Thank you for taking time to visit, and I hope I am even a tiny bit helpful as I have been helped and blessed by so many others. I have been doing Calligraphy since teens, and card making for many years as well. In 1990 I delighted in the joys of stamping with ink and embossing after a trip to Cairns, Qld. In 2009 I discovered the brayer, 2010 the Cuttlebug, also have now taking to reading up on crafting blogs and lo! Here I am, on one of my own.

I live on the coast of eastern Australia. I am a Christian. I trusted in the LORD down here at the beach, amazingly it is not far from where I now live. It was over 50 years ago, after a Beach Mission Service at the age of 12 years

Wednesday 4 November 2020

See 10th Blogaversary + NBUS Beccy's Place Christmas + WOYWW

 Well, two posts in four days is a record, and to be honest as I’m really weary this won’t be a long post. The reason I’m saying a SECOND post for this week is that on 1st of November 2020 was my ten year Blogaversary, so I opened a blog candy which PLEASE do join in with over HERE!!

Say hi and chose which candy you’d like on offer.. and please do not say no, I so want to THANK wonderful encouragers! They’re both almost normal post or shipping cost. 

And as it’s Wednesday I have to share my Workdesk over at Julia's! It’s boring but there it is! I’m going to stamp up some more of these lovely Woodware images, cards down the track. If you like this stamp set (also has two great greetings), it’s only $11.99 from Scrapdragon in Oz, with free post. It well worth it.

This was on back of my desk a 1990 Printblocks Aust company, I pray blessings upon you all especially in lockdown, + USA etc. See also Thought of Day below..

I’ve another card made with stamp as I’ve a birthday coming up in ten days so going to mail it to a dear friend, added the same Sweet n sassy rather apt greeting.

This is one of my 81 Christmas cards and it’s made with a truly beautiful wreath from Beccy’s place, so I’m linking over to her C challenge as it’s C for Christmas! This set is also a NBUS, sometimes I’m a bit ashamed how long I take to use NBUS, so off to the NBUS Challenge too. The verse is a Digi "the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the World." That's the gospel in a nutshell.  

Now to some Aussie shots, two collages I made for my Christmas letter which I did yesterday, and mailed my first card, one to Whistler in Canada, as birthday card took nine weeks, I’m praying this one will be quicker. Later this week I’m mailing to USA and also Norway. I’ve done my card list and I’ve enough cards made plus twenty left over to give away so I’m very grateful.

This is floral collage, below is up close of orchid cactus. With red Anthirium in the background.
Very beautiful but unlike orchids the flower only last 36 hours. Has most buds it ever has, think it’s because I’ve watered it! 😁The
 floral collage is mostly my roses except for cactus.
And this is scenic collage, and they’re all within my walking range but may walk to location on way home. Second lot are courtesy of my wandering family, who’ve been up north of here.
Firstly the very large elegant staghorns, on a Hoop pine, I really love them, they were in a national park.
Above are Minyon falls.
This is their motor home, it was hit by hailstorm while there bigger than golf balls.
Damaged windscreen, dented bonnet (hood) broken plastic vents behind the bonnet, dented satellite dish, rip in awning, but very surprised no damage to four solar panels! Obviously very durable. (Edit: hail this size is not that unusual in storm season which we are now in, on the same day, our family in Brisbane had same sized hail, and friends south of me had it also. Mercifully we seem to miss them here, but not always. When we first moved here, mother told of a hail storm that banked hail up a foot deep at our glass courtyard doors. Seems amazing but our new carpet has those scars from that water damage.
Sign posted, “goanna about", a  parking lot with one resident πŸ˜† And no! not gonna πŸ™„ argue with him either! They’ve big claws and move quite quickly. And love human food.
Some rather pretty mistletoe, which really is a parasitic plant.

So that’s it for today, and please do not forget my 10th Blogaversary post over HERE! And please leave me a comment if you’re a wonderful encourager. You’ll make my day.

 May the Lord bless and keep you all well and safe.

Prayer hugs πŸ™πŸ€—
 Shaz in Oz.x 

Edit: sorry to folks I’m not commenting on. Things were just fine till last couple of weeks blogger won’t let me comment on embedded comment boxes, I lose all multiple attempts to comment.
The pop up comment boxes are fine. Not embedded. So I’m not ignoring you, just can’t comment or if you have pop up and no comment, I am not well enough to do it. 
Eg today an off day, very little done, but lots of prayer.😊

Thought for the day.
Praying we all seek daily the Anchor of the heart found in God's word. 

**Seeking God is the only Anchor and our hope in the midst of the storm.
Cast all your care upon Him for He cares YOU!.
Praying earnestly for all nations, peoples. 

Our prayers don't evapourate, they are lifted before our Father God until they're  answered, His time and ways not ours.
Praying with and for many sad, hurting ones across this planet, dear precious Lord.
"Where two or three are.. there I am in the midst!" Jesus said.
He also said "Lo, I am with you always:" " I will never leave thee nor forsake the

2 Chronicles 7:13-15
"If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people;

IF my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

"Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place."

 Linking up with also:

**Word Art Wednesday - anything goes. Both cards

Christmas card is linked up to new challenge B. mentioned last week called We love Chocolate Baroque, theme is Christmas, used Digi images.


Helen said...

Hi, and happy 10th blogversary! great pics - of the cards - and your orchid cactus. stunning. have a great week helen #2

Annie said...

I'm determined to do my rounds of my favourite blogs before I get under a pile of sewing this just didn't happen last week.
Really love your cards and your Aussi pics are stunning. That was some hail storm....I really wouldn't have wanted to be in our motor home in that.
Annie x #14

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Oh Happy 10th Bloggyversary Shaz, what an achievement - many congratulations!! May there be many many more xx. Love all the cards you’ve made, the seed head silhouette is my favourite and seeing all the Oz pics. I remember being astonished when I saw goannas for the first time, they don’t half shift.
Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

Neet said...

I love your cards. I always like the ones with the strip down and the black stamping on. They are so eye catching and clean looking. Great embossing too, I have an A4 machine and a couple of folders but I forget to use them - in fact I rarely do any dry embossing but think I might get some folders out now ready for Christmas cards.
Lovely flowers and Oz scenes but oh those hailstones. What a lot of damage, it must have been awful to be sat there with that going on around you. My sis is away with her trailer tent at the moment, she keeps me informed via FB as to what is going on but it looks as if she has had nice weather. Don't ask me where she is, my memory is shocking.
Hope you are well and taking care
Blessings, Neet 5 xx

LilArtsyWoman said...

Beautiful cards and scenery.

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Shaz, and congrats on the 10th Blogoversary- makes me think I must check what mine is. I do remember well you were one of my first followers and encouragers, so we've been rubbing along together for quite some time. Still so very, very happy we got to meet you IRL, never really thought that could happen! Do hope your family get any repairs needed as soon as possible, those hailstones must have been quite scary in a mobile home! Lovely floral pics, and love the ferns. Stay safe, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 X

StampinCarol said...

Congrats on your Blogiversary! I'll have to look WAY back to find out mine.
I LOVE your scenic photos! That staghorm is really something and your mistletoe looks much different than ours. We try to cut them out of our trees as they're so damaging.
Love your cards.... 81 Christmas ones already! WOW!
Have a blessed week!
Carol N #24

Felicia said...

Shaz, HAPPY 10th BLOGVERSARY!!! Woop! That is awesome! And, many crafty more! :) Love your cards and as always your photos! Boy, that Orchid Cactus is amazing!! Love it! I love National and State Parks! My family are campers so we love to frequent them! So much beauty and history as well! Blessings to you! Felicia #28

Betsy said...

Good morning Shaz! How are you today my dear sister? We have survived the elections here in the U.S. although the outcome is still unknown. I'm continuing in prayer unceasingly for God's will to be done and people to show love toward each other.
Your cards are absolutely gorgeous as always. You are so talented my friend.
It never ceases to amaze me that you live so close to the ocean as to be able to smell the salt breeze and see the waves whenever you feel the need. Dennis and I both love the ocean and it's our biggest regret at the thought of moving even further inland. We're making plans to visit the Oregon coast next spring, God willing.
I'm glad that even more damage wasn't done to your relatives motor coach. That is BIG hail and solar panels are very expensive to replace. That waterfall is beautiful too.
Praying for a day full of peace for you Shaz. May God richly bless you today and always.
Blessings and hugs,

brenda said...

As always a super post Shaz, full of crafty inspiration and tastes of Aussie, a tad green that you are headed into Summer now and us Winter, my least favourite UK season.

A beautifully designed Christmas card and I am so pleased you have joined us at We Love Chocolate Baroque November challenge.

As for post, I honestly don't understand it (well from the UK end anyhow) a package to Germany took two days (honestly), yet within the UK it can take a week sometimes. I guess like you I'm going to have to think about sending overseas card early this year as it's sure to get busier soon and that two day delivery will be a one off. And as I've said to several people, Christmas cards are going to be so essential this year with peopla unable to enjoy the usual family Christmas due to COVID.

B x

Sarah Brennan said...

Wow Shaz, hearty congratulations on your 10 year blogiversary. I won't throw my hat into the ring for the candy as it is rather expensive to post to the UKm from Oz. Fabulous thought though. More lovely cards on your desk today. I borrowed your spotlight reminder and made a birthday card for my son with that technique so thanks. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

My name is Cindy said...

Well Happy Blogiversary to you!! I have that floral stamp from woodware, it's gorgeous. I always think their stamps stamp so well and have a very good price point. Stunning photos, that staghorns on a hoop pine are awesome. Have a good week, stay safe, stay well, Cindy xx #16

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Great pics Shaz. I'm wondering how big the Goannas grow. You have so many fabulous creatures over there and lots of gorgeous Opals too, love them. Woodware stamps, some of my favourite! and I've just bought some of their new ones. Beautiful plants and gorgeous landscapes too. Stay safe and have a lovely creative woyww, Angela x18x

Caro said...

The cards are so lovely as usual, and I so enjoy the Oz photos. Those hail stones are something else! I have never seen ones as big as that. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#13)

Sue said...

Happy anniversary Shaz. I think I’ve been blogging for 10 weeks. I guess it could become a full time job communicating with new friends. It’s certainly opened up my world in the UK. Take care, with love and hugs from Sue #26 xx

Anne said...

I always love your cards dear Shaz, they are gorgeous! Your roses are stunning, cacti flowers amazing, (ours flower like that too, stunning!) and your National park is so beautiful. Our mistletoe has milky white berries and is not as colourful as yours! We enjoyed researching goannas...but that was a typical boy joke you made! It got a thumbs up from a certain lad here!

Dorlene Durham said...

Gorgeous photos! Congratulations on your blogaversary. Wow!! Have a wonderful week. Dorlene #32

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Two lovely and clean cards, Shaz, so elegant.
Love seeing all the places and the plants of your zone, they look so exotic at my eyes :D
That goanna is stunning and fun near the "about himself" sign :D LOL
Big hugs and blessing and congrats for your blogaversary!

Shoshi said...

Happy 10th Blogaversary, Shaz, and congratulations on your beautiful cards. I do love your Aussie photos. You live in such a beautiful place. It's lovely to see summer weather and flowers blooming, and unusual creatures too, from here in the UK where the evenings are drawing in, it's cold and damp and very Novembery, and we've got the fire on in the sitting room!!

Happy WOYWW and God bless,
Shoshi x #17

loz said...

Beautiful cards Shaz. lovely flower photos. Glad your solar survived the hail storm..loz

Spyder said...

Beautiful cards and Happy Blog Aniversary! I don't spoes I could have one over on mine if I haven't been there for loads of years! I spy Monkey! I was given one, and then suddenly I had five, they live in my van, and wave at people! Stay safe, Happy WOYWW
((Lyn)) #25

Susan Renshaw said...

What a lot of beautiful pics - from cards to nature...Happy 10th Anniversary!
Thank you for becoming a follower of my blog last week and thanks for your visit!
Stay safe and keep well...
Happy WOYWW!
Susan #23
Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

Lillianb said...

Happy Belated WOYWDW
Happy 10 th anniversary, Great pictures,
Take care and stay well and safe,

Lilian B #9

Chrissie said...

Many congrats on your Blogaversary! Fabulous cards and beautiful pictures... the one of your Epiphyllum reminded me of some that I used to have years ago... the flowers are SO beautiful and smell SO fragrant, but last such a short time!
Take care and stay safe!
Chrissie #12

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Happy 10th Blogaversary Shaz, how amazing is that. Always so generous with your makes you put me to shame most weeks. Love that wooden block stamp very handy in size & design. Wishing you many more blogging years ahead & a Happy safe WoywW.
Hugs Tracey #10.. those hail stones really do look horrendous :/

kiwimeskreations said...

Shaz you cards are beautiful - as usual!! Love that silhouette, and the multiple ways you have used it is inspiring.
Loving all your Aus photos. Prayers that you are feeling better soon.
Thank you for entering your exquisite cards at Word Art Wednesday
Stay safe
Maxine WAW DT

Julia Dunnit said...

Wow Shaz, congratulations on ten years! Amy word that’s a lot of ink and cards and picks of lovely Australia! My word I’m staggered that your card to Canada too, 9 weeks...makes you wonder if sending the Christmas cards might just miss their date. I posted parcels to the USA this week because it was the deadline, but the young man at the counter said that they were still quoting 10 days for standard parcels. Can’t see that happening, I don’t think it did even under normal circs. I’ve been in a car at Botany Bay in a hailstorm...we had to pull over because we couldn’t see the road. When it cleared, we were about a foot from the waters edge, thinking it was a car park for a cafe! Lucky!

Crafting With Jack said...

Beautiful photographs Shaz, we have a plant called mistletoe that has white berries and likes to live on apple trees and others. Is that colourful plant your mistletoe? Lovely cards, I went to have a look at that stamp because I was thinking Rest in the Lord was one of the phrases with it, God bless you and have a great week x Angela #20

Gail L said...

Great cards, I've just started my Christmas cards!
Love the scenery!
Too bad about the hail.
I've seen it that big in Canada too!

Conniecrafter said...

beautiful cards, I have not counted mine yet, I really don't know how many more need to be made, I just keep plugging away, love the pics, wow that was quite the damage done by that hail, we haven't had any here quite that big, thankfully.
Have a great weekend!

Shoshi said...

Thank you for visiting, Shaz, and I'm glad you are enjoying the tiny carpets! I hope to show some progress photos on #6 next week.

God bless,
Shoshi x #17

Megan J said...

Hi Shaz, I love your silhouette cards, thanks for the heads up about where to find them, your garden is looking beautiful, I planted some cornflowers which have just started to flower, some have been blown over in a storm :( and I've since pulled out. Goanna's can be huge and their claws seem very dangerous. I noticed some one else ask how big they grow further up, they can be up to 2m or 6foot 5inches in length. Hope you are feeling better... Have a wonderful week.. Megan

Aimeslee Winans said...

Lovely cards, Shaz, wish I had as many Christmas cards done. Lovely photos too. Congrats again on ten years. I suppose I might need to do some thing special as I just looked at my blogger about and it said I've been there since Jan. 2006. That'll be 15 years in 2+ months. Wow, my surprise for the day. Take care, XOX

Mervi said...

Lovely cards!
Thank you for sharing at We Love Chocolate Baroque;-))m

Tracy said...

Thank you for joining We Love Chocolate Baroque challenge with this entry, good luck.
Happy crafting
Tracy x

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