Good day one and all! a big happy WOYWW!
.. or What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday, over at Julia's "Stamping Ground" blog and please do join us all.
Only one more week and it will be the fourth anniversary for this magnificent world wide blog hop.
Only one more week and it will be the fourth anniversary for this magnificent world wide blog hop.
I also say am thinking of all those suffering in big storms in Oklahoma, USA - praying for God's comfort and their needs to be met.
My desk in view - but rather on the boring side! Cataloging my 20+ years of stamps is continuing, but on the downhill run, phew!!! All wooden done, unmounted rubber-stamps folder done, just clear some sets left. Stamping all in one colour ink.
Wooden are quicker than unmounted - have a method for cleaning them, as it takes forever otherwise. I have the stamp cleaner with soapy side then drier side the old teatowel, with an old towel underneath the lot!
Have some stamped several times in a number of categories eg Seaside, Male, Scene stamps, etc. and really it is doing this which makes me frustrated as end up re-stamping some after having stamped them once, as add a category - like added "Silhouettes" yesterday! I hopefully will have them added to a loose leaf folder by next week.
Oh, will have to find time to make some celebratory ATC's before then too!!
Here are two baby cards too with LOTV images on desk some weeks back, these were made before cataract surgery.
For those
wondering, was yesterday given a good report from eye specialist - thanks
LORD - thanks for prayers and kind thoughts all of you. I go for eye
test tomorrow :D with corrected glasses a week after that. Recipes for cards below.
To close here the Aussie photo today -

Our huge red Hibiscus is flowering magnificently - called the Emperor of Japan, enjoying a drink today from our very welcome rain.
Haven't been down there lately but from last week our local beach five mins from here, so lovely, we are very blessed.
Happy WOYWW!
May God bless your day everyone, thank you so very much for popping over for a peek and chat - will try and comment as much as able, Shaz in Oz.x
Card 1 Folder Cuttlebug - Small hearts from Love set, Cuttlebug Vintage Corner, LOTV image set discontinued, LOTV greetings set, Spellbinders Square set, and lace from stash
card 2 Folder Cuttlebug - Baby, LOTV image set discontinued and LOTV greetings set, Spellbinders Square set.
I would like to enter these cards in following challenges:
I would like to enter these cards in following challenges:
When I started crafting all those years ago, did the same and cataloged my stamps, when I hit over 2000 decided to stop. Dread to think how many I have now. Great desk. Francesca #27
Hi My Lovely Friend
I used to do just that with my stamps but am afraid I have lapsed. Think every time I use stamps that I must start again but it seem too much of an onerous task to get started.
Thank you for the lovely card you share this week and for the Oz photographs, what a beautiful hibiscus. But best of all thanks for the news re your eyes - keep us informed as to how the new glasses go.
Neet xx 2
I gave up catalogueing my stamps after so many moves. I am trying to catalogue my dies though
Bridget #11
Great news about your eyes!! Aren't we lucky to be living today where things like cataracts can be sorted out...we wouldn't have been so lucky even fifty years ago.....
And blimey, that cataloging is a labour of love but it will be so worth it in the end!
Hugs, LLJ 40 xx
Your desk is stunning,
love your baby boy card
hugs Tamara
You have more stamps on your desk than I OWN!! And I am curious about the stamp cleaner, since I use mainly Staz-on, which is solvent based.
Happy WOYWW from #10.
Wow that's a whole lot of stamps to look through and organize! Want some help? *grin*
Your cards are so dainty. Love the whites and baby blues! ♥
Thanks for the peek! Happy WOYWW. xx
Roudi #34
Love the butterfly stamps!
Happy sorting!
Joel (aka, Barf Snoodlefart #53)
Fabulous news about your eyes, and don't go straining them! Rest! Haven't done anything like that with my stamps, only to put the Christmas ones in one box, I've never counted them, and wonder how many I do have! Love your picture and your two cards are so adorable, and real keepsakes.
Have a great crafty week!
Have a HaPpY WoYwW!
((Lyn))) #55
Great WOYWW Shaz have a good one (68)
xx Jan
I do catalogue my stamps but by name and number, in manufacturer order, but the pictures would be so helpful sometimes! I mainly use it to take out when I go stash shopping at shows, so I know what I have.. can't imagine how big it would be with pictures too!! Love the hibiscus, so pretty. Have a great week. Helen, 5
Great news about your eyes. Your photos are stunning as usual - that hibiscus is such a fab colour. Love the cute cards too. x Jo
So pleased to hear your good news re your eyes. I would like to catalogue my stamps as I spend so much time sorting through looking for what I need. Time is the problem though- never enough of it. The baby cards are lovely. Thanks for visiting me. Happy WOYWW Anne x #74
All those lovely stamps!!! I am awe, but then I am a bit new. You have a wonderful collection with which you must create such beautiful things. Those hibiscus are sublime too. What a lovely post. Thank you for sharing#58
Wow - what a task you've undertaken Shaz. Keep up the good work.
Lovely cards too!
Happy WOYWW.
Sarn xxx
I'm never going to do it with the wood mounts because they are on permanent 'exhibit', but I think the clear stamps need to be catalogued..I just don't know if I can face it!! Love the cleaning becomes very routine then and you barely notice. SO SO SO SO glad about the Optician's's all good and your patience has been rewarded.
We did that with our stamps but still ended up hunting through the stamp box for inspiration. It must be stash sorting week this week as that's what we're up to!
Waving hi from the bears @#90 this week.
Hi Shaz
great news on your eyes I am so pleased for you. Oh boy you have made me feel quilty, I started to index my stamps got less than half way through and stopped. Looks like I will have to get going again.
Love your cards
Sending hugs and hoping you have a great day
Ria #74
I have a system for my stamps its called oh look I have that one. hehe..
I really must one day do something with them I have put them all together in a little bit of an order but gosh if someone else wanted to play and find something I doubt they would know where to look.
The beach looks so welcoming and your cards are darling.
Sandy :) #38
It is SO time consuming but like most organizational attacks, it makes it all so much easier when it is finally done. Or, for me, about a month later when my "mind map" of the new locations of things has been solidified :) Till then, I'm stumbling around in the dark LOL!
Happy WOYWW!
MA (7)
Oops - did mention how sweet that baby boy card is?
Doing the rounds of WOYWW after a break and good to see you Sharon. That's quite a task you have taken on, tried to catalogue mine once but got distracted (again).
Good luck with it.
Ann B
Hi Sharon, I am sure all that hard work will be worth it! Your baby boy cards are soooo cute! Patsy from
HeARTworks and
Gorgeous card and your cataloguing idea is great. But I can't imagine what a time consuming task after 20 years of stamping, Yikes.
Sandra @21
I think I'm too scared to start cataloging my stamps...I'd have to admit to a serious addiction!!
Glad the eye test went well. Love the baby card. Happy WOYWW.
Wow, your baby card is just fabulous!
You're making a wonderful job of your stamp cataloging, I keep saying I don't have enough stamps to do that, but who am I kidding!! Sweet little cards, and lovely views as usual. Glad to hear you check up went well.
Brenda 100
Hi Shaz,
Wow! That's a big job you've undertaken! It's interesting to see your stamps on the pages.
So glad the surgery went well. My dad had it done several years ago and he's so happy he did it! I'm sure you'll get a good report.
Thanks for visiting me already!!!
Kay (6)
Love all your stamps. Have fun cataloging them. Those baby card are adorable. Thanks for stopping by. Happy crafting #3
Hi Shaz, glad the cataloguing is going well- it seems to take forever, doesn't it? Every time I think I'm done, I get some more, but thats my own fault!I use an old t-towel for drying mine too, and I also use one of those paint applicator pads( from a pound store) as a scrubby to get into the detail.
have a great week, hugs Shaz #125 xx
Sharon, thanks for the wonderful eye report. So happy & thankful for you. Also for the inspiration on the stamp organization (I'm working on S/Binder dies - trying to get finished, then EF's..THEN perhaps stamps! You've encouraged me with your 20 yrs+ comment!). Loved the pics of the beautiful hibiscus and your lovely seashore one. Have a great day, Hugs.
This looks great and thanks for joining us over at Allsorts this week
x catherine
wowee what a big job you have taken on. Think it would just depress me!! Love your little card, happy WOYWW Cindy #95
I could probably do with taking a leaf out of your book and cataloguing all my stamps...well done for persevering with it. I love your baby cards and that beach is stunning. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#75)
Wonderful news about your eyes Shaz. I'll keep praying for a complete healing. I know you're anxiously awaiting new glasses so you can see everything!
I love your flower and beach pictures. So blessed you are to have that beach so close by.
The cards are beautiful too. Especially the baby boy card. Love it!
Stunning baby cards! Good news about the eyes, hope your not straining them with all the cataloging. I do good to get mine in cases and labled. LOL
Krisha #50
Hi shaz oh stamp cataloguing... what a chore still it will be worth it in the end. cute baby cards the embossed backgrounds are lovely the one with the words on is very unusual. as for the beach I'm just jealous
janet #18
What a fabulous post! the beach, the garden and the craft desk. what more could a girl want?! Your card is gorgeous and I LOVE that wave stamp. What make is it please? I could do with a wave!
You go girl! I've only just begun cataloging my stamps. Can't decide if I want to break up sets and put all of one type together; butterflies, flowers, words etc. cute cards. Love that huge hibiscus! Wish mine were that big. Happy WOYWW! Nan G #105
G'day Shaz
thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment for WOYWW. Oh gosh you are going well with the cataloging. I've done mine several times and may tackle it again soon. Lovely baby cards too Shaz. AAAHHH beach makes my heart ache as I miss the beach so much.
Annette In Oz #4
WOW....daunting task you've taken on. I once thought I'd do this and got as far as 100 or so. I decided it was more fun to stamp.
Thank you for submitting your adorable card to Simply Create Too for our Anything Goesmchallenge. Hope to see you again soon.
Erica (Simply Create Too DT Member)
WOW....daunting task you've taken on. I once thought I'd do this and got as far as 100 or so. I decided it was more fun to stamp.
Thank you for submitting your adorable card to Simply Create Too for our Anything Goesmchallenge. Hope to see you again soon.
Erica (Simply Create Too DT Member)
Really running on late here Shaz, but so pleased I didn't miss your baby card, thanks so much for sharing with us at Allsorts this week.
Good luck with the cataloging on your stamps, I did make a start once but you know the story...........
B x
Hi Shaz, I have major stamp envy! You have some beautiful stamps.
I haven't started ATC's yet either, and am laid up with duff knee, after sorting hours for moving - total chaos 9but very clean and tidy!!) here.
happy woyww
Debs #115
OK, here's the thing, first I am apologizing for not having been around, but I have been uber busy and now I am going to have the audacity to ask you to do a favor for me ( shakes head, I'm shameless ) But I am in a contest and sad to say but it's the truth, it's a popularity vote, so here's the favor...would you be so kind to go over and vote for me? I sure would appreciate it from the bottom of my pitiful heart! lol (vote for the camera, please ) ( waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥ #19
Your baby cards are absolutely gorgeous. Twenty years of stamps? Wow!
Shaz it is a labour of love to make a flip book of all your stamps but so well worth it in the end I love to see my images all stamped out, Saves so much time hugs Nikki # 9
I love the mix your blog posts bring Shaz .. .. creativity, inspiration and fabulous photographs.
I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Love Jules xx
So glad the news was good when you saw the specialist. Thank you Father!! God is good. Cute cards, gorgeous gentle colours. And, ooooh, that beach - with SUNSHINE!!!!! I think we have forgotten here that summer is a possibility. Had to visit my dad on Wednesday, and as we went over the Horseshoe pass, 1300ft above sea level, the temperature was down to 5degrees!!
Have managed to change the font colour on my blog - now I must manage to get it to NOT be no-reply. I thought I had sorted it for you all - but NO. Sorry.
Have a truly great week.
Margaret #153
Gorgeous baby cards Shaz :D I'm so glad it all worked out with your eyes, wonderful news!! Your beach looks very inviting, still :D
Thank you for your lovely understanding response on my blog, I'm a bit late getting back to you:{ Sorry, it's that old commenting thing again!LOL Not enough hours in the day! Oh and before I forget well done cataloging your stamps, I am impressed! Enjoy the weekend, Gay x
Hi Shaz
I've come here from Annette Husband's blog. You have a lovely blog and I am so impressed with you cataloging all your stamps. I have a large collection too and have done all the word stamps but as yet, have gone no further. I read your comment on Annette's blog that you have the recipe for the home made Gelli Plate but can't seem to find it. Enjoyed my visit.
Oh and by the way Shaz, I recognise your where your beautiful photos are taken as I live just an hour and a half down the coast from you. Love your creek photo, we had several family picnics there.
so busy... good luck with your sorting and organizing :)
sorry it's taken so long to reply - the days have just evaporated!
happy belated WOYWW x
I cant believe you are listing your stamps, that is dedication!
Thank you for visiting me.
Karen #46
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