Thank you for taking time to visit, and I hope I am even a tiny bit helpful as I have been helped and blessed by so many others. I have been doing Calligraphy since teens, and card making for many years as well. In 1990 I delighted in the joys of stamping with ink and embossing after a trip to Cairns, Qld. In 2009 I discovered the brayer, 2010 the Cuttlebug, also have now taking to reading up on crafting blogs and lo! Here I am, on one of my own.

I live on the coast of eastern Australia. I am a Christian. I trusted in the LORD down here at the beach, amazingly it is not far from where I now live. It was over 50 years ago, after a Beach Mission Service at the age of 12 years

Wednesday 19 June 2013

WOYWW, Pineapple update + Peter Rabbit

{Warning picture heavy post}

Hullo there everyone ~ in a hurry, as we've visitors arriving today, but are very welcome! I have a pineapple update, some craftiness + the happy mail continues - isn't it fun?? What wonderfully kind, caring folk there are at WOYWW - Julia's idea all those hundreds of weeks and posts ago certainly was wonderful idea for true lasting friendships. To my desk!
For those not in the know - WOYWW is What is on Your Workdesk Wednesday, check it out over with our Julia @ Stamping Ground
At back centre on my desk, near stamps waiting to be put away, is the wonderful bonus Chevron embossing folder, (with a sample done as well in silver and black Stazon ink) from the so very kind Maureen (aka Scrappymo) who sent it to moi, as a RAK - thank YOU Maureen!
  Thank YOU also for the lovely WOWW4 ATC's - *beautiful bird one from Elizabeth Silverscrapper, and card shown on left of desk (+ on top left), and *love the vellum embossing from Margaret /Glitter and Glue (front right on desk and pictured top right here), also was a card  back centre on desk.
In today's mail brought these from Ros C of Oz.  
Such beauties all of them, and they are little snapshots of the crafty interests and skills of their creators - they really are to be treasured! 

Here on the right is a Peter Rabbit baby card made for Hudson Peter some time back (full post below) or click here.
 Pineapple update:
 {it is of the Brommeliad family, for those who did not see the previous posts - link here.}
 It was grown from top cut from a bought sweet rough pineapple, and  not watered much, or treated with any TLC, took about eighteen months to shoot flower on lower left, (picture 1) and will now sucker new plants.  
Photo number 1. 6th Feb. 2013
Photo 2. One month later - 6th March, 2013
Photo 3. 27th April, it was nearly 30cm or 12 inches
4. Taken yesterday, 18.6.13. as you can see it starting to ripen, is well over  the length of the ruler on left  - so heavy it needs to be staked.It has sunny position, with some shade. 
This pineapple growing reminds me of how we need also to grow in things of God - to know Him, as He wants to know each of us personally, through the LORD Jesus - He loves and cares about each of us, and what we are going through now.
I thank God for the way He really is blessing this little plant! what joy!
To close here is the latest you tube of the rainbow lorikeets - I put it on "Annie's Friday Smile" post.
Thank you so very much popping over for a peek and a chat and may God bless your day wherever you may be! 
I will comment as time permits but thanks you so much those who take the make my day!  :D
Shaz in Oz.x


MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

When I finally get to sit down in the morning, I will look at your video. The Kindle does not support that yet. Your pineapple is so impressive though. Must have another try at that project. Have a good week with your visitors. xx Maggie

Paper Compulsions said...

Love all the cards. Especially the one with the bird. Those pineapples are so awesome.

Nikki said...

Your ATC's are wonderful and your pineapple looks yummy have a fabby day hugs Nikki #2

scrappymo! said...

Great ATC's...isn't fun to rip them open and find the little treasures?

That pineapple is amazing!..but love the sweet bird the best!

RosA said...

That pineapple is coming along very nicely! And what a lovely collection of ATCs!
Happy WOYWW,
RosA # 24

Nan G said...

Beautiful ATCs! Lots on your desk today. Enjoy your company. Thanks for the pineapple update ....are you going to eat it? Happy WOYWW! Nan G #3

Anne said...

Love your happy and sunny post this morning! Beautiful lorikeets, lovely pineapples...isn't God just so amazing? Neil posted a choccy cake on his blog...please have a word with him! I'm opting for fresh pineapple---delicious! Enjoyed all those beautiful pieces of artwork too...what a blessed bunny you are!
Anne #40

Ginny Maxam said...

Wonderful post, love all the ATC's and your life of a pineapple photog!have a great day! Hugs,
Ginny M #50

Mrs.D said...

Shaz, first of all thanks for the prayers and support over the past 2 weeks. I couldn't have got through without such love from so many people.
Now, your ATC's are ssuperb. And you must be very green fingered to get that pineapple to grow.
May our Father bless you particularly today

Redanne said...

Oh my, I have never seen a pineapple growing, thank you so much for sharing that. All your ATCs are beautiful, it has been the most wonderful swap this year. Those Lorikeets are just wonderful! Happy WOYWW, Hugs, Anne x #51

Unknown said...

Your desk looks very interesting Shaz, and the ATC's from everyone are fantastic! The pineapple is certainly coming along nicely. Happy WOYWW.
Janene #12

Anne said...

Hi there what lovely ATC's you received. Aren't folk clever. The Peter Rabbit card is beautiful. Pineapple is amazing - think I'm going to struggle with growing tomatoes the way the weather is behaving- (my first attempt). Will watch the video later. Happy WOYWW Anne x #65

Neil said...

Hi Shaz. Nice looking desk with lots to see. Pineapple is looking great. Hope you have a good time with your visitors.

Claire said...

Great pics of your desk, your ATCs, your pineapple...
I love global deskhopping!!
Happy WOYWW and have a great week :)
no. 32

Helen said...

Your atc's are gorgeous, and I love the pineapple update - it will taste gorgeous soon I am sure!! Happy WOYWW Helen 31

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. How amazing to be in a climate where you are growing a pineapple. We have had a bit of warmer/sunny weather here in Wales, but it is never enough for me. I was really born to be rich and living in a hotter/dry country!! Ali x #79

Sandy said...

Oh what wonderful ATC's you received they are all so different and so wonderful. Such clever people on WOYWW. Love the pineapple pics it sure is growing.
Sandy :) #59

Silvia said...

Oh Wow! I wished I lived in a climate where Pineapple can grow. Warms sunshine...happy me!!! Love all the ATC.
Silvia #72

Twiglet said...

Shaz - a lovely post today - so many beautiful things to admire and that pineapple - yummy - my favoutite fresh fruit! x Jo

The House of Bears said...

Happy mail indeed, what lovely ATCs you received,

Waving hi from the bears @#102 this week

The Taming of the Glue said...

What a gorgeous collection of ATC's. Wow, growing a pineapple...I've managed to kill mint! Enjoy your visitors. Hugs. Pam#38

Julia Dunnit said...

Lorikeets make me smile and remind me of two fab holidays in Sydney and abouts. Your ATCs collection is marvellous - it really has been fun. Almsot with each one I've had the 'why didn't I think of that' moment too!

roffeycreations said...

Hi Shaz - mmm fresh pineapple and grown in your own garden - yummy... the ATC's are lovely and I have seen yours around the traps too - I def will be participating next year... Happy WOYWW... Mxx #110

ria gall said...

Hi Shaz
I love having a poke around your desk so much great stuff there and as for your ATC's of wow some people are just so talented
Have a great WOYWW and enjoy the rest of your week
Ria #47

Belinda Basson said...

Lovely ATCs you got there. Thanks for the pineapple update, I find the whole idea fascinating that I could grow my own too! Keep meaning to give it a go.

Julie Lee said...

What beautiful ATCs you've received! I especially like the cat and the moon one on the black background. Thank you for sharing on this WOYWW, especially as visitors were due. Julie Ann xxx #68

Caro said...

What lovely happy mail you got! I love how well your pineapple is doing, it is so nice to track its progress. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. God Bless you. Caro x (#137)

Rossella said...

Hi Shaz
Your desk is wonderful, I would love to have a rummage there.
Such an impressive pineapple, enjoy!
Rosie x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

We stayed on a pineapple farm when we visited Queensland years was really interesting. I ate so much it took a layer of skin off the inside of my mouth!!
Hugs, LLJ 43 xx

voodoo vixen said...

Such a lovely collection of ATCs you have sitting on their little easels and the baby card is lush but the pineapple does it for me... I had no idea you could grow them so easily (she says as adds pineapple to her shopping list in the hope that it will grow)!! Annette #9

Cazzy said...

Happy WOYWW Shaz!
Wow pineapple, my strawberries won't ripen and they are in a greenhouse, due to the awful summer we are having. Today was the hottest day since Sept, at 26 degrees celcius and I was half expecting to find every one had ripened and I wouldn't be able to use them all or freeze them in our tiny freezer that is full right now!
Lovely ATCs, love the video that I watched the other day.

Cazzy x #147

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Those are some amazing ATCs you received. And that pineapple is impressive. I tried to save the cutting from the top of one once. It eventually died a slow death. No fruit, either. What a remarkable thing it has happened for you. Have a super WOYWW from #17.

Krisha said...

Hi Shaz,
Your pineapple is looking yummy, when will it be ripe?
You desk is very interesting too.
Krisha #4

Anonymous said...

Ooh, fresh pineapple from your own garden, can there be anything better? Lovely atc's Shaz, and Peter Rabbit is so cute!

Brenda 112

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Oh Shaz, I had to laugh at the comment you left about the phone taking photos. I'm probably one of THREE people left in this world who doesn't own a cell phone. My phone is attached to my wall at home!!! At least you got a laugh out of me this morning.

Darnell said...

Fabulous post, Shaz! Your well loved as evident by those fantastic ATCs you have received, and even an RAK!! That is really cool watching the pineapple grow through the weeks in photos! TFS!

Happy WOYWW and have a wonderful week! Darnell #20

Cazzy said...

Thanks Shaz, I have tried all 3 types of comment format, each one had problems. One of them worked at first then only let people leave comments on posts that already had a comment, the other didn't allow comments at all so stuck with the one I have unless I go to Typepad!

Cazzy x

Karen Letchworth said...

Hi Shaz! Yes, I bought a package of 8.5"x11" canvas sheets (almost like paper only thicker with canvas material on one side) and they run right through your printer just like paper would. It works really well. I found mine at Hobby Lobby but they also sell it at art supply stores and some office supply stores. Hope that helps.

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