Hi there everyone! Yes, this month is rattling by and we are almost a quarter of way through 2021! For it’s the 31st, today Scrappy Mo’s Christmas Challenge ends for March - see here! Firstly as is Wednesday, and WOYWW - What it On Your Workdesk Wednesday over HERE at Julia’s.
This is a set from Beccy’s Place Digis "Prehistoric Party" that retires by 31st April, check them out.. so cheap. I've bought a number of her half price retiring sets here, love they’ve greetings, coloured images , which I used and black and white.
TIP: to make cutting out fiddly images easier, do a thicker outline around it, imperfections are more easily hidden. I also shape them with shaping tool on foam mat, do extra snips in image to accent shape. *I often work on scrap advert paper so then it’s thrown away, saves cleaning desk surface!Now next pickie, only a crafter will feel what a bargain and gift of God this huge roll of branded tape was.. for $Aud3.50! 😳😁 yes, only one in stock at big hardware, with other mounting tape, no label as is, so lady "gave" it to me. Never seen them in Oz before.. only in videos in USA. Happy dance time!!To my cards! Rudolph day Christmas card first.
Believe it or not this is ALL Snippets!? So off to Snippets Playground here. Even base, made it for another card last year, but never used! Foil were all from small bits. Dies are CCD, except greeting strip, set by Avery Elle. It’s first outing, as well as the CCD two dies, quite separate Nativity globe andJOY dies, so a NBUS. The stamped greeting “to the world” greeting is by Poppy Stamps, “Joy to the World”, heat embossed Gina K silver EP.The design is a CASE from my Christmas card received from Brenda of Crafting with Friends, used a deer die cut jumping through the “O” instead of small nativity. Thanks Brenda💜 for the idea. The EF is by Couture creations, I think, Christmas set.Mister 8’s card!
First of all two photos to share!
- from my friend, Anne in France, where spring bulbs are showing colour to cheer anyone’s heart!Well, thank you for popping over to peek, especially if you could say hi! You’re so appreciated. My commenting was really hindered by a weekend bug which visited, but am over it now, thankfully 😅.
May God bless you all and keep you safe wherever you may be!
Prayer hugs, 🙏🤗 , Shaz in Oz.x
Thought for the day:
Well, Easter is coming, as we call it. This Friday is the Passover , as the Lord’s people, Israel call it. The Passover was first celebrated as slaves in Egypt, when in each family a 🐑 lamb was slain and the blood 🩸 was put upon the door lintel and the door frame sides.
This dripping blood formed a cross - when God’s angel of death passed over in judgement upon Egypt’s cruelty in enslaving His people. When the blood was seen, God passed over.. The firstborn male was preserved, not slain as in unbelieving families, with no blood upon their door lintels.
Each year this Passing Over of the angel of death is celebrated by Israeli’s to remember how God preserved them, His people.
This first Passover lamb slain was looking toward the cross, upon which the Lord Jesus Christ died - for my sins, and for yours and for all mankind. As John said: “BEHOLD, The Lamb of God, which taketh away the sins of the World”.
The Christ born in Bethlehem became the Lamb of God, Who gave up His life upon the cross, on Good Friday upon the cross. He gave up His life, it was not taken from Him!
"He could’ve have called ten thousand angels to set Him free,
But He died alone for you and me"!
I will be back God willing in Resurrection Day.. Sunday. 😁
To read - Why is Good Friday called Good? See here and Here
Linking up also with following Challenges:
1.NBUS challenge- both cards, dies on card 1, digi stamp set on card 2 https://mynbus.blogspot.com/2021/03/nbus-challenge-24.html
2. Word art Wednesday Anything goes! http://wordartwednesday.blogspot.com/
3. Beccys Lace March Challenge.. using her images on card 2. PLEASE CHECK OUT HER FREE MONTHLY DIGIS. 😉