Thank you for taking time to visit, and I hope I am even a tiny bit helpful as I have been helped and blessed by so many others. I have been doing Calligraphy since teens, and card making for many years as well. In 1990 I delighted in the joys of stamping with ink and embossing after a trip to Cairns, Qld. In 2009 I discovered the brayer, 2010 the Cuttlebug, also have now taking to reading up on crafting blogs and lo! Here I am, on one of my own.

I live on the coast of eastern Australia. I am a Christian. I trusted in the LORD down here at the beach, amazingly it is not far from where I now live. It was over 50 years ago, after a Beach Mission Service at the age of 12 years

Wednesday 9 November 2022

Brayered Silhouette - C for Christ of Christmas, Snippets, NBUS + WOYWW

  (Sorry for silence - give personal update at end!)πŸ˜ƒ

Be warned photo heavy post.

 Okay it’s WOYWW day again ie desk day, What is On Your Workdesk Wednesday, over HERE 😁 at Julia's .. so where’s my desk!?

HERE is current desk… you can actually see some of it! My silence and unwellness found me doing some 2am spring cleaning. Shock, horror! I found on desk a lost die (AKA one from Miss Di of Snippets, which features thrice on this post), clear piece for Stamp-a-ma-jig, AND in box below desk, (now moved into drawer set) - MISSING -  mini stamp pad from a set, a set of mini misti rules, set square, etc., 3 masks or stencils, 2 stamp sets all tiny and fell easily into said box. 🀣🀣 BUT yet to find my Pippi butterfly disc., my very favourite butterfly πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

One dead heat gun - Milwaukee from 1994, only 28 years young, cost $65 - then a small fortune in AUD. Bought in a garage craft store in a country city on North coast, till then I used my toaster. So this Monday when it suddenly didn’t go anymore mid stream, finished the embossing off on toaster πŸ˜‚. 

How hard it is to get any sort of heat gun here now?! 3 brands only, my choice - Couture Creations when trialled (on its way) will review. WOW heat gun sadly only in USA & UK, Wagner not available either, same as one I had. Saw video on one bought, πŸ™ it looks good. Needs to be tough, mine was so well marked. 

Absent since 31st Aug., almost 2 & half months lots won’t share today, another day. Today starts with “Thanks so much” by Lil’ Inkers designs die. On desk today - found in clean up, a safe spot on desk. Of course! 

A prize in Snippets playground eons ago! Needed thank you cards so its first outing… on washi tape, much neglected, along with peel offs. These are snippets cards too - beauty of die cuts to use up those small white pieces under the washi. The simple scoring with neglected peel offs add a finishing touch. Die is NBUS, so popping over there too. 
Snippets of vellum in background on top one, coloured with dye ink to make it stand out. EF (Hessian) is a NBUS, too UK purchase with Margaret for 25p according to ticket in the craft cheap shop in Llandudno, I love the small sentiment stamp blocks bought there too + glitter paper. Red was a snippet, a piece of embossed foil with AI sheet, made for a special card but AWOL when needed so did another, found it in clean up.
Next set of cards, a continuation from last post ink resist. Did try the batik technique with more random folding (top cards) but lost effect. Didn’t remember till after inked first time, not from very beginning. πŸ™„ I did some more, bottom cards, but wasn’t well then. Totally forgot to do it all. 
Figure it’s not meant to be .. this set of cards sees all ladies birthday done till end of year and one needed sympathy card too. The Simon Says hugs and prayers set looks lovely with this. The happy birthday is Sue Wilson sml die set. Oh, the happy birthday stamp silver embossed is a NBUS too, it’s bought about six years or so ago at my second craft show in Brisbane. This is it below, frame of greeting Kaisercraft. Frame on main image is a CCD, background stamp Hero arts disc.
The second two cards are brushos an encouragement card and a birthday card from one piece in snippets drawer.

Must do some more as it’s emptying.

 The last set of cards are sixteen Christmas cards. I must say I’m delighted when I see this year a “Christmas card” where Christ is actually included, it’s become a rarity. In 2022 is there is ‘no room for Jesus’? most of you-tube videos, new releases - eg none in Penny Black, & all but a few cards in a challenge, it’s the holly & ivy, elves, dwarfs, or trees, snowy scenes .. not against some of them as do some, too, but almost exclusively? just wonder what Jesus thinks…

On these it is with the Christ of Christmas. Di appears in this card - as this the die she sent me one Christmas as I fell in love with it, so thanks so much Di, it is up there as my very favourite Christmas die. How many did I do before I cracked the design? See to the left of pile - were actually six of 16 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Below - third desk shows how many die sets I went through to find the design.. and last image shows two dies I actually used, the spellbinders circle with a CCD scallop circle die to make the frame!
The brayered background (Kaleidocolor) on gloss cardstock is the quickest, easiest + most effective backdrop whether used with stamps or dies. It just looks great! Bright when done, colour lightens as dries.
Stamped greeting in Gold EP is a 1990s, yes, it cost a lot then too everything stamp wise did! Saved a year for my trip to big smoke, this one was $16AUD then. Most still have price stickers on them.
Had to fiddle with the nativity die (Nativityscape by Sugar Pea), left out one of the palms, so stable didn’t look like it was in the middle of desert. Did a double cut, ie cut front portion, moved along past second tree, added building. Okay once figured it out.
Here’s a bonus card, upcycle for my friend Robin, I always do her a robin card (with a verse of course) if able, was delighted when found this among last years cards, a beautiful sketch. I’m still about six cards short so hope to do a few more + have all done and sent by end of this month?! πŸ™πŸ™ It has dry embossed background, though hurried photo before mailed doesn’t show it well. 
Well, definitely enough cards for now.. to Aussie photos.
Loads of flowers, I’ve three dozen rose bushes, so give lots away too, two bunches yesterday.

Here are two bunches I’ve actually kept for myself.
 Some seascapes, including a stunning full moon..

As it’s been a La NiΓ±a year there is a pineapple in pineapple patch on the way, they’re a bromeliad.. it has very pretty but tiny purple flowers .. here it is up close and here is the sequence. Probably ripe around March or maybe Feb.  

Lastly the same parent birds as last post had a clutch of three babies again with three .. but as video description explains not much success again. For video see below or link here.

Here is a still photo, to learn more on them look at post below.

Personal update - the simplest answer for any absence is as always I’ve been unwell, still not great but getting there. An ongoing infection, severe sinusitis from mould in unrepaired section of home since late last year - but THAT is now repaired so much better thank the LORD, with other newer health issues added to my usual. Oh, I am aging too! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Thanks so much for popping over, especially if you can stay for a chat, and may God bless you and all those whom you love.

Shaz in Oz.x 

Thought for the day:

I thought this Snoopy cartoon had the right analysis on this passage.
2 Chronicles 7:12-15

And the LORD appeared to Solomon by night, and said unto him, I have heard thy prayer, and have chosen this place… 

 If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, 
or if I command the locusts to devour the land, 
or if I send pestilence among my people; 

If my people, which are called by my name, 
shall humble themselves, 
and pray, and seek my face, 
and turn from their wicked ways;
 then will I hear from heaven,
 and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 

Now mine eyes shall be open, 
and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place.

 I’d like to link up with the following:

1 c. Anything goes. 

**2. Beccys place Christmas Challenge, where the alphabet is a prompt.. for the month a new one each day, I am chosing C is for Christ of Christmas. D is for Dry Embossing here - upcycle Robin card EF is Embossaliscious Swirls 

3. Simon Says Wednesday Challenge thanks or Thanksgiving x 3 thanks cards.

Christmas cards 

Christmas cards 
** we love stamping where it’s themed “Christmas “


Betsy said...

Good Morning Shaz. Thank you for your eails during the past few months. Life has been so crazy and hectic and I think may finally be settling down into a rhythm for winter. Oh how I agree so much with your comment about Christmas cards with everything but Christ Jesus on them. I don't make my own cards and had to search diligently to find one I liked with the right message. And the Peanuts cartoon is right on too.
Our elections are today and we're leaving in just a few minutes to vote. Who knows how long we will have that freedom. My vote will go to those whom I believe will uphold Biblical values. Will they hold true to their word? Who knows? They are politicians after all. But I will try.
Your cards are amazingly beautiful Shaz. Your skill is beyond anything I could ever do.
I hope you are on the mend and will soon be feeling "right as rain."
Blessings and love my dear sister.

brenda said...

Wow Shaz, what a bumper post, so much lovely inkiness and cards.

I'm with you on this ageing thing, no fun at all is it, problem with me is I'm still 39 in the head, the body just tells me otherwise!

B x

Sarn said...

LOVELY snippets cards Shaz.
Glad you're feeling better. x

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Hi Shaz, welcome back to blogland! Sorry for your health issues, hope that by now all will go better and better! However, you has been very busy, wow, how many lovely cards!! Glad to know that you founded a lot of lost items, and hope you could find your Pippi butterfly, it's one of my favourite too! :)
Beautiful sets of cards, and just love the two with the brushos backgrounds!
Right thoughts about Christ and items for crafting. It really seems that there are not much choices about Christ's birth! Your Christmas cards are fabulous with the brayed backgrounds and the gold scallop circles, they make the Nativity pop!
Great upcycled card too!
Your roses are fabulous, as well your photos!
Hugs and blessings on your way!

loz said...

Nice to see you posting and making cards agaib Shaz. It is always great to have a tidy up as I know I find lots of things that have been missing for a long time and sometimes replaced.. Fantastic set of cards and the christmas scene cards are so beautiful..Have a great week..Loz

Beccy said...

I'm sorry you haven't been feeling your best Shaz, I hope things improve for you very soon.
You've certainly been busy creating lots of gorgeous cards! They're all beautiful, you do a wonderful job putting everything together. Your Christmas cards are really lovely, the images are fabulous and the colours are perfect.

Mary Anne said...

All those lovely cards! I can totally sympathise with health issues. Life really is a rollercoaster and you just have to get thru the dips and hope the next one will be a rise. You've reminded me to drag out my Brushos!
Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (4)

Susan Renshaw said...

Wow...where do I start? So many lovely sets of cards. Love the brayered background though!
With very best wishes for a Happy WOYWW!
I am determined to call and comment on all of you this week!
Susan #13
Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Shaz, sorry to hear you've not been so well but sounds like you're picking up. Your cards are always such a pleasure to see and love the photographs too. I have to go and walk the dogs so I'll pop back later for a better read through. We lost one of the dogs this year and we have a new puppy so you can imagine she will not wait long in the mornings to be off out. Have a lovely creative woyww. Hugs, Angela x14x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

So lovely to see you on the Linky List this morning - I’m sorry you’ve been unwell and hope that you’re doing ok at the moment, this going lark is a pain, huh? Your cards are wonderful. Goodness you’ve been busy, the ones with the blue0green backgrounds are my favourite! I had to read the paragraph again when I hear you’d used the toaster for embossing!! That made me laugh out loud, prepare for glittery toast for a few months….. :-D
Hugs LLJ 9 xxx

Christine said...

Great to see you here, sorry to hear about your health. It seems that we are all slowly breaking down . . .
Love, love all those cards and I must agree with you about Christ seems to be ignored. Even with all the weather problems, it seems folks don't think like Snoopy . . . . even though we took God's Son and crucified Him it seems it wasn't enough pain and folk have to carry on with torturing Him. I only make CHRISTian cards and if folk don't like it well . . . boo to them, I'll pray extra hard for them. I am taking 1 Timothy2 1-2 for my Scripture this week . . . .
Have a good week
Christine #16

Ellibelle said...

I'm sorry to hear you've been unwell and not up to crafting and blogging in the recent months, but yay for finding some of your missing things and happy you are back in blogland. Here's hoping the missing butterfly will show up too. Maybe it fell into a box or something (this has happened to me and I found the lost piece years after losing it!!)
Your cards are all so beautiful and creative! Love your set of Christmas cards you shared with us at Allsorts challenge with the fabulous brayering work. Thank you so much for sharing with us!
Ellibelle's Corner

Brenda said...

I have been MIA since July myself Sharon, so I'm sorry I have been by. But sounds like you have had a time of un-wellness and I'm so sorry to read that. But glad you are feeling some better, better enough to find things you have been missing and to make your beautiful cards. It blows my mind that it is hard to get a heat gun in your country. Your Milwaukee lasted a long time! I've had one for a long time too, from the 90's. I also love how when a tool like this goes, how inventive we can get to finish melting embossing! Good for you! ALL your cards are stunning Sis!!! But my favorites are the Christmas ones. Love that die you used, at first I thought it was stamped, but then read it was a die. I like some of the holly and leaves, trees, snowy scenes...but I also have to make Christmas cards that have the true meaning of Christmas too. Christmas is all about Jesus as without Jesus there would be no Christmas. So your Christmas Nativity cards are my favorite and just beautiful! My second favorite is the upcycled card for Robin. I love the robin talking to the donkey or vis versa. Barnyard conversation about sweet and just a beautiful card. Your roses are stunning! I'm glad you kept some for yourself. Sounds like you have the touch when it comes to growing roses or maybe it is your climate, I don't know but they are gorgeous. I always enjoy seeing your photos of Aussie, never tire of them. The pineapple plants are always fun to see as this is the only way I ever see one and really didn't know a lot of about how they grew. I sure didn't know they got purple flowers on them! Love that! Love the video of the birds and the babies, so sweet. Another favorite....the Charlie Brown and Snoopy true for the world. I pray that you continue to met your health issues head on and continue to feel better! We are all aging but one day, when we are in the Kingdom of Jesus, we won't have these health issues and age won't be an issue. How wonderful that will be!!!! Sending love and prayers to you! Brenda

Annie said...

I'm chasing my tail as always. Another busy day and it's not stopped yet lol. I just needed a break so thought I'd catch up with a few blogs.
Sorry to hear you've not been well but It's good to see you joining in today and what a lovely lot of cards you've made. Look after yourself my friend.
Annie x #8

Julia Dunnit said...

Hello lovely Shaz, so happy to see you this morning. Glad to hear that you’re fighting the infection, this aging thing sure slows down our recovery rates, just keep on gal, you’re getting there. Your roses are beautiful, the pink ones almost look unreal they’re so real! How lovely to see roses in November! I think your cards are lovely, and I love a bit of gold embossing, it still thrills me and I think it looks marvellous. I totally see why that die has become your favourite.😍 you really are a master at the snippets you know Shaz, I don’t see my massive pile of offcuts in the same way, I really must learn from you. Especially thank you cards, they are such a useful make aren’t they. I was a bit bereft when my first heat gun died, it lasted about the same length of time as yours and I must say, it put up with a lot of abuse, being dropped, passed around, used every day for years. I certainly didn’t feel that it hadn’t done me a good service! But replacing it…well, I will be interested in your review, hope you can make friends with the new one straight away! Keep on improving. Xxxxx

Crafting With Jack said...

Hi Shaz, good to see you. Sorry your health has been poor, you certainly have done a very full post today. Love the prayers cards and the Christmas cards. Love the stamp “Christ the Saviour is born”. They do seem to be pushing Christ out of Christmas and have been for some time. I hate “Happy Holidays” and “Seasons Greetings”. I am in the process of starting my Christmas cards. Thursday and Friday are full of appointments, but I am determined to make some by the weekend. Sending love and hugs Angela #10

Sarah Brennan said...

So, so good to see you back Shaz and with a cornucopia of beautiful cards too. I particularly love the Christmas ones - simple, elegant and with the real meaning of the season. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

Lynnecrafts said...

Sorry you’ve been unwell, Shaz. I hope you’re doing better now. Hard work getting old, isn’t it. 😏.
I loved the blue / green in some of your cards. You’ve been very busy!
Your pineapple looks interesting!
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 7

Helen said...

Great to see you this week Shaz! beautiful cards, you've been busy over the weeks! my new ink came today, not opened it yet! thanks for visiting whilst I was hard at the day job!! Helen #2

Anne said...

Charlie brown is quite right, wise words for all of us... Loving all of your cards mon amie, the resist technique is very striking and I love the intricate frames. When I get a chance, I must have a play with my brushos, I don't use them often enough! I always enjoy looking at your creations and God's creation too, luverly photos! So happy that you are on the mend xx

craftyani said...

Sorry you have been unwell and hope you are now feeling better. Those Christmas cards are beautiful. There doesn't seem to be Christ in Christmas any more. Lots of people used to buy my religious Christmas cards because they couldn't buy them in the shops. Love the use of the toaster for a heat gun. Ani

Gail L said...

Hope you're feeling better, and on the mend!
Love everything you have done.
The Nativity Scene cards are my favorite!
I always like your photos, and your roses are fabulous!
I always find 'new' stuff when I have a little tidy up!
Good to hear from you!

Neet said...

Well my lovely little friend, you are going older but I have got there. The old body has aches and pains in places i didn't know existed. Joking apart, I just thank The Lord each morning for giving me another day to do all the things that I want to do.
Love your cards, all of them. Your cards are what first drew me to you all those years ago. I think you were the first person I got to know on woyww, Then we met in Manchester and the rest is history.
I am so sorry that you have been unwell. I will pray for you.
Went to Jo's memorial last Saturday, what a joyous celebration of her life it was and what a woman she had been. Will email you with more details.
Take care and God Bless
Neet 3 xx

Em Louise Fairley said...

Great to see you back, Shaz! Hope you feel better soon! xoxo

Dena J said...

So many lovely cards and roses, too. That's a beautiful Nativity scene. Glad you are feeling better - crafting really can help to keep me going some days, so I'm sure it is great to be able to det to it again. Many thanks for joining the Sparkle & Shine challenge at Allsorts.

Di said...

Great to see you in the Playground Shaz! AND, using that die you won some while ago - it's so useful for quick cards isn't it. Take care.


Di xx

Darnell said...

If this is how productive you are when you are not feeling well, Shaz, I can't even imagine what you would do if you felt great! SO much beauty here, so much imagination, and lots of snippets and NBUS and beautiful photography and wisdom. Thank you for all you impart with your posts and for inspiring everyone in so many ways, including in the NBUS gallery! Take care and I pray that things smooth out for you soon! Hugs, Darnell

kiwimeskreations said...

wonderful to see you back Shaz - and your work is amazing, as ever - love how you have used the kaleidoscope pad to make the backgrounds!!
Sorry to hear you have not been well - I pray it wasn't the dreaded covid. I have not started my (bulk) cards yet thanks to that nasty bug...

Lindart said...

Hi Shaz, nice to see you back, hopefully that means you are feeling better. Let's hope it stays that way for a long time! But my goodness, look at all the cards you have made! Wonderful! When I'm not well I tend not to do any art at all. You are certainly ready with cards for any occasion! Have a great week, Lindart #17

Karen Letchworth said...

I praise God that you're back.'re back with a BIG BANG. Such amazing cards. Thanks so much for being so faithful in your love and service to the Lord, and thanks for sharing your talents with us. May He continue to heal and bless you always, my friend.
Word Art Wednesday

Claudia's kaartjes said...

Very nice card. Thanks for joining us at Crafty Hazelnut Christmas Challenge

DT Crafty Hazelnut Christmas Challenge

Je kan mij nu ook vinden op You tube:

Megan J said...

Hi Shaz, a stunning come back with so many cards made, love the inky backgrounds you have created for your different cards. When at work we were told to stop celebrating various things and in long-day-care everything was deemed to be a 'home' holiday, celebrated in the home. That stopped anyone being upset. I had one mother upset that I had a 'grandmother' gift for two children being in sole custody of respective grandparents and did not include her son's grandmothers too. I am missing my treatments which I would never have believed made much of a difference until my injuries dictated my health must come first. Glad to see you back online, my heat gun came from Penrith Papercraft Show and the Catchy Crafts who have their own brand... Have a wonderful week.... Megan

Bonnie Lynn said...

All of your cards are just beautiful!! Thanks for sharing and inspiring everyone over at NBUS. I hope to see more of your projects. Bonnie GDT

Megan J said...

Hi Shaz, thanks for the how to add feed burner, it appears to be there now on my right-hand side bar. Have a wonderful weekend... Megan

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Thanks Megan..❤✅ yay, I've subscribed!
Shaz. X

The Dream Pages said...

Love love each and every card you created.. Thats an awesome way to make so many at once. It really actually make work very less..
Thank you so much joing us at HLS die cut challenge..

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