Hullo there everyone ~ it is a while since I have done an illuminated work so thought would combine one with a beautiful devotion I read in
Our Daily Bread .
"Dreams of Childhood" by Randy Kilgore.
As I am teaching at our local church school calligraphy the reading and this verse tie in with my current thinking too.
"Years ago, I asked fifth grade students to prepare a list of questions to ask Jesus, if He were show up in person in the following week. I also asked a group of adults the same question. The results were startling different. The children's ranged from adorable to poignant:
"Will we have to sit around in robes and sing all day? Will my puppy be in heaven?
Were the whales in or out of the ark? How's my grandpa doing with You up there?" Almost with without fail their questions were free from doubt that heaven existed or that God acts supernaturally.
For the most part, children live unfettered by the cares and sorrows that burden adults. Their faith lets them trust God more readily.
While we adults often get lost in trials and sorrows, children retain the psalmist's view of life - and eternal perspective that sees the greatness of God (Ps. 8: 1-2)
An intimate walk with God, lifts our eyes
from today's trials and into eternity's triumphs.
This Illuminated Bible verse shown is from Psalm 33:21
"For our heart shall rejoice in Him, because we have trusted in His holy name."

It shows this
type of faith that rejoices in the knowledge and child-like faith in our daily walk with our Saviour. A young wife in our church ordered this for her new husband - which thrilled me.

For those who like a little more detail here are two earlier stages, all that were taken of this work.
It was done in January 2006, so few years ago now. First small picture above left shows the work inked in, painted with gouache (to
see how previous steps are done see these posts here and
here). Gold leaf preparation is already built up with glue size. The second small image on right shows the gold leaf applied. The frame was an older one my father used for one of his oils. It was originally a brown neutral toned coloured frame but I changed with navy blue boot polish into the soft grey tones to tie it in with the tabernacle colours I wanted to use.That way did not need to charge for frame and it was a very good one. :D so saving all around.
Many thanks every one for popping over for a peek and chat and may God bless your day wherever you may be.
Shaz in Oz.x PS. DO join the candy up above top of this post too, please, or see here. Ta!!
Would like to link over with:
2. Word Art Wednesday - Anything goes.