Hullo there everyone..
Well, another new year approaches - doesn't it?
Something which we all face with varying amounts of interest, planning or concern etc. mostly depending on how preceding one has past.
Something which we all face with varying amounts of interest, planning or concern etc. mostly depending on how preceding one has past.
A new year - 365 days in which to serve our Lord, should He give them to us.
This year has been mixed. I think most of us say that.. the high was the wonderful trip over seas which have yet to share much about - to see my family... and then ended with number of medical necessities, not quite so wonderful!
I still have stitches this time in right calf as it was positive there also... but it is easy peasy compared to hands and feet!! give me limbs any day!!!
Here are some pickies from Boxing day from my sister's beach home, front verandah, they live overlooking the beach and wake up to this view everyday!
Photos taken on mobile, here are some Galahs and Seagulls at bird bath:
Photos taken on mobile, here are some Galahs and Seagulls at bird bath:

I had the Spellbinder Medallion dies already cut in gorgeous Magenta Mirri card in Snippets pile, also with DST in perfect colour combo with piece from another card, perfectly with wee gift card which came in post! So cut it up attached and mounted, add wee bling, and voilà!
Another thing I hope, next year, God willing, in the new year apart from sharing the superb blessings while away, is to show more of calligraphy past! Calligraphy was on back burner this year apart from one done in March. Still awaiting next cataract surgery but will show as have heaps of others I have to share there!!
In 2013, may we look to our LORD, praying for His hand on each moment of each day and also on us, keeping us till He comes!
God bless your day everyone wherever you may be and thanks so very much for popping over for a peek and chat, and most all for all your very wonderful encouragement in 2012!!
Shaz in Oz.x
unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. Hebrews 12:2