Thank you for taking time to visit, and I hope I am even a tiny bit helpful as I have been helped and blessed by so many others. I have been doing Calligraphy since teens, and card making for many years as well. In 1990 I delighted in the joys of stamping with ink and embossing after a trip to Cairns, Qld. In 2009 I discovered the brayer, 2010 the Cuttlebug, also have now taking to reading up on crafting blogs and lo! Here I am, on one of my own.

I live on the coast of eastern Australia. I am a Christian. I trusted in the LORD down here at the beach, amazingly it is not far from where I now live. It was over 50 years ago, after a Beach Mission Service at the age of 12 years

Monday 11 November 2013

Thank YOU to my Wonderful Encouragers - Blogaversary Candy!

Candy Now closed - Drew three winners - will post soon.

{EDIT - 01.11.13 -  plan was to draw candy today, 1st Of Nov. - but things are very busy till 12.11.13, plus not 100%, so will draw candy on that date. Hence candy is open for few days longer.}

Hullo there everyone - this blog soon has its third anniversary. On 01.11.10 this 'ere 'umble blog was started. I started it by accident (see first post here - a test run & it worked!!). So the LORD has blessed it.
Blessed by so many precious friends and wonderful encouragers, I really appreciate you very much so want to offer a teeny-tiny bit of crafty candy to all you wonderful folk who follow this blog.
Here is candy. Butterfly is sample of one on offer.
 **Joy butterfly die is embedded in foam, cuts beautifully. See card with die cut here .
**Country Companions Friends stamp, cute and versatile. ** Pearls to embellish!
Candy can to go overseas, as is very light, so this is for ALL this humble blog's Wonderful Encouragers, that is, ALL those who have joined this blog.
1. please leave a comment on this post below 
2. then put (if you would be so kind) put a link on your sidebar; an extra entry in candy if you do so :D
Please do check you are one of the merry band, as on my first candy someone was drawn who was not, and had to redraw. New Wonderful Encouragers are very welcome to join following this blog!
Many thanks to one and all of you! What a pity I cant send some to all of you!
May the dear LORD bless your day wherever you may be,                               
Shaz in Oz.x


Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

Gorgeous candy
thanks for chance
and congrats
have a lovely weekend
I am allready a follower
hugs Tamara

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous candy there Shaz, I'll pop you on my sidebar later today.


Craftychris said...

Gorgeous candy - thank you so much for the chance to win! I love visiting your blog - sorry I haven't been around so much lately - things have been difficult! I hope to do better! Take care xx

Gail L said...

You're so generaous!
I am a follower!
Congratulations on the blog, Have a wonderful weekend!

CJ said...

Congratulations on your 3rd Blogaversary.... Such cute goodies you are giving away... Thank you for this wonderful chance....


sharon said...

Fantastic candy Shaz I have added to my sidebar. Well done on 3 years of blogging
sharon :)

MaryH said...

Sharon, BIG Congratulations on this super milestone. I'm so happy to see a new post from you. Hope your vacation was fun & relaxing, and you are all set to finish up your calligraphy class. I will post your link when I get home (I'm at DD's in So. Fla, heading home tomorrow). Marvelous blog candy you are offering. I hear you about the postage too! Happy Weekend, and God Bless. Hugs & TFS

Mrs.D said...

Shaz, it is wonderful to see you back on WOYWW, even if it it a bit late. I do hope your health is improving, I have been asking the Lord for healing for you.
Not sure if I am included in the Encouragers, because I'm not sure how you define them, nor do I know how to put a link on my sidebar, but I am not candy hunting anyway, it is just great to have you around again.
Chris #50
PS Did you know that your post had the date December 30, 2013 on it? Did I blink and miss Christmas?
that would be a crying shame.

Sarah C. said...

Happy Blogoversary, Shaz! Congratulations for 3 years of happy blogging! May you have many more! You're a blessing to many :)

ria gall said...

Hi Shaz
wishing you happy blogaversary when the day gets here. I would say you have had an amazing three years because your blog shows that.

JoZart Designs said...

Happy 3rd Blogaversary, Dear Shaz... keep sharing all your talents and goodness for many more years.
I'm not paper crafting just now as I'm doing so much with the quilt project so don't include me so someone more deserving can have your generous treat.
hope you are well. I'm off to Germany tomorrow to see the new arrival and co.
Jo x

SUE said...

Congratulations Shaz on your Blogs 3rd Anniversary, I have added you to my sidebar, well done,


Anne said...

Wow! You have been blogging for 3 years now? What a blessing you have been in blog Land! I always admire your work, your calligraphy is stunning and your cards just beautiful.It's so nice to see your homeland and all the treasures God has placed there. It wonderful to be part of your life and to know you as a dear friend and Sister in the Lord. Happy blog day for 1st!

Robyn said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Apologies - accidentally deleted - read "Oh, want whats not to like about Candy!"

Betsy said...

Hi Shaz,
Congratulations on your anniversary! You are already on my sidebar but please don't feel you have to enter me in the drawing. I'm not a talented card maker like you and it's way too expensive for you to ship to me.
But...congratulations again my friend!

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Congratulations on your upcoming third anniversary. Quite an achievement, and a very generous celebration. Looking forward to reading your lovely blog for many years to come. xx Maggie

Debs Willis said...

Hi Shaz, lovely candy & very generous to offer it to everyone.
I love reading your blog, and often wander back thru previous posts, so will be trying your gelli plate recipe soon :-)
Debs x

Joyce across the Pond said...

Congratulations on your upcoming 3rd anniversary...not looking for candy - take my name out of list - also want to say we're praying for a change in the weather south of you....awful disruption to folks' lives....and may God protect all involved especially the fire crews.

peggy aplSEEDS said...

Happy Blogaversary, Shaz! Congratulations!

The Taming of the Glue said...

A very happy anniversary. Lovely candy as well. Hugs. Pam#38

Neet said...

Hi there friend! Congratulations on the blogaversary. Many many thanks for the opportunity to win your lovely candy.
Hope you are well and happy.
Hugs, Neet xx

Glenda said...

Dose it not just amaze you at how fast time flies? You blink and suddenly you have blogging for 3 years! Love your craftiness and am so please you choose to share with us all you create!
Glenda #67

The House of Bears said...

Oh congratulations and happy blogbirthday. Here's hoping for many more years of blogging. We shall add you to our sidebar forthwith.

Bears #79

Begoña said...

I have found you throguh Julia from Stamping Ground...and I am very happy to see that you are a christina woman like me...
God bless you

sandysewin said...

Congrats on your blog-aversary!

Love your calligraphic scripture, especially the verse at the top.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the kind comment.

Happy Woyww,

Sandy #18

Carole said...

Happy Blog a versary. It's nice to look back and see our improvement over time. Prayers for all those impacted by the fires. Thanks for sharing. Be well Carole #91

Jocelyn aka JoBear2 said...

Wow Shaz - where did the last 3 years go? Happy 3rd Blogaversary!! Popped a pic and link etc. in my sidebar on my blog.

Best of luck everyone :-)

{{hugs}} and blessings
Jocelyn x

Twiglet said...

I am so late getting round this week but just needed to snoop a few desks! Well done on the Blogiversary!! x Jo

Nikki said...

Hey Shaz saw your candy and thought I'd try my luck I've added a link in my sidebar too hugs Nikki

Paper Compulsions said...

Congrats on your Blogiversary. I always love visiting your blog. :)

Betsy said...

Happy blogiversary Shaz! I love to visit and see your wonderful creations.

Eliza said...

Congrats on your upcoming 3rd anniversary, gosh where does the time go, especially every Wednesday. Nice of you to offer up some blog candy.

Happy crafting
Eliza & Yoda 17

Robin said...

So glad that your "test" for a blog went so well that we all get to meet you and see all of your wonderful creations! Congrats and what a wonderful give-away! Rasz #86

fairy thoughts said...

lovely candy Shaz, congrats on your anniversary. I don't know how I have missed this before. I will try and put it on my side bar although as it is 30th already maybe too late anyway.

Unknown said...

Great candy! And congrats on your blogiversary! Oh, happy WOYWW too!
Carol N #78

Cazzy said...

Oooo great candy, I will put it in the sidebar if I don't forget in a minute!

Happy Bloggerversary!

Cazzy x

Cazzy said...

There I did forget and have to come back, then I had to check and I wasn't following you, I am now!

Cazzy x

MaryH said...

Hi Sharon, Congratulations on your upcoming 3rd anniversary. Yay for you, and over this time, you've built such a wonderful blog that is a joy to visit each time. Your candy looks yummy & how generous of you to offer. Hope you are feeling all rested up by now. It's lovely to see you posting again. TFS & Hugs

Sidelle Menon said...

Congrats've certainly come a long way..thanks for the chance to win.have added the pic in my sidebar!!

Cazzy said...

There's a lot of illness about Shaz, hope you feel better soon!

Cazzy x

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