Thank you for taking time to visit, and I hope I am even a tiny bit helpful as I have been helped and blessed by so many others. I have been doing Calligraphy since teens, and card making for many years as well. In 1990 I delighted in the joys of stamping with ink and embossing after a trip to Cairns, Qld. In 2009 I discovered the brayer, 2010 the Cuttlebug, also have now taking to reading up on crafting blogs and lo! Here I am, on one of my own.

I live on the coast of eastern Australia. I am a Christian. I trusted in the LORD down here at the beach, amazingly it is not far from where I now live. It was over 50 years ago, after a Beach Mission Service at the age of 12 years

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Pineapple Update ~ Plant a Top -> Have fruit again!

Hullo there everyone! Those of you who have been around this blog since Feb. 2013 have seen the Pineapple saga..  Here it is from woe to go!  
Note - picture heavy post.    Pineapple plant with flower, you will notice likeness to Brommeliad flowers?
Plant shot this flower about eighteen months after planting the top of very tasty pineapple and left to itself in the backyard. They dont need much water like Broms.The first two photos were taken 6th Feb. 2013 when flower first showed. It was planted near back fence, which meant it was part sun/ part shade but warm position as the fence gave good radiated heat.
6th February, 2013, after good lot of rain.
Taken three weeks later, about 15cm.

Taken in late April - 3 months later -  30cm
Just before being picked, 25.6.13. Measured on ground over 45cm, about 18 inches
Left to continue to ripen after picking, for 10 days before cutting. Weight = 1,421gms or nearly 1.5kg.
Cut on 8.7.13, five months after flower shot. Saved new top for planting.

Fruit weight is 788grams - over 3/4 kilo. Cut out the eyes too, dont worry! :D juicy, huh?
Use the top of picked fruit to plant ready for more fruit, as first one was done too. Now have small plantation :D
Sucker plant inside the mother plant. Main plant will die off and new one will take over, but I must not remove mother plant too soon. It is same as with Brommeliads.
For more info on care of them and their relationship to Brommeliads ~ look here.
Now you can see the full cycle in this second last picture as the top is what I planted in first place. It was very tasty pineapple of the rough skinned variety here in Oz - they seem to be the sweetest and took I would estimate almost two years to get fruit from top in our temperate climate. It was approx 18 months to shoot, and five months once it shot the flower from whence fruit came.
For previous posts on Pineapple growing see this link here.
My Pineapple Jam recipe - is here, and will make about half of this into jam I think. 
Will see, it may not make it! It tastes soooo sweet and good! God's creation is simply amazing really, isn't it?
Thanks so much everyone for popping over for peek and chat, and may the LORD bless your day wherever it may be.
Shaz in Oz.x


Shelly Schmidt said...

MMmmmmm- how fun is that- I LOVE pineapple : ) So, was it just perfect and sweet?

Myrna said...

What a fascinating story!!
You truly do live in Paradise. :)

ike said...

How fantastic - I am amazed at this story.. I hope you enjoyed your yummy fruit and here's to the next one :-D

IKE xx

sharon said...

Shaz your pineapple looks amazing, when I plant them the wallabies and kangaroo's come and eat them :(

brenda said...

How amazing to have a pineapple in your own back garden Shaz, we have to make do with the supermarket. I did see them growing in the Caribbean but that's not the same as right out back.

B x

Di said...

Oooooh Shaz, how wonderful :) Please don't make it into jam - savour the freshness, nothing like it!

Hugs, Di xx

Stephanie said...

Oh how amazing! And it looks so good! When I was in Africa I had pineapple there and wow, what a sweet treat! :)

Hugs to you!

Anne said...

Can't stop....I'm drooling on my laptop......

Helen said...

Yum yum!! Good luck with the next one!

Neet said...

I love pineapple and will appreciate each mouthful more now that I have read your very interesting story. Thanks Shaz.
Neet xx

Mrs A. said...

wow. What a size. The fruit inside looks a lovely pale colour so does that determine the taste I wonder. Hugs Mrs A.

Nannie4 said...

Oh, I'm so excited that you directed me here!!! I tried this years ago, but was unsuccessful. How wonderful that you managed to accomplish it. It would only be possible as a house plant or greenhouse plant in my climate. I'll have to try it again.
Thanks so much for your visit to my blog and for your comments. Much appreciated. Thanks too for following and I will reciprocate absolutely. Hugs
Nann4 # 35

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