Hullo there everyone. First of all a big welcome and thank you to my new Encouragers - that is just what you do, encourage me, so thank YOU!
Things are very quiet on the craft front– craft items all packed away as needs must, but all very busy …jobs inside and out, spring is here!
Things are very quiet on the craft front– craft items all packed away as needs must, but all very busy …jobs inside and out, spring is here!
No workdesk for me today inside - it is out side! My crafty side will get the enjoyment of checking your crafty creations out instead!
For those of you wanting to check the workdesks of the world take a visit over to our Julia's blog and meet the rest of the crew at Julia's Stamping Ground!
For those of you wanting to check the workdesks of the world take a visit over to our Julia's blog and meet the rest of the crew at Julia's Stamping Ground!
Have two messy rooms needing sorting, plus the garden to be done. Last week I promised Lisa would post my bottlebrush (or callistemon); as she amazingly told me last week she had tried to grow it in England! So here they are, white one is Citronella, red one is Little John and they are both dwarf varieties. These are in the front garden.

I am at present working out the back. There are over 30 roses out there, in the process of feeding, mulching with wet newspaper to help keep weeds down, and then topped with sugar-cane mulch. It is a really great mulch!
The lemon tee is the Aussie variety, Eureka lemon and one of the biggest off this small tree weighed 499gram yesterday (ie nearly half a kilo) - very, very juicy.
Here is the first of the roses to flower (Guitar - pretty orange/apricot, edged pink tones) and as you can see it is not mulched in this bed this year as yet. The large clear bottle at the right of the rose plant is a unique, deep watering system.
One is planted at the base of each rose and filled it up with hose so each rose gets 2 litres on watering (old juice containers), delivered deeply to its root. It also means water is not sprayed over plant as we constantly battle fungus diseases in the humid summer.
One is planted at the base of each rose and filled it up with hose so each rose gets 2 litres on watering (old juice containers), delivered deeply to its root. It also means water is not sprayed over plant as we constantly battle fungus diseases in the humid summer.
Here is a passion-fruit flower also the first - it has yummy passion-fruit for Christmas and is called Nellie Kelly.
So if I am missing form the blogland for a while you know I am making the most of the great weather we have here at the moment!
Thanks for looking and may God bless your day wherever you may be.
Shaz in oz.x
PS the variation in God's creation is so amazing, isn't it?
PS the variation in God's creation is so amazing, isn't it?