Thank you for taking time to visit, and I hope I am even a tiny bit helpful as I have been helped and blessed by so many others. I have been doing Calligraphy since teens, and card making for many years as well. In 1990 I delighted in the joys of stamping with ink and embossing after a trip to Cairns, Qld. In 2009 I discovered the brayer, 2010 the Cuttlebug, also have now taking to reading up on crafting blogs and lo! Here I am, on one of my own.

I live on the coast of eastern Australia. I am a Christian. I trusted in the LORD down here at the beach, amazingly it is not far from where I now live. It was over 50 years ago, after a Beach Mission Service at the age of 12 years

Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Christmas 2024 Christ our Saviour has Come! + WOYWW + Snippets + NBUS

Well, 2024 has simply evaporated! And I haven't blogged since Oct! Happy Christmas everyone, and as it's Wednesday- happy WOYWW,  popping over at Sarah's Craft Shed. Here is my desk, posed a few days ago - Darnell's is the Joy to the World, above it is Mrs A.s, Neet has the Jesus, Mary and Joseph silhouette, she's used all Lavinia stamps, and Chris D has the one next to Neet with the beautiful star.  The others aren’t bloggers, but beautiful too.

This is a NBUS stamp set, the sub greeting. The JOY die is Christmas washi die cut. Linking up to Allsorts Challenge - Use your dies, sub greeting were die cut too. I made all sorts of these but only took this photo! BELOW: This blue in this Solar paste card is NBUS too, other colours are Lunar paste ( on black rectangle die cut,disc then used disc. EF. Below are my Lunar and Solar paste cards, you certainly get some different colours, I've used the Lunar paste before but the blue solar paste is a NBUS, (Never used before Schtuff) so I'm off to HERE - Darnell's NBUS challenge.
Everyone of these cards in the next two photos could be called Snippety but I'll chose the one in middle above which has "Christ is born " stamped in gold over a Shepherd scene. They were all upcycled cards. Very handy. The greeting are either digi or stamped. I made 76 cards, but gave some away. Linking some of 76 to Word Art Wednesday
The top left card tells us the importance of today. Jesus was God's greatest gift to us for through Him we have salvation and the promise of eternal life, if we trust in Him as our Saviour, which I did at 12yrs old down at our creek, see photos below. May we remember in all the gift giving to give the best we can to Jesus as it's His birthday, may we give Him our heart ❤️.. 
These are the beautiful flower boxes taken up in town, I'm glad I took them a week ago, when up there a few days ago the hot dry weather had frazzled some of them.

These are some of my flowers, the Christmas cactus on left, and some of my roses on the right.
Some of our Sunshine 🌞 on my walks. I am very blessed to live where I do. This bird below is a King Parrot, in our rose garden, I think he was eye-ing off the green tomato also growing among roses.
Here, may we always remember:
I borrowed this image from Betsy, Life of a Queen because it said what is often left out at this time of the year. Our greatest Gift is Jesus, may we give our greatest gift back, our heart. Praying this as our blessing in full today. Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz.x


Megan J said...

Hi Shaz, a stunning collection of cards, 76 cards is a feat. Love the King Parrot pic, we have one who occasionally drops by the front door asking for some seed, we think he hears our little budgies. He came last week and when I was not prompt enough he landed on the flyscreen door and screeched... Wishing you a very special Christmas and Happy and Healthy 2025... Megan

Gail L said...

Hope you are well Shaz!
Wonderful cards! All of them!
And your sunshine pics, and the parrot!
Merry Christmas my friend!

brenda said...

Sending kind thoughts and wishes for a peaceful and blessed Christmas season Shaz.

B x

Sarn said...

Thanks for coming to play in the Snippets Playground with your lovely festive makes. See you up at the Christmas party shortly. Hope you'll join in with the Conga line that Miss Di is threatening to lead!
Merry Christmas. xxx

Betsy said...

Amen Shaz! Beautiful cards again today. Wishing you and your family a very blessed Christmas.

Grandmabeckyl.blogspot said...

Good to read your latest post with cards you've made. Lovely parrot 🦜 ❤️. I got a Christmas cactus a few weeks ago. It looks good and I need to put it in a bigger pot. It's been 🌧 raining a lot lately. I hope you had a blessed Merry Christmas Christmas 🎄 ❤️ ~ Becky

Neet said...

Hi My Lovely Friend. Lots of Loving Wishes are speeding their way to you in Oz today. May you be having A Blessed Christmas and my thoughts extend to you for the heralding of the new year.
How lucky you are to have such colourful birds flying about and such beautiful flowers to see as you walk through town. Not forgetting, of course, the beautiful flowers in your own garden and the beautiful walks you take as you make your way to the beach for a swim.
Beautiful cards, I always remember how in awe I was of your work when I first joined in woyww. May God continue to work through your fingers bringing joy to so many.
Hugs, Neet 10 xx

Crafting With Jack said...

Happy Christmas Shaz,your photographs are lovely. Happy WOYWW too. Angela #8

Susan Renshaw said...

What a lot to see! Lovely cards!
Hope you have had a good day!
Happy WOYWW! Susan #12

Twiglet said...

A lovely festive post - your cards are beautiful and show the true meaning of Christmas. I hope you have a peaceful time and send all good wishes from Shropshire for a Happy and Healthy New Year.x x Jo 🌈

Helen said...

Happy Christmas! Some gorgeous cards .
.hope you have a peaceful and healthy new year . Helen #2

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Great to see you around again and hope you're doing okay. I love parrots though I know in many places where they live naturally they can prove a bit of a pest too. I used to keep Love Birds and what they could do at stripping the bark of a branch was amazing to see but might not have been so good in the wild. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year hopefully with lots of smiles. Hugs Angela x7x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Merry Christmas Shaz, hope you’ve had a wonderful day. Thank you for sharing some of your Australia pics, I do love seeing them. It looks like my card hasn’t turned up yet, 😞, so sorry, it went ages ago! 🤞it turns up soon.
Love and hugs, LLJ 3 xxx

Anonymous said...

Wishing you a happy and peaceful Christmas Shaz, with all the blessings. Your rose garden is a constant gift of photo pleasure 8 must say. Hope you're well and enjoying the warm bright days. Xxx

Darnell said...

It's been a while since you posted, but you haven't lost your touch in either card-making or photography, Shaz! It is always a joy to visit! You have both made and received sensational cards celebrating that Jesus is the Reason for the Season! And you are, indeed, blessed to live among the beauty of the ocean, flowers, and birds! Thank you for inspiring everyone to use their NBUS! Lots of love and hugs, Darnell

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Beautiful photos, thanks for sharing...May you and yours enjoy a wonderful holiday season.

Sarah Brennan said...

What a beautiful collection of cards Shaz. So glad you were able to join us for Christmas! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Lynnecrafts said...

Beautiful artwork Shaz. Hope you’ve had a great Christmas and wishing you and your family a happy and healthy new year, hugs, Lynnecrafts xx

Ellibelle said...

Lots of beautiful cards and wonderful photos! Thanks so much for sharing at Allsorts challenge!

BJ said...

Fairly quiet Christmas here with just hubby plus son visiting for a few days. Loads of stuff on my desk as crafting fills the lack of family gap. Saying that it is still a struggle with all the challenges I set myself. Lots of lovely cards there. Hope you had a merry time, see you next year Hugs BJ#14

Conniecrafter said...

Merry Christmas, all the nativity cards are just wonderful, You are blessed to live where you do, so lovely to enjoy the flowers and beach side.

Mary Anne said...

Ah lovely! I see your blog now allows Open Id comments! Your cards are stunning and I will file away some ideas for next year :D
A merry Christmas catch up!
Mary Anne (1)

BJ said...

Hi Shaz, about Bible painting. Yes a bible with wider margins does help but with watercolour you can still see through the paints to read the text, Unless it is really heavy black! There's a NT Bible with alternate plain/text pages which is good called Journal the Word, but I still go over the words. Hugs BJ#14

Di said...

Wonderful array of cards Shaz!
Sending best wishes for 2025
Di xxx

Karen Letchworth said...

Hello, my sweet sister in our Lord Jesus. I hope this finds you doing well. thank you for sharing your wondrful art with us at Word Art Wednesday. It's always a treat to have you play along with us and I hope that you'll join us often. God bless you, my creative friend.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful collection of cards, especially the Joy one you shared with us at Allsorts. Donna

Grandmabeckyl.blogspot said...

Beautiful cards that you made. Good ones that are about Jesus, who's the Messiah.
Nice pictures of the flowers 💐 😍 . I should put more flower seeds in an inclosed portable greenhouse after temperature is above freezing. Winter time for the area in Oregon. I'm glad you were able to view the blog post and make a comment. Have a blessed week through Jesus as he cares for all of us,❤️ and hugs, Becky

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