Thank you for taking time to visit, and I hope I am even a tiny bit helpful as I have been helped and blessed by so many others. I have been doing Calligraphy since teens, and card making for many years as well. In 1990 I delighted in the joys of stamping with ink and embossing after a trip to Cairns, Qld. In 2009 I discovered the brayer, 2010 the Cuttlebug, also have now taking to reading up on crafting blogs and lo! Here I am, on one of my own.

I live on the coast of eastern Australia. I am a Christian. I trusted in the LORD down here at the beach, amazingly it is not far from where I now live. It was over 50 years ago, after a Beach Mission Service at the age of 12 years

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

WOYWW Calligraphy Hudson Sleeps here

Been bit AWOL in blogland of late.. just warning you, it is the three weeks of le tour de France, which means late nights in Oz for this keen watcher.. Mind you, dont last till end each night like used to, watch it rest the next day. My brother Pete is over riding in it again as tour guide for Bikestyle tours. Yesterday was stage 10, here's a photo from ride of the course, they don't do all of it. "Allez, allez!" (think this is midi Pyrenee's.)
 However this is WOYWW - so to my desk or desks! Look at my happy mail this morning.. from three different people I have never met but on the net! All had put in die cuts, one from USA and two from Oz. All offered at different times but arrived together! so linking over to WOYWW (What is on Your Workdesk Wednesday, hosted again by dear Lunch Lady Jan.
Thanks, dear LLJ! )
(EDIT update from LLJ post - we will back at our Queen of desks blog next week, Queeen Julia - woo hooo! ever so glad .. Praying on for her health though, each day :D)
Right is a die, from Our Daily Bread Lacey squares, a very kind gift from *Mehrll, Sharing Simple Things see here! She also sent the die cuts in front and stamped items.
On far left from *Carol (of Crafty Carol's Cards) my fellow DT friend in Brissy, she sent me the white flower die cuts to try from Heartfelt Creations die, (sorry, I kind of cut them off, I was in hurry this morning).
Then dear WOYWW-er *RosA (of Paperchase), who I have actually met now, several times, sent me some more snowflakes at the back! and a card (which may upcycle for 25th July challenge at Scrappy Mo's). THANK YOU ALL, my dear kind friends!
Another desk today or where I was doing a bit of work, helping a very kind male family member to sand off the old paint and rust off the garage door. It is now painted with base coat of anti rust primer, so it is a khaki. :D
This is actually an April desk, but I wasn't up to posting it so doing it now ... yes, some calligraphy, and sketching, or copying of a sketch. Adding here the PVA glue size to the black lettering to raise it.
Colouring the image here with Prismacolor set of pencils. I  use a clip on magnifier glass for such close work. Bought it years ago from Aldi but haven't seen them again, otherwise would get another one. It really is brilliant!

I didn't frame it to send to Hudson, but sent it unframed, then they can chose how it is to be done.
Now to the Aussie shots. First is it the three kookaburra (or blue winged kingfisher) in our back neighbour's yard, taken on 30x zoom.  
 And then the red Poinsettia in our courtyard garden. There is pink one too but it isn't out all the way yet so will share it later. Also have a lemon/ cream one in back yard should take it for next week.
This is quite a large one, and so very vibrant and bright has been like this for a month already. I expect it to last another two months at least. They lvoe this spot.
Well, happy WOYWW, everyone ... and thanks again to my very kind three bloggy mates .. so very kind to send me new things to try out! Fun coming ... in between watching le tour!
 Please say hi - to let me know you've been by! 
May God bless your day wherever you maybe!

Shaz in Oz.x

I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me. Proverbs 8:17

Linking up to:
Word Art Wednesday - anything goes


Lunch Lady Jan said...

I certainly am watching Le Tour...the weather has certainly been interesting to say the least! The rain and hail was astonishing, I'm just glad they weren't descending from the Pyrenees at the time! Thank you so much for the beautiful card you sent me via Julia...I really love it and appreciate the thoughts inside too. Thank you, dear Shaz, it was a lovely surprise πŸ˜ŠπŸ’–
Hugs, LLJ xxx

Neet said...

Gosh, you took me back a few years to my Guiding days "Kookaburra sits in an old gum tree, Merry merry King of the bush is he ..." How fabulous to have that photo and have seen four of them so close to your house.
Love the koala - I guess it is not PC, and maybe I should not say, but I have one that was sent from Oz when I was a toddler. It has a zip down it's back so I think it was supposed to be a bag to put my pennies in. Then, of course, I have Katie who you brought for me all the way from your home. Treasure her.
Wow, that is interesting about le Tour de France - hope you get some afternoon naps in whilst watching in the evenings.
Lovely mail.
Hugs and Blessings
Neet 10 xxx

Glenda said...

Your blog is always chocked full of wonderful bits of information and the photos always take me away to another world. You have so much beauty surrounding you there. Glenda #27

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Shaz, lovely happy mail for you! I also love how you have plants in your back garden that we treat as tender house plants over here! The poinsettias especially, they are everywhere at Christmas. Never seen a pink one though, I shall be looking forward to seeing that. We saw a Kookaburra at a local-ish place called Birdland, isn't it's call an amazing sound? Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #6 xxx

Sharon said...

Beautiful Koala for Hudson! What wonderful goodies you've received.

Have a great week
Sharon K #34

Dr Sonia S V said...

WOW what fabulous coloring....the koala is amazing!!
Dr Sonia

Kelly said...

Good morning, sweet lady! Lovely sketch. And what fun new toys you have to play with. Love new candy. The poinsettia is beautiful. Thanks for visiting me this morning. I know it seems as if I'm always organizing.. and in a way I am. LOL I'm just trying to get stuff put away from the move downstairs to upstairs. I can't just shove stuff anywhere. Too OCD for that :-P Everything has a place... just can't get to those places yet. Blessings on a great week! Kelly #33

buterfliecrafter said...

have fun with the tour, I'm not really interested, and now they don't air neighbours. Love your aussie pics as usual, it always is so exotic. Love your koala. Happy WOYWW Vicky #17

cheiro urgia said...

I had to giggle at your Tour de France comment because that's exactly what's on my livestream right now :)
Long gone are the days I used to follow cycling closely (on TV and going to races) and many of my favourite riders are already retired, but I still like to check what's going on and follow a couple of names that are dear to me.

I also like your Aussie shots (as always), while the work displayed on your workdesk makes me feel a little bit lazy because I can't seem to bring my blog up-to-date on what I do :)

Hugs, Veronika

Unknown said...

Looks like some great mail!! Fun stuff! And great coloring! Love the Aussie shots! Those birds are beautiful! Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #31

cuilliesocks said...

Hello Shaz, we too are watch the Tour, hubby cycles so it's a must watch in our home, beautiful photos and a right busy desk, Kate x

Helen said...

I tend to only watch the last day!! it's one sport I can't sit and watch for hours... but the scenery would be great to experience first hand! Hope you get your sleep patterns back once it ends! Helen #4

Berina RGA said...

Fabulous coloring on the Koala bear!! Very beautiful details and texture!! Glad to see the happy mail! I'm not much of a sports fan, but my husband watches almost all the sports and he's a football (soccer) addict!! Love the poinsettia!! Can't wait to see the cream one and the pink one!
Moxie Craftie

Nikki said...

Beautiful card you made and it's so wild for me to see a pointsetta as a plant in a garden we only have them at christmas time up here in bloom looks great in a garden nice pop of red Happy WOYWW hugs Nikki 3

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

So pretty CAS with this cute koala, very beautifully coloured! And how much lovely things you have received by your friends!
I'm not a fan of sports, but the tour of France is famous here, as the Milano/Sanremo (the Tour of Italy :D )
Stunning photo of aussie kokaburra, I have never seen them before!

Kathleen said...

Fantastic post and as always some super photo's.
Love the Koala and the snowflakes look really great, you certainly must up-cycle.

Kath x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I so love Koalas. I have three toy ones. I as given one as a child and loved him so much that when I saw two for sale at an antiques fair I bought those two. They are all quite old and don't look as thought they had such a good home as my original one but they look happy now. Happy crafty woyww, Angela x 23

Betsy said...

I really like the kookaburra photo Shaz and how nice of you to help with the garage door. :-). I've never watched the Tour de'France. We're not much into sports here at our house. Sometimes the odd football game if it's one of our home teams, but that's about it. Thank you for your sweet words and prayers my friend. You have no idea how much I appreciate them and I know that our Heavenly Father hears them.

Mrs A. said...

I love the picture of the three kooaburra in your tree. Reminds me of the three wise monkeys. How lovely to receive your gifts all on the same day. Hugs Mrs A.

kiwimeskreations said...

Ah another fan of 'le tour' - I don't follow it closely, but know several bloggers who do. Shaz I love your desk and seeing the RAK's you have been blessed with :-). Your calligraphy is beautiful, as is the koala.
Love your photos - those kookaburras look as though they were setting the world to rights, sitting up there.

Conniecrafter said...

Such pretty coloring of the image, too cute. Those birds look so cool, so neat to see birds that we don't see here in America. Your flowers look amazing, so nice and full!

Kim Heggins said...

Wonderful cards and amazing photos...enjoy your Tour de France!

Brenda said...

How sweet of your blogging friends Sharon, you have some neat things to play with! How cool about your brother too!! You are a sweet lady my friend, how wonderful you helped to sand and paint a garage for a family member. Your "Hudson sleeps here" image is so cool, love the way you colored him up and I hope whoever got him loves him too. Love the 3 bird lined up like that, it's like they were waiting for you to take their picture. lol OMGosh, that poinsettia is just gorgeous! You guys can just grow them in the ground like that?!! That is so amazing. I have 3 growing now left over from Christmas. I just cut them back and now they are growing nicely. Probably won't bloom though cause I think we have to put them in the dark for so long or something like that. Your country is so amazing to me! Hugs, Brenda

Cara said...

Some stunning work there and thank you for sharing the photos. Cara x

dmgarafalo said...

Wow - when you slow down, will you come help me paint my deck? Love your shaker card on the friday blog! donna #16

Anne said...

Hudson is a lucky chappie! He'll love his 'Blinky Bill' name plate! Anotherset of beautiful wildlife photos, what a blessing! God loves to show us his creation! Glad you got your garage door sorted too, another job ticked off the 'to-do' list! Bravo! xx

Art Joy of Sharing with Peg and Shel said...

Hi I am finally making it around to see some desks before a new week starts again.Love the cards and calligraphy. It is always interesting to see the creatures in nature that habitat other regions. Nothing like this here. Peg 43

LisaDV said...

Your sign for Hudson is fabulous! Lots of work for your garage door but it all pays off in the end. (I keep telling myself that as we're rehabbing an old farmhouse.) Sorry I'm so late, but thanks for visiting me. LisaDV #35

Jo Ann said...

Such a lovely card. We are so blessed that you joined our Challenge at Word Art Wednesday. We have a new Challenge going on and we hope you can link with us again. Leaving you with the inspiration of God’s Word in Jeremiah 32:17 which says, β€œβ€˜Ah, Lord God! It is you who have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you.”

God bless,

Aileen said...

Brilliant photos Shaz, love the Kookaburra's. John (my husband) always talks about on the construction sites the Kookaburras hang around as they love when all the sites are being dug up. They dip and dive constantly great pickings. Nothing like our country. Glad to hear you are or were enjoying the Bike races.

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