I wanted this special memory to be the first post for 2016.
"If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one
with another, and the blood of Jesus
Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is
not in us.
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and
just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1
John 1: 7-9
I learnt these verses simply to
win a book prize at Christmastime fifty years ago, but I gained oh, so much
Roughly the spot where this took place, as shown today. |
4.1.1966, after received my book prize, I was walking back to the tent with my
sister’s teacher. It was the Children's Special Beach Mission (CSSM).
They came there each Christmas, an interdenominational outreach run by
Scripture Union.
we walked, I was asked if I knew what these verses I’d learnt meant.
Being young, I had not really given it deep thought, but as we walked she explained how
Jesus had died for all our sins, including mine on the cross so that we could
go to heaven, and asked me if I would like to take Him as my Saviour.
I remember standing
by the road, at the top of the path to the park below. A crossroad in every
way; I stood thinking about it.
I found it amazing to
realise that Jesus had died for me, for my sins!
My reply was yes! So
we walked back down into the park (see above image).
Here I prayed and asked the LORD Jesus to be my Saviour all those years ago.
I remember I was told
that the angels were rejoicing in heaven over a soul coming home to Him (Luke 15:10). My mother burst into tears
when I went back to the tent and told her. This was unusual, my mother rarely
Years later (in my
20’s) I asked mum why, she said because you looked so happy.
I was.
went down to the beach ~ and sang at the top of my voice those simple CSSM
The promise of my
home in heaven was what I had found; a Friend Who would never leave me nor
forsake me! No wonder I was so happy. I have found joy where joy would not be
possible, in the simple faith of a child believing God and His word.
Many folks come to
the Lord in later years.
It matters not
when or where but simply that
we take His gift of salvation.
A gift isn’t ours till we’ve received it.
"For the wages of sin is death, BUT the gift of God is
eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23b
Each card sent out this Christmas time contained this testimony above of what the LORD Jesus mans to me.
I pray with all my heart that the LORD will take each word written, shared and prayed over and bless it for His glory.. that more like me might find true hope, joy and peace with God .. through our LORD Jesus Christ. For this is what makes life worth the living.
This illuminated verse from the passage hangs in our loungeroom today, for more details see this post here. |
Our dear LORD God and
Heavenly Father watches over you and all for whom you care..
He knows you
intimately and cares for your every burden that you carry.
He is the Burden
bearer, our sin bearer, He wants to be the Hope, the Help that He is to me and
everyone of His children.
Hear His call today, I pray.
If you want to know more, please read this post here ... or read the Bible starting
at the gospel of John. God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.
Thanks so much for taking
the time to read this post. I pray it blesses you – for how richly I am blessed
as a result of this gift of salvation at such a young age.
I did not know unless
someone had told me, someone had asked me..
So this is why I share
it with you today.
Praying for you.
Shaz in Oz.x
There Is A Green Hill
Far Away
There is a green hill
far away, without a city wall,
Where the dear LORD was
crucified, Who died to save us all.
We may not know, we
cannot tell what pains He had to bear,
But we believe it was for us He
hung & suffered there.
He died that we might
be forgiven , He died to make us good,
That we might go at
last to Heaven, saved by His precious blood.
There was no other good enough
to pay the price of sin,
He only could unlock
the gate of Heaven, and let us in.
Oh, dearly, dearly has
He loved, & we must love Him too,
And trust in His redeeming blood & try
His works to do.
Hymn by Cecil Frances Alexander