 2013! My Christmas wish for you is a speedy recovery and that you are back to your old self very soon! Merry Christmas!
Just popped by to wish you a Happy Christmas and a Peaceful and Crafty New Year, Shaz.
I hope you continue to mend and all goes well with your follow up appointments.
Thinking of you my friend.
Look forward to chatting more next year.
Hugs Lisax
Hi Shaz, I read somewhere that the X is for the cross of Christ. A blessed Christmas to you and your loved ones. May you have the choicest gifts of the season- love, joy, hope and peace beyond understanding. And good health of course!!!! Patsy from
Merry Christmas, Shaz!
The true meaning of CHRISTmas for sure. Our local nuns and priest visit dad each week and we only talked about the 'x' factor and it's because some don't believe and some are too lazy to use the full word of is all about "Christ"....hope yours was lovely and happy new year and please Shaz, I have a candy which you must enter...luv annie
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