Thank you for taking time to visit, and I hope I am even a tiny bit helpful as I have been helped and blessed by so many others. I have been doing Calligraphy since teens, and card making for many years as well. In 1990 I delighted in the joys of stamping with ink and embossing after a trip to Cairns, Qld. In 2009 I discovered the brayer, 2010 the Cuttlebug, also have now taking to reading up on crafting blogs and lo! Here I am, on one of my own.

I live on the coast of eastern Australia. I am a Christian. I trusted in the LORD down here at the beach, amazingly it is not far from where I now live. It was over 50 years ago, after a Beach Mission Service at the age of 12 years

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Make your Own Texture Paste + WOYWW!

{Warning - picture heavy post}
Hullo everyone.  
Another WOYWW! (What is On Your Workdesk Wednesday) over at Julia's Stamping Ground - there we learn lots, have fun, cheer one another up when need be .. so do join us, do! 
Today? another how to make..
Measure ingredients ~ see below recipe.
For as some of you know might know by now, I dont like wasting my craft pennies, if can make something with what I have already. So decided to research if you can make texture paste (after seeing it at Spotlight for $14.95).
 Here a You tube video I found (music with video is not my type, so muted it). Unable to add it directly~ so a click-able link:
I have put the video recipe below and some step by steps for you too.
Ingredients:  White paint, talc + liquid PVA type glue

Method: 1.Mix together equal parts of white paint + talc.
             2. Add half part of liquid glue. *(did 50g of paint + talc, glue = 25g)
             3. Stir! mix! stir! till mixed really well. I added a bit of water to mine as both glue and paint were thicker than You tube sample was, really stiff paste.
4. Tape down mask/ stencil, and spread on with chipboard spreader or plastic card as I used, onto stencils, etc., use craft mat for good removal of excess.
 You can colour it with paint, perhaps even re-inkers or food colour. Or even make it up with metallic paints in first place. The sky is the limit, especially if you have metallic paint, etc. (can buy here $2 at the Dollar store). It certainly seems* to dry well and flexibly (*only did for today's post so yet to test durability)
This lot cost me about $2 (instead of Spotlights $14.99) to make with things I already had. Used the talc to make half dozen more embossing buddies, or anti-static embossing pads (for recipe for that see here).
It really was unbelievably easy to make, which really surprised me. Mixing looked harder on video than was the way I did it.
Do clean up afterwards well! Oh, dont get it on your clothes, like someone I know did.. rescued in time, phew!
And for today's Aussie shot, the skies have had coast-hugging cumulus all week, amazing billowing spirals sometimes. In winter, such skies are quite common along this part of the coast, plus high tides like this one - king tides around shortest day on 21.6.13.
Thanks so much for popping over for peek and chat and may God bless your day wherever you may be,
Shaz in Oz.x
P.S. Picture of the week is over HERE on Chris' post ~ the second photo ..take a wonderful peek of new creations. update on Chris' husband return home again.
P.P.S. For those in the know :D
Le Tour de France starts this weekend. My brother is over there again, as a Bikestyle Tour Guide, he is paid to go to France and surrounds for three weeks and more. They ride two thirds of the course in morning, and then rest and watch it from vantage point in afternoon during race itself. Here in Oz, it finishes at 2am, so I am up for late nights ... he has a blog again this year, it is on my sidebar or click here.
He was there as guide for whole Tour to see Cadel win in 2011, but went to to World Master's Cycling Track Championships last year in Manchester, instead of Le Tour. He is a World Champion in Masters Track Sprint think it was but only silver there in 2012. {And no! I cant ride a bike for quids!}
Here's an excerpt from his first post for 2013, sounds really tough??:
"This year the race kicks off with three stages in Corsica and I'll be fortunate enough to be there to see it all get under way. The group I'll be guiding will arrive in Nice this coming Monday 24th June and we'll settle in with some great riding on the Cote d'Azur, before heading over to Corsica ."


RosA said...

Hi Shaz,
You wouldn'r believe it, I was just thinking about buying some more texture paste! Now I will have a go at making it! Thanks very much, much appreciated!
RosA # 11

ike said...

Eeeek !!! Cozzmic !! Thank you.... I keep seeing things made with this 'paste' and soooo want to try this. Thank you for the recipe :-D
IKE xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Silvia said...

Thank you for adding another technique to my list of things to try/learn :)
Silvia #50

Spyder said...

Fantastic! I have some old Talc no one seems to use it now, and loads of PVA glue (great stuff) I used that in my mashed up paper stuff I made and it's still soft and usable weeks later (Kept in a plastic bag) Lovely picture too. Son in law bought all the right stuff to make his last years Cards, He love doing it, but it was sooooooooo expensive, once the paste was gone and he realised how much it cost, he said never again! He'd come up with a cheaper idea for this year. I'll give him your recipe!! Happy WOYWW< I'm here now at #59

The Taming of the Glue said...

Great tutorial on making texture paste. I saw someone making it with a half and half mix of cornflour and PVA glue. The key is to mix it really well. You can add mica powder into the mix as well. Gorgeous photo...wish I was there! How fab for your brother, I can just about ride a bike but not uphill! Hugs. Pam#28

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Well, that's a useful tutorial! I shall bookmark that for use in school maybe. Anything to save a few crafting pennies!
And hope your brother has a good time..we are mad Tour fans in our house!
Hugs, LLJ 31 x

JoZart Designs said...

Super to find out from you about the texture paint. It's so expensive to buy and, as I use lots, it will be such a saving. Thank you so much!
I'm really interested in the cycling races but I too cannot ride a bike for toffee or cash! I've fallen off so often trying and have no balance at all.
Will tell DH about you brother's blog.
Jo x

Helen said...

Will check out the tut soon! Love your zigzags.. Have a great day. Helen 7

Julie Lee said...

What a great idea! Must give that texture paste a go, it actually doesn't look at all difficult! Thanks for sharing this! Love that beautiful photo of the clouds! Have a happy woyww! Julie Ann #64

Candace said...

Thanks for sharing and have a great week

Candace #43

Jenny Marples said...

Now that's clever Shaz! Will have to give it a bash. Happy WOYWW, hugs Jenny #54

Monique said...

I always make my texture paste this way. In stead of paint you can also use gesso. My daughter always complains, because I use the baby talkon powder and she says it makes the house smell like babies...I actualy like the smell of babies in my house...

I hope you saw the track back link to your gelli plate recipe. I'm not sure how to use those track back thingies, so just in case it didn't work, just wanted to let you know that I linked your recipe in my post about gelatin plates.

Happy WOYWW and I wish you a wonderful week.

Mrs.D said...

What fun, that looks really exciting. Won't happen today, but when Margaret next comes over for a craft session we might make a real mess of my kitchen and play.
Smart of you to find a way to be creative without shelling out lots of money. I think we can so easily get sucked into having to do the next craft thing on the market, spend lots of money on it and then find we don't like it, or can't get the results we want and it just get pushed to the back of the cupboard and we move on and spend more money.

Bridget Larsen said...

Thanks for that tutorial, its so expensive. Wow you must be so proud of your brother, keep us posted on WOYWW
Bridget #3

The House of Bears said...

Now that's clever, we spend a fortune on this stuff so now we know what to do when it runs out. Thanks.

The bears @#93 this week.

glitterandglue said...

Wow. You are sooo full of great ideas, Shaz. Hmmm - I see an afternoon with Mrs D coming up - a gluey, sticky, messy, fun, afternoon!! Seems odd to think of you there celebrating the shortest day - in SUNSHINE!!. Just had the longest day here - looked for the sunset - no go - far too much grey sky and cloud! Oh well - it's beautifully sunny today.
Have a great week.
Margaret #61

Twiglet said...

Oo - I have been to Corsica - it's really beautiful - lucky chap.
x Jo

Neet said...

Hi Shaz - lucky bro, bet he has a great time.
Thanks for the picture of the sea and the sky - lovely - and winter too!!
Great tute on making your own paste - must give this a try when I run out - or get low on supplies. Thanks so much for that. Hope all is well.
Take care, have a lovely peaceful week - Hugs, Neet 13 xx - and thanks for visiting me earlier

roffeycreations said...

Hi Shaz - what a great tip - esp useful if you need some texture paste and cant get to a shop - with those measurements you could make just enough for a project... fantastic... Happy WOYWW - Mxx #99

Ginny Maxam said...

This is Brilliant Shaz!! Thanks so much for posting!! I will have to give it a try this weekend, I love being a home chemist in the crafty sense! Thanks for sharing your brothers blog too!
Have a wonderful day, Ginny M at #97!

Anonymous said...

Frugal crafting is a great way to go, actually, frugal living is great too. Not enough contentment in the world anymore, but I digress! Looks like the technique works great, wonder how the leftover product will store? Another beautiful photograph this week too and I love all your Christmas cards in the post below.

Brenda 2

Anne said...

Your winter s looking warmer than our summer at the moment!!!! Thanks for the paste recipe are a gem! I'll keep an eye out for your bother should he take a wrong turning and en up down this way!!!!! #70

Monica said...

That is a good way to make it and easy. The photo of the clouds is fabulous. There are so many types of cumulus clouds floating around coastal areas showing the approaching weather.
Thanks for the bit about the TDF I will have to show this to DH

Monica said...

Well I deleted my comment instead of adding it. Must have made weak coffee. The photo is fabulous and I love cumulus clouds they are true predictors of what is happening in the greater sky and have so many names identifying these atmospheric things.
Thanks for information on the TDF will pass on the DH

lisa said...

You're like a mad proffessor, Shaz. This is a great idea though.
Thanks for the beautiful photo, I've just paddled my feet.
We are mega excited as The Tour De France is coming to Yorkshire next year and coming through our little town (I think it's next year, may be the following one, I can't just remember)
Hugs Lisax #76

Marit said...

Thanks for the tutorial... it looks easy to make so I might give it a try. Happy woyww and a hug from Holland. Marit #91

shazsilverwolf said...

Love the recipe for texture paste, thats going on my to-do list! I think I need to put 'get started on to-do list' at the top of my to-do list, lol! Seriously, its great. You are so right, why pay silly sums for something we can replicate. Have a great week,Hugs, Shaz #48 xx

Elizabeth said...

Hi Shaz, thanks so much for sharing this recipe. I watched a demo using a home made texture paste with cornflour (that might be called cornstarch where you are) and PVA glue mixed - it looked very gloopy and not at all appealing unlike this talc and paint mix. Will be giving this a trial and note your hints, tips and warnings :) Once again I love the Oz pic - that sky is just gorgeous. Hope you've had a good WOYWW, Elizabeth x #72

Annie said...

Hi Shaz....that looks like a lot of fun going on there....I love the effect.
A x # 62

john-w said...

My wife (glitterandglue) and I love your work. I am new to WOYWW, but already getting the bug!!!!

God is GREAT isn't He! All my artwork is based on His creation - not really into abstract.

Keep up the good work. Thanks for all your encouragement regarding Mr D and Mrs D! John W #105

Caro said...

I have always wanted to try texture paste so will love to have a go with your recipe, especially as you have shown it working well. God Bless. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#132)

Rossella said...

Hi Shaz, looks like you have had a fun time.
Thanks, I have e-mailed Brenda finally,
Happy Wednesday

Rosie x

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Shaz
you see this is the reason I love crafty blogging. I'm off to get paint at the weekend, in reality I have bookmarked this post for when I run out of my made stuff.
thanks for sharing
janet# 39

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

Thanks for tutorial
by you looks so simple
I must try some day
hugs Tamara

Lindsay Weirich said...

I use paintable latel caulking for texture paste, I buy white and I can tint it with acrylic paint or paint it later, black and clear is nice too and it is 99 cents a tube at discount stores in the US! Happy WOYWW! Lindsay #113

Paper Compulsions said...

Great idea. Will have to try it. TFS

Darnell said...

You are very generous to share all you know, Shaz! This post was wonderful! And thank you for all the other interesting linkies, too! Enjoy your week and thanks for coming by to visit me! Happy WOYWW!! Darnell #32

Cazzy said...

Happy WOYWW!
Is there no end to your talents? You are amazing! I take it the paint is acrylic.

I am always ruining my clothes with gesso, ink, paint, 3d paint....

Cazzy x


G'day Shaz
thanks for dropping by my blog for WOYWW. I can never get around till Thursday or Friday so sorry I'm late to reply. OMG I think you and I shall post the same how too's one week Shaz as this and the anti static pad and a few others are the same ones I have how toos for LOL. It doesn't matter if we do the same as its sharing the arty love in the end anyway. Love the ocean shot and wish I was going to France!!!
Annette In Oz #23

Unknown said...

Thanks for the recipe. Interesting. I would never have known you could make your own.
Have a great weekend

Nan G said...

Lovely Aussie pic! And now texture paste! Wow you are a clever one. Are you related to the Frugal Crafter? Oh, Christmas challenges on the post below. Off to check em out. Thanks for the earlier visit. Happy WOYWW! Nan G #108

MaryH said...

Wow, thanks for this recipe. Somebody is going to try this!!! You did a great tutorial, and I'll check out the youtube as well, since I'm a visual learner. (well, when I do learn- even if I have to watch it many times!) As always, thanks for the lovely scenic pics too. Happy wkend. Hugs

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Good for you, Shaz. Crafters are so ingenious and thrifty. Hope your brother has a great time again this year with the Tour de France. I am still ploughing through paperwork and overheating my shredder. I found a whole boxful of paperwork relating to my mother-in-law, who died 3 years ago. That will land on the table of one of her daughters as I do not feel it is for me to destroy that lot. Hope you get some sleep, in spite of the cycling. Have fun. xx Maggie

Elizabeth said...

Thank you so much for this. I would love to own all the different media but simply can't afford it all. This is so easy and will be made and used by me very soon.

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