Hullo there everyone!
Half of the week is gone, other half to come ..I feel once you hit August it is rapid descent to end of year! Special welcome newest wonderful encourager - Kim - met her in the playground :D over at Di's Snippets Challenge - thanks Kimbo, for being a pal!.
Today joining up for WOYWW or What is On Your Workdesk Wednesday ~ Chez Julia de le Stamping Ground! {feeling French as watching le Tour de France, as I type this on laptop Tues evening, very late here almost Wed morn. "Allez Froome, allez! vite!" not bad huh! go Brits! :D, they are in les belle Alpes}. I have some of my French photos on this post here a few days back.
Today joining up for WOYWW or What is On Your Workdesk Wednesday ~ Chez Julia de le Stamping Ground! {feeling French as watching le Tour de France, as I type this on laptop Tues evening, very late here almost Wed morn. "Allez Froome, allez! vite!" not bad huh! go Brits! :D, they are in les belle Alpes}. I have some of my French photos on this post here a few days back.

Desk 2: am working on a new card for my a family member's birthday, also shown in second photo of crafty desk is my new purchase. Last week saw on WOYWW last week, on desk of Ros. C of "Wild Cards on My Workdesk" this set of drawers... I thought: "Ooh, I DO love them, but would be too many $$, IF I could find them!"

Next photo is Pineapple Jam made from our homegrown pineapple. The full update on *home grown pineapple from last week is here. Recipe for jam is here (*for those wondering we ate 2/3, sweet and juicy so made 1/3 into jam, to last longer).
Here also is the last of our wonderful roses for 3 months as it is winter in Oz, we we pruned them last week, will flower again about September here on temperate coast.
Aussie shots when our visitors were here. Took them up to the lookout way above the city and coast in National park.

Next are the large trees - the tall,lanky gums are huge here, and so are the tree ferns. So lovely to see, God's creation is so enthralling.
Thanks so much for popping, thanks even more if you stop for a chat! I will visit your place too, if time permits :D
May the LORD really bless your day wherever you may be! Shaz. in Oz.x
PS More!! amazing French photography today over at my brother's blog (link here - Le Tour de France, 2013). Pete is a tour guide with Bikestyle tours doing le Tour de France.
Don't worry, he doesn't do as many as me as he does not have time with wifi.
Today's photos are simply breath-taking, take peek :D and drool - love the lavender!
May the LORD really bless your day wherever you may be! Shaz. in Oz.x
PS More!! amazing French photography today over at my brother's blog (link here - Le Tour de France, 2013). Pete is a tour guide with Bikestyle tours doing le Tour de France.
Don't worry, he doesn't do as many as me as he does not have time with wifi.
Today's photos are simply breath-taking, take peek :D and drool - love the lavender!
Bless Roz's heart. So sweet of her. A true desker. Love that little holder, too.
Pineapple jam sounds wonderful. I might have to try a batch when the weather cools a bit here. But my pineapple will be store bought (sob).
Happy WOYWW from #2.
I miss pineapple jam you just can't get any here in Melbourne. Love the view really beautiful and it shows our wonderful coast line.
Thanks for sharing
Happy WOYWW Eliza 26
I just read your comment and thought I would explain that a Crop-a-dile is a tool that makes two different sized holes. You set the depth/length you want the hole punched in your art. then you can set eyelets with the top part.
Your pineapple jam looks delicious. :-) As for the end of the year-I refuse to acknowledge the fact that the summer is racing by. I prefer to live in Lala Land and try to exist in a world of make believe until the cold and snow hits. (I really need to live somewhere with NO SNOW!)
Fantastic set of drawers :-) Your pineapple jam looks lovely :-)
The photos are amazing... especially the tree ferns. I had one of those but unfortunately killed it with the wrong water :-( So sad.
Have a great day.
IKE x # 33
The calligraphy is awesome. Lucky family member that gets that beautiful card. I might just have to drop a hint or three when my b'day gets ready to roll around. :D Your pineapple jam jars look adorable. All your photos are great this week. Have a great week. (((HUGS)))
Great blog as usual. Our God is pretty BRILL isn't He? Such variety in His Creation! Margaret, and our daughter Ruth both make jams and chutneys, but I don't think they have ever made pineapple jam - just might need to drop a hint there!!!!!!
Have a good WOYWW!
john-w #52
Your craft space is so fabulous, love those drawers. The pineapple jam sounds fantastic, we don't see it here in England.
Thanks for visiting already when you are so busy! Helen 19
Wonderful woodland walk pictures - thanks Shaz.
How lovely to be teaching calligraphy to 14 year olds, such a lovely skill for them to have when they complete the term.
Well, what can one say about those drawers Fabulous purchase and one you had to have - next time can we take a peek insde them please.
Hugs and love and blessings
Neet xx
Wow! Homemade pineapple jam sounds just fabulous! I never tasted that! Here in the UK it's mainly strawberry, raspberry and so on! No pineapples, of course! Isn't WOYWW just the best! In the short time I've joined in I've already met with some amazing people and seen incredible kindness and generosity and creativity, of course! I do admire your calligraphy, btw! Julie Ann x #45
Hi there. Looking like a good week there. Loving the drawers. Pineapple jam sounds good too. Hope you have a great day.
Hi Shaz.
Wonderful pictures - what glorious scenery - yes God is GOOD! Pineapple jam - you mean you didn't eat it??!! No, I've never made it, but I do occasionally make pineapple fruit cake - a wonderful scrummy, moist fruit cake.
Busy desk as you prepare for school. Trust all goes well, praying for you in it.
Have a great week.
Margaret #48
Lovely calligraphy. It is something I am utterly hopeless at, However making jam I am good at so will be on the look out for some offers on pineapple at supermarket.
Blessings Chris
lots of craftyness going on, thanks for the snoop
Jay NO.65
Ooh double desk delight. :) pineapple jam sounds delicious.
Waving hi from the bears @#86
Gorgeous pics of the rain forest area. You really do live in "God's own country".
Sandra @89
Hi Shaz
you have so much going on for us to look at this morning. I am loving the new draws I am sure we would all have different uses for them.
Pineapple jam just sounds so lush I can taste it in my mouth as I think about it
have a great day enjoy the rest of your week
Ria #75
Hi shaz
Now even I have drawer envy and I have new drawers too but those are fab well worth a bit of reorganising
Great pics as usual it looks so idyllic at least e have it hot here..... Finally
Janet @41
Lovely yummyness on your blog today. Love the drawers. Delicious jam. Beautiful calligraphy and stunning scenery. God is indeed good. Anne x @ 69
Hi Shaz,
Those tree ferns are fascinating!
Pineapple jam sounds divine as it is early morning here and breakfast time, how GOOD that would be on a piece of toast about now.
Thanks for the earlier visit.
Krisha #5
Your pineapple jam looks so yummy. I miss having homemade jams. Your calligraphy is beautiful. Happy Crafting #13
Alright, I stopped in amazement when I saw homegrown pineapple. What? Who gets to grow their own pineapple--wow! It must taste amazing! And I love what you make with it. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #6
Sharon, I'm drooling over that jam. How clever of you to utilize the last of your homegrown plant into a jam! Loved those drawers. I have some purchased from Dick Blick years my colored pencils in those! Our H/Lobby stores also sell them. I decorated the tops of mine...will have to photo & post. They are so handy. You know I loved your Aussie pics too. Wonderful views, and you're right. Our Maker is the Master Artist, is He not? Will pop over to enjoy the French pics too. TFS & wish I could have you teach ME calligraphy too. Hugs & have a grand day.
Visited your provided link to your brother's site, and WOW! I've never been to France, but those fields of flowers look like what my imagination thinks Provence would look like. Thanks for the link. Just lovely photos.
Hi shaz, gorgeous scenery again. how wonderful to have such stunning countryside to walk in. Have a great week, Hugs Shaz xx #50
Gorgeous set of drawers... so glad Ros helped you find them! Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#78)
Hi Shaz, yours is a very busy post today. Love your smart set of drawers - they look really handy for keeping all the little crafting items tidy. And the last of your roses are gorgeous ... ours are just coming into flower now, and it's just a coincidence but the first is yellow :) I bet that pineapple jam is really yummy - and a good way to extend the pleasure. The panoramic view of your part of the world is stunning, as are the lavender and sunflowers fields in your brother's post. We are very lucky here, there's an British cyclist doing rather well in the race at the moment so we are kept up to speed in the news broadcasts. Hope you've had an enjoyable day and have a great week. Elizabeth x #47
Wow, pineapple jam from your own pineapple. Briliant. Your desk looks great and so do the new drawers.
Happy WOYWW and I wish you a lovely week.
Monique # 70
So lovely thinks on desk,
somethink njami something wawy
hugs Tamara
Good for Ros, sorting all that out! WOYWWers are fab, aren't they? Pineapple jam sounds lush....a great way of preserving that wonderful flavour.
And I've really been enjoying Le Tour as well, hasn't Chris Froome been amazing so far. His climb up Mont ventoux was fantastic! Hope your brother is having a good time!
Hugs, LLJ 46 xx
Fab drawers and beautiful pics
Rosie x
I can't imagine home grown pineapple! How amazing that must be! You are a very lucky girl!
Glenda #82
I can't imagine hard cycling in this heat in the UK at the moment and I'm not sure if it is hotter in France but I bet it is hotter where you are! Hope you are finding some time to craft.
I was looking at some similar drawers last week, but they are for pastels and I don't do pastels! Bit expensive to buy just 'cos I like them!
Mmmn pineapple jam. I need to look out for some reasonably priced pineapples again and make some as I did enjoy it last year!
Fantastic post today, Shaz! So much to see! Love the drawers, too, how nice of Roz to help you! Deskers are so great. Good job with the pineapple jelly/jam and thank you for sharing the spectacular photos and the link to your brother's site!!
Thank you for stopping by to visit me! Happy WOYWW and have a great week! Darnell #20
Hi Shaz! I enjoyed your post today. Happy Wednesday ... better late than never :o)
Sue x (MiniOwner@96)
I've never had pineapple jam - it sounds delicious - just don't think pineapples would grow here in N. Ireland - despite the present heatwave!!
Bernice #7
Oh yes, those drawers are lovely and all the photos, the pineapple jam sounds wonderful too! I admire your patience in being able to teach calligraphy to teens!! Annette #8
Love those drawers, Shaz, and what fabulous photos of your local trees, especially as we don't have tree ferns and gums here in the UK. The jam looks delicious!
Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #116
Fabulous photos Shaz, and Roz was amazing, so is WOYWW. I couldn't join in this week, but thought I would try and limp round a few people very slowly!
Cazzy x
I so enjoyed reading your post and I can't believe the pineapple is now in a jar!!
The drawers look Awesome!!
Hugs, Ginny
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