Thank you for taking time to visit, and I hope I am even a tiny bit helpful as I have been helped and blessed by so many others. I have been doing Calligraphy since teens, and card making for many years as well. In 1990 I delighted in the joys of stamping with ink and embossing after a trip to Cairns, Qld. In 2009 I discovered the brayer, 2010 the Cuttlebug, also have now taking to reading up on crafting blogs and lo! Here I am, on one of my own.

I live on the coast of eastern Australia. I am a Christian. I trusted in the LORD down here at the beach, amazingly it is not far from where I now live. It was over 50 years ago, after a Beach Mission Service at the age of 12 years

Wednesday 2 October 2024

WOYWW 800 in review + Snippets

(I unusually did this early as have medical entertainment today, found out after doing it we were if possible to share our first WOWW post. Mine is HERE January 2011. Oh, it took me back, over a decade!)

 Well, I've heard through email 2nd of Oct is a very important date... our 800th WOYWW! Hurray! So even though I've not blogged since June, I'm going to attempt a catch up share and reminisce as requested by Sarah at Sarah's Craft Shed, Head Desker of WOYWW.. this year Sarah kindly replaced our former Queen of Desks, Queen Julia. 

My desk shows some current cards and also my first item for my first anniversary from 2011! (I joined Jan 2011). We had a PiF or Pass it Forward then instead of ATC. My PiF was from Jozarty who had as I recall a round craft table with a strawberries 🍓 cloth on it, then as her craft interest changed it had a metal top then Jozarty went into making exquisite sewn bags with detailed embroidery.
My PiF was a kind of key chain, labelled with WOYWW icon, and is always on my desk, at the back, along with monkeys and their WOYWW Badges, WOYWW sign + lighthouse light pull from 2018 crop. I'm unsure of Jozarty all these years later. My most exciting adventures with WOYWW was when I met up with WOYWWers in UK.  Neet and Margaret were the two instigators. I think the most exciting was my visit in 2018 to Llundudno. I met Shaz Silverwolf who's sadly no longer with us.

From WOYWW crop with dear kind Magaret I received many ATCs. Tag was from Sarah (I think). I loved it.
Neet have me the gorgeous ATC holder above and glasses case from dear Jan and bear from Annie, spare ATC is Heather.

Here's the ATC cover that Neet made me for that crop and Shaz brought me a huge bag of crafty treasures too. I then met up with Sarah and lots of other WOYWWers. Margaret took me all over! to even see my friend Iris who lives near where Margaret's now living in Lincolnshire.

It's Spring in Oz, & I've picked in last 2 days 8 bunches of flowers, 5 of roses 3 of sweetpeas ... sharing a few here.

There are still more out there. I've 3 dozen roses, and I now have more help paid for by a government package as I couldn't manage otherwise. My health is very poor these days. God is good and kind to me though and I'm well looked after. I'm still crafting and learning new techniques. I just rarely come onto blog land to share. I'll share new cards now as my blog is also my creative record for myself. Some panpastel cards with PB Aspire stamp, Lavinia stamping and also a disc Bible stamp. Birthday cards too.
A surfer handcoloured free digi and die cut card for Eamon who's 9, I loved the purple card on this I used perfect pearls in interference violet on top of purple ink. It was WOW. Eamon loves purple.
As does Emily who's 13, loves her ballet and she has brusho deep blue and purple background with unamed stamp on it, greeting is celebrate die cut and digi. Inside I did photos of Emily over last 12 years and a poem. It was very special. Just adding cards now since June, sorry for overload as I said this is my record, a wedding card and other special ones.
This is glittery but photo won't pick it up. Lavinia, new stamps as are pair of birthday cards below, also NBUS Lavinia stencils.
SNIPPETS CARD, mostly kraft like packaging from freezer goods, coloured with inks and Lavinia red brick stencil (a NBUS), the gold bronze in back ground is heat and dry embossed CB cogs folder. Gold cogs and number 5 are years old and heat embossed. Linking to Snippets Challenge here.

Now to Oz photos! Mostly nearby.

I've just realised I've laser surgery on cataract today so glad I've done this early. I maybe late in comments, depending on eyesight.
And NOW thought of the day.
Living as I do with precarious health, I've become very conscious of life's brevity and to make every moment count for Jesus. I don't want to be ashamed when I stand before Him as my Judge. I want to be always ready .. "ready for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh ". Matt. 24:44.
1. As well as Snippets with link above in post, I'd like to link up to:
2. NBUS Challenge here red brick stencil by Lavinia is new on 5 y.o birthday, the ballet stamping on 13.y.o also, and are Lavinina stamps in mauve encouragement card with bible verse.
3. Allsorts Challenge 800! A hearty congratulations,  to Brenda and crew... how amazing is that 👏👏👏 exactly the same as WOYWW 800!!
See over here Anything goes so linking the 13 y.o birthday card which uses brushos and NBUS stamp.
 4. I'd also like to link these cards over to this wonderful challenge - Word Art Wednesday- Anything goes. 
Linking the 5 cards as chosen, I think it's best I can do, hopefully ok. I'm struggling doing this post so hope this is okay.
God bless and have a great day everyone. Shaz in Oz.x

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Birthdays + Snippets, NBUS + WOYWW Moved to Sarah's from Julia's

Well, I've had a long hiatus due to two ill periods. On 20th March, I had a lower shin skin graft for a skin cancer. I was still recovering from it when on 12th April an overly friendly virus arrived that hung around for two months. Was very ill in April. Two months later am pretty much over it, praise God. Grateful Easter was early I was still able to post at end of March.

I hopefully will make this brief?! Apologies as is difficult! It's WOYWW or What is On Your Workdesk Wednesday I need to show a desk! Several as made a host of cards before op on 20th March, thankfully made cards all the way to July!! Just as well, I didn't know I'd be so sick but God did. The mantle for WOYWW has passed in May from our wonderful Queen of Desks Julia of the Stamping Ground to Sarah after 15 glorious years! So pop over to Desks of the world here at Sarah's Craft Shed hopefully I did it correctly!

Sarah & I met at crop in Sept 2018. She is a most wonderfully talented crafter, I'm extremely grateful for her willingness to take over. I'm sadly sporadic in my attendance to WOYWW but love to pop in when health permits. 

Desk 1 & 2 shows making of ladies cards with a new set of stamps and dies. A dear friend gave me an Amazon voucher for my birthday, so using Origarch greeting set and painting up flowers stamped with my new Prima metallic accent watercolour paints, another birthday (from Feb) present. 😊 

The next desk is card being created for Mister 11 who happens to love Cricket, is brilliant at it playing well above his age . As his birthday is 11yrs  the stumping with two stumps standing still showed an 11!

Here's finished cards...

These are mostly birthday cards for April and May. I 3D'ed a Google image here.

For a dear friend who loves RED! EF is by Altenew. Stamp set a NBUS.
It was a certain sisters very special birthday, everyone was there but 😔 I was too unwell to be there in person sadly. At least I'd made a special card. 
This snippets card was a reject brusho piece in reject drawer. Was accidentally debossed with clear ink.. instead of embossed so I then brayered it with gold acrylic paint and made frames of image and greeting to match it. All but base snippets, frames are with cereal box card, painted.. My favourite verse stamp. "With God All things are possible."
A vellum card painted with Prima metallic on reverse with and frames to match. 
Now to Aussie photos. I'm sorry not many as life has been quiet. Firstly a pineapple in our pineapple patch.
Next is a Harleqin beetle, very pretty but actually a pest to citrus.
However he escaped. 😊

Also the white with pink tips camellia flowered for the very first time.
Lastly the requisite sea view, I had to go all the way back to Feb 20th for this.
We have had stunning weather like this for our winter but I've not been out and about. No walking since March. I enjoy it in our courtyard each day though. 
Finally the end of my marathon WOYWW post with Sarah.  I'm glad I can meet up with all my friends still so thank you very much to Sarah and Julia, you're both on my prayer list each day.
May God bless your day wherever you maybe and keep you safe. Happy WOYWW 😊. 
Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz.x.
Thought for the Day:
This verse has always meant a lot to me especially in times of trouble with ill health. It's a blessing to remember that all things work for our good, God's good, in the long run and our Heavenly Father is our stronghold in our troubles,  no matter what. Yes, my anchor will hold in the storms of life!

I'd like to link these up with the following:
3. Word Art Wednesday Anything Goes, five cards, red and prayers card in floral and rest as shown on blog.
4.  Allsorts Challenge blog - Flowers or Anything Goes. (red floral). Greeting set is by Origarch and flower die set is a CCD from 2018. Ie no name brand. The embossing folder background is by Altenew paints by Prima Metallic.

Sunday 31 March 2024

"He is not here, for He is Risen, as He said". (+ Snippets, NBUS, Allsorts Challenge)

First of all, though, thanks to all who care enough to pop over  and say Hi. Things are very topsy turvy health wise this past month and look like being that way for a while. Sorry I wont perhaps be as active at returning comments,.

Dear Ones, well today is a day of great rejoicing as my title shares.
Can you imagine the great sorrow of the women and disciples upon the first day of the week? 
They thought all was lost - Jesus was dead upon the cross of Cavalry, and buried in stone tomb!
"Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them. 
And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre.
And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus.
And it came to pass, as they were much perplexed thereabout, behold, two men stood by them in shining garments:
And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead?
He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee,

Saying, The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.
And they remembered his words,Luke 24:1-8 (emphases mine)

I think this image of an empty tomb encapsulates the work of the cross the death, burial and resurrection of the LORD Jesus Christ, the Son of God our sin-bearer on the cruel tree at Calvary - there the LORD Jesus died for you and me!
How rich we are in Jesus if we truly know Him as our own Saviour from sin and love and serve Him.. 
A hymn came to mind as I think upon today, Resurrection Sunday, and as verse 2 says the day of Hus appearing will come at last - one glorious day He’s coming back again! for He promised (John 14: 1-6)! I so look forward to His coming AGAIN!

 It is I serve a Risen Saviour... may it bless your heart as it did mine.
I serve a Risen Saviour by A J Ackley 
I serve a risen Saviour, He's in the world today;
I know that He is living, whatever men may say.
I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer,
And just the time I need Him, He's always near.

He lives, He lives! Christ Jesus lives today!
He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way.
He lives, He lives, salvation to impart!
You ask me how I know He lives?
He lives within my heart!

2 In all the world around me I see His loving care;
And tho' my heart grows weary, I never will despair.
I know that He is leading thro' all the stormy blast;
The day of His appearing will come at last. [Refrain]

3 Rejoice, rejoice, O Christian, lift up your voice and sing
Eternal hallelujahs to Jesus Christ, the King!
The Hope of all who seek Him, the Help of all who find,
None other is so loving, so good and kind. [Refrain]

To Him alone be all the glory, honour and praise, with much thanksgiving for Resurrection day!
Shaz in Oz.x

Hymn sung below by Mennonite Youth choir link HERE if not showing 
Now to some cards, as most of my cards are snippety, its always hard to pick a snippets card. The first one is  the most snippety! 
Green piece was a watercolour piece done ages ago, added versamark ink on EF & accidentally debossed with poppy stamps folder, so could not use it as intended. 
Recently saw it in "use it!" box desk. Thought, Mm, brayer the beautiful gold acrylic paint over the top, see what happened!? This is it! 
The frame was already cut to right size! that's God's goodness! from a natural coloured cereal box, painted it with same gold acrylic paint. Verse was stamped & gold embossed ages ago, a wooden Stampendous stamp, a favourite verse of mine - "WITH God, ALL things are possible." Mtt 10:26 Frame is a Kaisercraft die. MB butterfly Pippi disc.
Links below to challenge.
Next card - is with vellum, I was given some Prima metallic accents paints for Feb birthday, I've really enjoyed making a lot of cards with them. Have many in wings which hope to share in months to come as health permits.
The frame, punch butterflies (Kaisercraft large, small unknown) and back of embossed vellum were painted with these paints, the frame and one above are Scrapdragon brand, an Aust online company. CB embossing folder disc long ago. Again my favourite bible verse stamp. Used NBUS Prima Iridescent watercolour paints!
Two more cards, I made a number of these, with this NBUS flower stamp die set.
is an encouragement one with Hero Arts hugs and prayers.
The floral stamp set is disc., though a NBUS! as is mixed Oligagarch (sp?) greetings stamp die set, that was bought recently on Amazon!
 No longer available! I think the EF on background is Altenew 3D folder from memory. Added light spatter in colours used to paint them, with a bit of the gold as well.
These are all NBUS so will pop over to Darnell's challenge. 
Linking up to the following:
1. Snippets playground with green card here
2. NBUS Challenge  here 
3. Allsorts Challenge over here CAS or Anything Goes encouragement card is a favourite and it's CAS
 4. I'd also like to link these cards over to this wonderful challenge- Word Art Wednesday- Anything goes

Friday 29 March 2024

Illuminated Work + Why is Good Friday Good?

  Hullo there everyone! 
Hanging on my bedroom wall is a printed Illuminated text. A lot of my texts are similar to it as  is the book I learnt from see - here it is
Isn't it a beautiful verse? 
It is the true reflection of what occurred on Good Friday all those years ago. On a rocky hillside, in sorrow and pain, a young Man shed His blood on a cross - a shameful, sinful death.
Years ago (over 50) I well remember my sister's teacher and I were on a beach hillside near where I live now, and she asked if I knew why Jesus had died? 
I said, " No."
.. and so she told me He had died for my sin, and the sins of everyone. 
Now I was a child.. and you may wonder - how a child can have sinned?
.. but believe you me, there was not argument at all from me on that point.
I knew I had done wrong.. and that was sin.. but that Jesus had died to take away my sin totally blew me away. 
That memorable day, when I saw Jesus on the cross for my sin, has lived evermore for me in these words of this hymn.
 There Is A Green Hill Far Away
There is a green hill far away, without a city wall,
Where the dear LORD was crucified, Who died to save us all.

We may not know, we cannot tell what pains He had to bear,
But we believe it was for us He hung & suffered there.  
He died that we might be forgiven, He died to make us good,
That we might go at last to Heaven, saved by His precious blood.

There was no other good enough to pay the price of sin,
He only could unlock the gate of Heaven, and let us in.

Oh, dearly, dearly has He loved, & we must love Him too, 
And trust in His redeeming blood & try His works to do. 
By C.F. Alexander
  This is a hymn from my childhood - link here or see below.

Jesus is our Living Redeemer, Saviour and Friend - if we have sought salvation in Him, the Lord Jesus.
"God sent His Only Begotten Son into the world that we might live through Him."
1 John 4:9
This is why Good Friday is Good.
By faith in Him we have the certain hope of life forevermore with Him. 

The Easter story. The gift of His transforming love. The reminder of what Jesus has done for us.
His sacrifice brought us life.
Taken from a Dayspring e-card
There is sadness in the story. There is pain in the story. There is death. But there is more. The whole story includes the beauty of Easter. 
The triumph. 
The joy.
I would dearly love that all who read this might know that Beauty, Triumph, and Joy.. in Jesus.

I would like to close with a very early Illuminated text done in the early 1990's. 
(sorry, it is very poor "best-can-do" enhanced image - bad flare from old camera, etc. not digital.)
 The observant among you will realise it's the verse done on the header of my craft blog. 
It is also on the very first post I did on my craft blog, back here, better photo there too of different one.
(I have done it four times now, three different colours, and one was duplicate of one on the header.
This, the original is the one and only one done in Aluminum leaf - very hard to work with but will not tarnish like silver leaf.)
May we all take time to ponder the importance of these words of the Lord Jesus, as He speaks to each of us - it will help to keep life with a real perspective. 
"What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, but lose his own soul?"  
Mark 8:36
Zip, zero, zilch is the answer... 
The whole world will profit us nothing.
This is the whole key to Easter... Eternity... and what counts for eternity. 
May we live this truth.
 May God richly bless you wherever you maybe and thank you SO much for  making my day - being real encouragers!
Shaz in Oz.x
Personal update:
This post was originally done here here on my other blog, I'm not well so I'm not up to writing new posts at the moment. When I am quiet that is the usual reason. 
 However when we look at what Jesus suffered for us at Calvary, none of our suffering, though severe at times, can compare to those moments when (in the garden of Gethsemane) Jesus "sweated as it were great drops of blood, saying, "If it were possible ley this cup pass from me, nevertheless not My will but Thine be done." 
AND when Jesus cried out, "My God, My God, WHY hast Thou forsaken Me". 
It was at that moment our sins were on Jesus on the cross, and God the Father turned His back on God the Son. 
Depths of spiritual and physical suffering none but Jesus know.(see Isaiah 53 for prophecy of all this)
All for us!

 Would like to join these over with: Word Art Wednesday - here
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