For those of you who have been wondering where I am? Have been and am very busy and was unwell as previous post explains (for Blog candy result see here). And those who want to see the progress of the calligraphy it is coming have taken lots of pickies but dont have time to blog them - this is a token appearance for WOYWW.
What is WOYWW you ask (where have you been hiding?) – this is the day of the week when folks from all over the world take a peek at wonderful worldwide desk to see just what we are up to – so do hop over to our wonderful hostess’ blog, at Julia's Stamping Ground!
And so here is my desk or a tiny peek of it - have cropped it, as I will show the calligraphy in sequence later - here is an exciting parcel of Stampscapes goodies WOW! thank you, Kevin, for great service plus! If you want to know how I love them see these various posts here and this link here is STAMPSCAPES site, it is a real joy of exploration here.

I always buy unmounted because of the post cost but this time Kevin Nakagawa (click here for sample of his work) excelled himself - he is so incredibly helpful if you need any extra help. As a bonus he sends these amazing learning cards from which you can learn.
I have a double of up of a couple of these cards and if any one would like to have them please leave the word Stampscapes at the end your comment and I will make a draw for them :D.
Oh and last pickie for the day is my Eucharist lily which is in flower in our courtyard - isn't it beautiful - love it myself and has lovely soft fragrance. it lives in our fern house and really like the environment but comes up here when it flowers several times a year. I just wish the photo showed how delicate the flower is...
I may not get around to many of you very dear folk, I am very VERY sorry for that...but really appreciate your visits and kind words more than I can ever say.
Happy WOYWW everyone and may God bless your day wherever you may be!
Shaz in Oz. x
Oooooh, those stampscapes cards are sooo pretty. I resisted buying them at my lss because I knew I'd never be able to get just one!
Happy Woyww!
Sandy #19
Beautiful flowers, Shaz. Those landscape stamps look amazing, too:)
God bless,
Lovely, lovely cards, and that lily is gorgeous. Very impressive. Must check out Kevin's blog. Happy WOYWW from # 3. Should I write Stampscapes?
Hope you feel better soon, Cards look beautiful! Have a crafty Week HaPpY WoYwW!!
The stampscapes look really interesting... then they sounded familiar and lo and behold I found some in my box. I have only used them twice!!! I really must check out the link and learn more.
Stampscapes are gorgeous, love their effect. Lovely flowers too! Ya'll are getting a jumpstart on me for WOYWW but mine will be up tomorrow! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)
Hi Shaz, Sorry to hear you have been unwell. Teeth problems are really, really awful. Hope it is all under control now. I'm very attracted to those Stampscapes stamps but haven't succumbed to buying them ... yet! It's just a matter of time. I've got a friend in the country and she started using them a while ago, so we are planning a stamping/craft weekend sometime this year, hopefully, and will get to do some playing with them. Happy WOYWW!
Oh Sharon, hope the tooth is sorted soon, nothing worse than toothache (and I do not like visits to the dentist).
Two gorgeous pictures for us to see - those Stampscapes scenes are fantastic - might have to investigate this guy. Try Googling Tyra L Smith as she has tutes on this type of thing and is a lovely lady.
Hope youa re soon back to top form - Hugs, Neet 29 xx
Sorry to hear about your tooth. Nothing like pain to wear one out. Love the look of those stamps on your desk and have gone over to his site to see more. They are really detailed...hope you get your latest project finished without too much of a todoo.
lovely goodies, beautiful flowers, great workspace, Happy WOYWW 141, thank you for sharing, #52
Good morning; just having a quick pop my head round the door moment, before I have to get on with all my chores! Lovely to see what you are up to this week. Those stampscapes look amazing and I love the flower. Hope you are feeling well again soon.
Neil #49 or thereabouts!
Glad to hear you are feeling better this week! Love the stamps and that lily is awesome! Hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing. Don't forget my blog candy is still up for grabs so drop by and leave a comment and make sure you are a follower. Vickie #64
I adore the Stampscapes range and the website is as you say incredible! Happy WOYWW and hope you stay free of further teeth problems!
Helen 17
I've been wondering where you were! Glad all is well and you are just busy! Lovely desk this week! I didn't get to play, but am trying to see some of the desks! Have a lovely rest of the week!
Sorry you have not been feeling great but hope you are on the mend now - love that plant and such a beautiful name for it.
Ann B
Love love love the stampscapes, they are so beautiful. Hope the tooth is OK too, I had a root canal done three times now and you have my full sympathies. Take care, Karen 96 x
Glad the awful tooth problem has gone away - it's so miserable when you have constant nagging pain like that.
Those Stampscape images are lovely, the green one looks like the Aurora Borealis (or Australis for you!), really beautiful!
Hugs, LLJ ~72 xx
What gorgeous pics! That lily is beautiful. Take care, thanks for sharing & enjoy this week's WOYWW. Zo xx 88
Just gorgeous Shaz! Beautiful scenes. Thanks for the peek. Kim
Hi Shaz,
I hope you continue to do what's best for you -- take care of yourself! Those landscapes are beautiful!
Love your flowers.
Not participating in WOYWW this week - but did want to pop in.
The Stampscapes look fab and the lily is gorgeous. Have a good Wednesday and fab week xx
O my word those stamps look amazing! I am so glad your mouth is making a recovery x x Love that plant, Have a great week, Hugs May x x x x
Love those stampscapes and that lily is absolutely gorgeous (Hazel, WOYW #138) x
Sorry to hear you've been unwell Shaz, hope you're on the mend again soon. Very pretty extras from the stamp company, good idea too, and beautiful lily, looks more like an orchid than a lily.
Brenda 6
Great stampscape cards and looks to be some fabstamps!hugs trace 51
If you are late, Shaz, I am even later. Your lily is so beautiful, and a perfumed one too. Wow. Now those stamps look really good too. You will have such fun testing them out. Have a wonderful week. xx Maggie #100
What a gorgeous flower you have growing there. I'm quite the fan of Stampscapes myself having taken a class or two on it before. I don't tend to pull out my Stampscapes stuff often but am always pleased with the results when I do.
Oh Shaz, so glad you made it - sorry to hear you aren't well, was hoping to read that you were back at full power! That lily is just lovely for it to visit you more than once a year! Am looking forward to the calligraphy!
Those stampscapes are to die for. Shame I am on a UIU for this year!! Pleased to hear that your tooth problem is sorted.
Hugs Mrs A.
yep missed you last week, sorry to hear you've been poorly. I had a quick look at the stampscapes, but need more time to look properly (its 11.30pm) then I saw your post on the translator widget (lost it before) so thanks for that too
janet #60
Those stampscapes look so pretty! thanks for sharing! dani28
sorry to hear you haven't been well. wow, those cards are stunning! and the lily is just gorgeous! happy WOYWW and thank you for sharing,
hugs, peggy aplSEEDS
Oh those stampscapes stamps look amazing I had to go and remind myself of your creations, wow the sunset cards are amazing and i look forward to seeing your next creations, gorgeous lily too, Thanks for sharing your crafty space, Hope you have a great week Lou x
Hope you feel better soon, your stampscapes look fab and luv your flowers.
Anne-marie no 121
Hope you are feeling better by now......had a little foray into 'scenes' years ago but found that it wasn't for me so gave away all those stamps...they went to an orphanage in Russia.....but enjoy your learning yet another technique...blessings......
Wow glad you are feeling bettr and it looks like you have a lot of new goodies to play with hapyy woyww! #54
Hi Shaz, sorry to read that you haven't been too well recently, hope your tooth continues to improve and that you don't have to lose it altogether.
Love those Stampscapes and I can quite see why you went to the bother of ordering them from the US, they are gorgeous. Look forward to seeing the projects you create with them.
The lily is just beautiful.
Take care and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Elizabeth x #114
Enjoy the new stamps Shaz... I hope the teeth stop playing you up and you get your energy levels back as well .... Its awful to be in pain the dentist bills don't help much either do they!
Take care
Eileen ( your first wonderful encourager!)
Oh my Shax, that's really strage what you said on your comment over at mine, because that happenedd to a friend last weekend and they suspended her blog and she had to text them to get it all back and sorted. She still has no idea what really went on but they also talked about abnormal/unusal blag activity.
What a beautiful white lily, it looked like an orchid, but reading where it is I figure it's rather bigger than that.
Wonderful Stampscapes stash, is that surfer one of theirs as well ?
I was quite dissapointed with the Stampscape stand at the show last week, usually they have a great selection, but it was very limited and I am wondering if the couple are perhaps retiring. I need to look fiorther afied adn that will probably mean the States.
Sorry to hear about your dental probs, can totally sympathise as had my fair share the last few years, several out, a bone graft last year and then a bridge. Touch woods OK at the mo.
Have a good weekend.
B x
hmm I didnt find you on WOYWW I think you forgot to link lol, had to go back through my emails to find you blog link.
Thanks so much for my card,a welcome gift for a pissy week I've had
Bridget #53
I just love the stampscapes stamps...I even did a course with Jeanette from The Stamp Trap in Qld...but I never followed the technique up and have never used my stamps again (which is really sad). I think I might need to do another course to refresh my memory.
Well done...I love your cards, they're great!
Those cards look beautiful! Such a beautiful flower too - no wonder it is called a eucharist lily - so delicate! I do hope by now you are all better again and able to get on and enjoy what you do!
Hi Shaz, thanks so much for visiting my blog. I LOVE your calligraphy and admire your talent to be able to do it. It would be wonderful to have you link up to Scripture Thursday when you're able to. I too live near the ocean. You sound like you have the Joy of the Lord in you which is wonderful, despite periods of being unwell. Thanks for all the inspiration your blog brings. ~ Abby
Happy WOYWW! My table is in such a mess! I need to sort it out before I start another project!
Celestial Things
Hi Shaz . . . take care of yourself. Thanks for dropping by on Margot & Harriet this morning. I am just about green with envy at your weather . . . although we do have sunshine this morning - and a HARD FROST!
Have a great rest of the weekend. xxx
Your new stamps look very interesting Shaz and I look forward to seeing what you make with them. The lily is beautiful bet it smelt heavenly xx
those Stampscapes are gorgeous! I can not get mine to look that good, you have a gift!
So sorry to hear you've been suffering with toothache, Shaz, there is nothing worse. I hope it's soon sorted out for you.
Those Stampscapes look absolutely gorgeous, they are new to me, will have to investigate further!!
Thanks for yet another gorgeous flower, you keep Summer blooming even on a miserable UK winter day.
Take care my friend and Happy WOYWW
Hugs Lisax
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