Thank you for taking time to visit, and I hope I am even a tiny bit helpful as I have been helped and blessed by so many others. I have been doing Calligraphy since teens, and card making for many years as well. In 1990 I delighted in the joys of stamping with ink and embossing after a trip to Cairns, Qld. In 2009 I discovered the brayer, 2010 the Cuttlebug, also have now taking to reading up on crafting blogs and lo! Here I am, on one of my own.

I live on the coast of eastern Australia. I am a Christian. I trusted in the LORD down here at the beach, amazingly it is not far from where I now live. It was over 50 years ago, after a Beach Mission Service at the age of 12 years

Wednesday 17 December 2014

WOYWW + Great Cards from Crafty Pals

{Warning Picture heavy post ..}
Hullo everyone ... yes WOYWW again.. been absent for few weeks of late but back today so that is good. Nice to be back! and Deere is my crafty desk after all WOYWW stands for What is On Your Workdesk Wednesday!! and we all link up over at Julia's desk at the Stamping Ground! to share our crafty fun!!
My desk ( or fold up camp table) is in the lounge room... cooler plus the cricket is on and so can craft whilst watching the test with Australia and India :D its at the 'Gabba Cricket ground this week which is in Brisbane and boiling hot there - 35+c but cooler here thankfully. On my left is a card from Shelley, with a whole lot of lovely die cuts - what a lovely gift!
On my right is my cardmaking with more of those round Christmas images. I bought some more as liked them so much, hunted through my dies to find different ways of using them... like a fleur de lis SB - hardly ever used dies!! gotta love that!
Shelley's (My Creative Rumblings) clever card - embossing paste + gold rub on is my guess?
This year's makes - on my last desk showed using these circles Christmas images and SB scallop... with different layouts. Had enough cards for this year but had ideas - want to formulate them before I forget!! Love the way you can put them in sequence to tell the wonderful Christmas story of God's gift to us through His son Jesus - like lower left is "Emmanuel" and then the meaning of it - "God with us"
Superb Blackboard card by Anne in France
Ultra cute LOTV card by Di of Snippets fame!
Lovely diecuts on this card of Mrs A. ( last two were a total surprise in today's mail ~ how kind!) and she decorates card's inside as beautifully too.. thanks so very much my dear, dear crafty friends!
Last two are my Aussie shots of the day our Rainbow lorikeets doing acrobatics while eating the nectar on the Bottlebrush blooms - view from kitchen window, taken through the glass yesterday.
{Special thoughts and prayers for all who have been affected by the siege here in Sydney, two brave folk lost their lives to save others. Praying God's blessing upon all affected}
Thanks so much every one for popping over for a peek and a chat, may God bless your day wherever you may be, and keep you safe at this very busy time of year!  
Shaz in Oz.x 
  "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger."      
Luke 2:11 - 12

** the top set of my cards - linking over to these challenges:
1. Di's Snippety challenge - Used  a number of snippets on cards. 
2..Word Art Wednesday - anything goes 
3. Simon Says Monday Challenge - anything goes


505whimsygirl said...

Hi Shaz,

Thanks for the tip (google). If my Reading List doesn't reappear soon I'll get in touch with them.

Lovely cards and great dies! The cards you made are beautiful. How fun to play with the layout and colors; really makes them have their own look.

Thanks for stopping by already!

I'm saying a special prayer for your country, especially those that passed in the senseless violence in Sydney.


SarahGeorge said...

Such lovely cards you've made and your friends have sent! That's really nice :) I'm once again very sorry for not visiting you much! Very Merry Christmas to you:)

Helen said...

Good to have you back, and with some pretty cards you've made (love that way of telling the Christmas story)and received. Happy week before Christmas - eek!! so much to do. Helen 1

Betsy said...

Shaz I adore your Christmas cards. So wonderful to make them all and the circles with the appropriate.

Anne said...

Beautiful cards Shaz - both ones you made and have received. Love photo of those so colourful birds. So saddened by the events in Sydney. Anne x # 9

Nikki said...

Beautiful cards your making and what you received in the post :) Happy WOYWW hugs Nikki 3

Chrysalis said...

Morning, Shaz - our hearts and prayers are with you all, after that horrible event. On a lighter note, the desk-y stuff looks great, and I love those cards. Hugs, Chris # 8

Neet said...

Hi Sis - lovely to see you in such a good position on the board for WOYWW. Lovely cards, and I love mine - I mean really love it! Did you see Katie was wearing a bow on her head for Christmas? She is a little diva at times, more so now since Monkey has arrived on the scene but he just smiles - think he loves her.
Hugs and Blessings for Christmas
Neet xx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

What lovely die cuts you received! Isn't that a great present? Lovely to look at and fun to use :-). Lovely cards from everyone too!
I liked the pics of the lorikeets on the bush, lol!
Hugs, LLJ 20 xx

Annie Claxton said...

Beautiful cards you're making there Shaz, and what lovely ones you've received as well - it's always brilliant to receive a hand made card isn't it? The birds in your garden are much more colourful than the ones we watch from our kitchen window - they're mostly brown! Happy WOYWW :o) Annie C #28

Julia Dunnit said...

Prayers and thoughts from here too for all the people affected by the Cafe siege. Your cards are lovely, am super horrified and super impressed that you're putting them into stock for next year already! Cards from friends are just the best aren't they, for all of us crafters, they mean so much.

The House of Bears said...

Oh those diecuts are lovely, I spent ages looking at them all on your 'desk'. Your Christmas cards are gorgeous too. Merry Christmas from Horace @ no. 32

Glenda said...

Such lovely cards displayed here today. You will be ready before you realize it! I really love the embossing on your cards.
Glenda #37

Lisca said...

Those are lovely cards you made Shaz! A good idea and so versatile. You'll be ahead now for next Christmas if you make some more...
I also like the cards you received. I tend to keep the hand made ones for future inspiration.
It must be so strange to celebrate Christmas when it's hot!
Have a good week,

Anonymous said...

What a fab array of cards! Isn't that bird gorgeous? I can't imagine living where it is warm at Christmas - half the time I think it would be FAB and the other half I think it would just feel wrong :) We did put the duck on the barbie one year cause it was too long for the oven but that is as close as we ever got. Whatever the temperature, do have a good one.

Happy happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (2)

Unknown said...

Some wonderful Christmas cards going on there, and a lovely busy desk.
Georgie (35) xx

HeARTworks said...

Hi Shaz, I felt so bad during the seige. I kept a watch on Twitter and kept praying. But something good came out of it, a light in the darkness, which shows the goodness of your people's hearts #illridewithyou. Hope you have a blessed season in spite of what happened, patsy

Krisha said...

Hello Shaz,
Stunning cards all round. I finished all mine a little on the early side, and now I'm putting ideas down for next year too.

Die cuts are so "IN" right now, more and more people are using them, so getting a "giftie" of them is a real treasure.

Merry Christmas, and thanks for visiting my blog while I was still asleep......LOL
Krisha #5

Unknown said...

I was watching the siege and praying for all involved. All the cards are gorgeous! And the Lorikeeets are beautiful! (We have a small hawk sitting near where the wrens live right now.) Great Scripture at the end of your post. Happy WOYWW and Merry Christmas.
Carol N #39

Unknown said...

Such a fun desk and beautiful cards. Thinking of our Australian brothers and sisters. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #41

Robyn said...

Visiting with you is prpb as close to Oz as I am ever going to get. Oh- I love those colorful birds.
Your cards are just like them. So lovely!
Love all the bits and pieces on your desk- where ever it is!
thanks for visiting and your kind words
robyn 7

PaperOcotilloStudio said...

Lovely cards from you and your friends. Thanks for sharing. Those lorikeets are awesome! Happy WOYWW. #25

Patrink said...

I must agree with other comments, lovely lovely lovely is the word of the day at your desk. Positive thoughts and prayers for our global family.

Thanks for sharing.

Pat #49

Shoshi said...

Love your floor-desk and those cards are great. I also like the pebbles background in your photos. Cool!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #52

fairy thoughts said...

some lovely cards on your 'desk' this week...... good to see you back..
janet #13

Annie said...

I'm really late getting round to all my blogging friends's been one of those days :-)
Really fab cards today Shaz.
Annie x #21

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Lovely cards Shaz.You are so lucky to have those gorgeous birds around you. They are real characters. My cockatiel was so much fun to have around and we miss him loads.
Thanks for the visit and happy crafting, Angela x 31

MaryH said...

Hi Sharon, Been MIA here for a while, and just saw your link elsewhere. Popped over to say Merry Christmas & enjoy your array of beautiful cards..both those you made for next Christmas and the lovely ones you shared made by friends. As always, love to see the pictures you share from Oz. God Bless & my wish for you & yours to have a special Merry Christmas. TFS & Hugs.

Cazzy said...

Hi Shaz,
Better to watch cricket in the cool I say!
I tried to grow bottlebrush here, it seemed ok then died in the cold of winter. We never get such colourful visitors to our garden though.

Lovely lot of cards and die cuts.

Happy belated WOYWW.

Cazzy #55

Brenda in IN said...

I've been thinking of you since we heard the horrendous news on tv. Such a tragedy. I love the cards you made and the ones you received are gorgeous. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season.

Shelly Schmidt said...

Loving your Christmas cards! I hope you will have a blast with the dies. I used embossing paste thru a stencil. Love the other cards you rec'd for Christmas as well. Have a fab Holiday!

Hazel said...

Thanks for entering both of my CHNC challenges with your lovely crafting - hope to see you again soon. x

Di said...

Beautiful snippets card Shaz!


Di xx

Mrs.D said...

Hi Shaz, those cards of yours are so efective and so simple, beautiful.
Thanks for visiting my desk and I am also addicted to dies and even more so if they are free ones with a magazine as the stars were.
HAve a smashing Christmas
Chris #23

Twiglet said...

Really lovely cards Shaz. The lorikeet is beautiful - lucky you.
Happy Christmas. x Jo

Shoshi said...

Thanks for your return visit, Shaz, and for your good wishes for my mum and hubby. Mum has made a full recovery and as usual has bounced back! I think she will outlive us all... I have gone down with a cold which I could well do without as there's till stuff to do for Christmas and I'm feeling awful.

Shoshi #52

Michelle said...

What a wonderful collection of cards! You must've been on the " nice" list this year. ;)
Your own creations are lovely as well. Very pretty!
Happy Holidays from the team at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. We are so glad that you joined our Anything a Goes Challenge this week. Thanks for playing along. ~Michelle

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