Thank you for taking time to visit, and I hope I am even a tiny bit helpful as I have been helped and blessed by so many others. I have been doing Calligraphy since teens, and card making for many years as well. In 1990 I delighted in the joys of stamping with ink and embossing after a trip to Cairns, Qld. In 2009 I discovered the brayer, 2010 the Cuttlebug, also have now taking to reading up on crafting blogs and lo! Here I am, on one of my own.

I live on the coast of eastern Australia. I am a Christian. I trusted in the LORD down here at the beach, amazingly it is not far from where I now live. It was over 50 years ago, after a Beach Mission Service at the age of 12 years

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Pop Up Slider Card + WOYWW + Mo's Christmas Challenge

This post is abbreviated as blogger ate it twice now.
Joining up with Scrappy mos Rudolph Day Christmas Challenge. It runs till 31st March.
Pop up slide card for protype on Technique.
Here tis. Both ways like normal 5 x7 card then popped and slide it out. 
It’s actually an upcycle of a previous years bought card. 
Showing close up I’ve verse inside the card, I particularly liked that and was glad to use it.
My desk. I’m joining up with WOYWW
Time poor especially after wrestling with blogger, so this will be a record short post. May struggle to comment too as will have limited data.
It’s in halfway mode of getting ready to make Mister Six’s birthday card in April, where has it all gone!?? There’s an assembly going on which will be revealed in next week’s post, God willing! I will also find again the link to the easiest by far video on it, took me ages to find it. So will show, all being well with blogger, a step by step.
Lastly to the Aussie shots, they’re taken by BiL family south of where I live, and inland in a bit - some of our lovely country side.
Happy WOYWW everyone, hopefully will get to link up and not sure of your time zone either. I’ll be in big smoke, hope to meet up with Sandra De and RosA, for those WOYWWers who know them, on Friday all being well.
Thanks for popping over for a peek and chat and may God bless your day where ever you may be, 
hugs Shaz in Oz.x
Thought for the day- in the midst of trial or in a day where the sun of encouragement is simply hidden, we can trust as a little child in our great God. We can rejoice in the things we can be certain of, and look in faith for Him to eventually sort out the rest. 
Praying  for those who maybe struggling. 
Sending prayer🙏🏻 🤗 hugs. X

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

WOYWW + Male Snippety Birthday Card

Hi everyone, well it's  about  time I did WOYWW  (or What is On Your Workdesk Wednesday) again! Last week I had visitors and next week is busy too with medical appointments so won't  be able to join again. Now to my desks! A few..

Desk 1: Inking up a real snippet! (So off to the Pixie's Snippetty Playground ) Back of a cereal packet which is a kraft colour. I inked  with my ombre ink pad so had several colours and ink blenders. Then to add texture and depth I  bounced it ink pad side down across. This is step 1.
Desk 2a and b: This is step 2 on the snippet. I smooched some brilliance inks over the top  as highlights. Really happy with result and  embossed  the card also. 
Desk 3 is today's  about eight hours ago .. as card is now done and its nightime as I write this. On right is Ombre pad not put away, and new arrival of Tim Holtz Rock Candy.   A nice big jar about 3 times bigger than previous one. So good to have came via dear Marilyn in Florida 😊.  There are the card ready to be assembled and discarded  print outs underneath it.. also various  tools on desk, pricking tool one pair of scissors, 3 glues, 2 tape etc. 
Here is the card assembled.  Its for my BiL to give  to his brother.  As birthday presents, I give my family  card vouchers, then they can order their cards that they want. They enjoy it, and so do I! Used a set of folders  bought with Marilyn  at Monday Tuesday  store in Sept. Two folders  for $3.99!! How amazing  is that? I've  used both folders  on this card and really really love them.  Inked over the rectangle navy piece. 

Now went for walk the other night.. as do most nights. These were taken on the way home.

The radiating lights  on last  two images were from the lights of two fishing  trawlers on the horizon looks really great with the waxing  moon on left too, doesn't  it? God's amazing  creation!

Thank you so much everyone for popping over for a peek and a chat. May God bless your day wherever you may be.  

Hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

A thought  to close with:
Don't  you love  that thought that the LORD  is thy Strength and Shield ! Strength  keeps you going  and a Shield protects  you from all ill. May we indeed put our faith in the One Who never fails! A Shield really needed with so many lives taken foolishly and much suffering in flooding  from cyclone in Mozambique, in central US too. May the Lord help all who suffer much loss. 

Joining also up with:
* Word Art Wednesday Anything Goes
* Simon Says Wednesday  Challenge
** Simon Says Monday Challenge  Tiny things - tiny thing on my card is the treasure chest  on left side of Island.. and an Island  is  a little thing too!

Sunday, 17 March 2019

St Patrick - Will the Real St Patrick please stand up!

This post is taken mainly from notes by a dear friend, Robin J. She prepared it for a Ladies High Tea. (Image is Robin J. dressed up as St Patrick! 😊)

All references are clickable and will bring up reference.
There is much not known for sure about St Patrick, or Patricus, as he called himself. Today the 17th of March is commonly celebrated as St Patrick's day, and legend has it was the date of his death. God however does not allow everything to be revealed.
Thankfully we may stand on God's word as surely as St Patrick did!
Born around 375 AD near Glasgow to a Roman family, one of 7 children in a Christian home.
His Father was a deacon, and his Grandfather an elder, and they were a wealthy family. 
His real name was Maewyn Succat (later he changed it to Patricus, when a missionary).
Patricus means "fatherly".
Attending church, he learned of Jesus and Bible, but was NOT a lover of God or a saved man.
At 16, Irish pirates invaded his villiage, he and his two sisters were among 1,000 captives sold as slaves over the Irish sea in Northern Ireland.
Patrick was sold to a wealthy but cruel Druid. He lived for 6 years in caves and outdoors as a shepherd. He had no food allowance (told "go hunt") and declares he was almost naked, starving and cruelly treated.
He began to pray. He believed God was punishing him for his sin and neglect of the Bible, and not believing in Jesus. He called upon God up to 100 times in a day. 
He believed now in his troubles, that Jesus truly was "the way, the truth and the life, and that no man comes to the Father but by Me" John 14:6
He confessed his sin to God in prayer (I John 1:9) and up there in Slemish Mt., Antrim Co. he was born again (John 3:3) and made part of God's family. (Romans 10:13).
At the end of six years, he believed a dream he had and walked 200 miles to reach a ship to Caledonia. (Romans 12:1,2)  In his twenties, he studied thd Bible and Latin in France, and was ordained as a priest. (2 Tim 2:15)
He dreamed of the other slaves back in Ireland calling him to teach them (Acts 16:9). He went, although his family didn’t not give their blessing.
Patrick preached from handwritten Latin gospels and established halls (Scriptorium) where laymen spent time copying the scriptures.
Each place he went to this was the pattern: preach, copy the Bible, establish a church. 
For over 30 years Patrick travelled all over Ireland. He did not marry but lived celibate for freedom to minister. Priests were allowed to marry in these times (12th century celibacy became mandatory).
Monasteries started in late 500's so Patrick was not in this era either.
Legend 1 - Was never actually canonized a saint, as there was no system for it, nor a Catholic church in this era. (Details here). He is however rightly commonly recognised as the patron saint of Ireland.
Legend 2: Snakes eradicated by St. Patrick. There were according to archaeology no snakes ever in Ireland post the last Ice Age, so none to eradicate.
Legend 3: Trinity was explained, the unity of "three in one" or trinity by the clover or shamrock ☘️
 common in Ireland. No evidence to contrary. 
Patricus had several writings with some of his life story revealed, written during his ministry. Two are  surviving even today.
His deep love for the Irish, learning Gaelic as a slave, his Christian home were all part of God's plan to equip him as a missionary.
Today in the 21st century we also need to know the Lord Jesus personally, to pray and offer our lives for Him to use.
He died around 471 AD (exact date not known), and legend says he is buried in Co. Donegal. But Patrick is not there, for his soul and spirit are in heaven with the Lord he loved.
(Absent from the body, present with the Lord  - see full passage HERE 2 Cor. 5:6- 8) 
God is good, all the time!
How God blessed the Irish and Ireland by His faithful servant Patricus.
It challenges us afresh to do as Patricus did, believe as he believed and follow on!
I pray this has blessed you.
If it blesses you, please kindly bless me in return with a comment.
Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

WOYWW + Ink Brushes + Snippets card.

Hi there everyone.. well Wednesday almost over here and have been flat strap today, so late for posting for me.. for WOYWW or What is On Your Workdesk Wednesday over at Julia's, Queen of Deskland... see here!

Desk 1.. last night left midstream working out what base to put on this serviette card for an order.. for a change! Like the soft pink so that's put to one side.
Desk 2. I had ordered some of the makeup brushes like the "you-beaut" ones reviewed on you tube, etc. The branded ones are $50 here in Oz. Every review I've read says they're identical to make up brushes that've been available for years, so ordered some. Mine didn't take long to arrive yesterday, here doing a very quick test run. 
One thing they do need is tapping off, used here with Distress inks. They've a very soft blending action. I tried on same cardstock the Inkylicious brushes. These are easier, I think to use, cos cover bigger area. But if you zoom in their blending is grainy. I'd need to blend it heaps more to get rid of the graininess. It would improve, but loads more work. Once I'm used to make up brushes they'll be great. Love the small sizes too as they'll be great for stencil work. For those unfamiliar with them here is a video. Loved that seller had them in purple, main colour in my craft room. BTW the makeup brushes cost Au$15.65 (£7.50, or $US10). A snippets card😊 below.. upcycled last year's card!
It's one of two cards from the one card, DP background and Unity Itty Bitty stamp with SU labels. Next lot of images were because yours truly had a birthday some time last month .. so these are my home made ones received. I was spoilt.
L TO R: top Anne in France, Marilyn, Darnell, bottom two from CCM on FB (thanks Linda and Debbie😊) and pink from Shar's cards. Also on FB.
From the "Jays" - L to R Nat, Emily, Thomas (Dragon), Jay. 😊 aren't they great? How nice they sat down together and made me a card?! ❤❤❤❤
This one is from Iris, 85 dear Friend from Lincoln. Last year Margaret very kindly took me to see Iris. She lives near Mrs D. Iris, like Miss Di ,has hedgehogs in her garden and we saw them while I stayed there, hence the card.
To our Aussie photo.. here is the jetty beach where I went swimming two days ago. Next week more visitors so we will be swimming every day! Yay! Water is sooo warm. Maybe bit busy but hope to post next WOYWW.
For those wondering what's on the shoreline its cungy-boy swept up by big seas off the jetty structure. (See close up here). Really quite interesting. But Google does not recognise this name we've always called it?
Thanks very much for popping over for peek and chat, and may God bless your day wherever you may be. 
Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz.x.

Today's thought:
Isn't this a beautiful image and verse? For NOT A THING, nor anything, can separate from our Saviour and LORD when we are His by faith in the Lord Jesus unto Salvation.
 "Lo", the Lord Jesus said, "I am with you always."
Also linking up with:
* Word Art Wednesday Anything Goes

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