Thank you for taking time to visit, and I hope I am even a tiny bit helpful as I have been helped and blessed by so many others. I have been doing Calligraphy since teens, and card making for many years as well. In 1990 I delighted in the joys of stamping with ink and embossing after a trip to Cairns, Qld. In 2009 I discovered the brayer, 2010 the Cuttlebug, also have now taking to reading up on crafting blogs and lo! Here I am, on one of my own.

I live on the coast of eastern Australia. I am a Christian. I trusted in the LORD down here at the beach, amazingly it is not far from where I now live. It was over 50 years ago, after a Beach Mission Service at the age of 12 years

Wednesday 30 January 2013

WOYWW, JoZart's work, Memory Box Dies

(Warning - picture heavy post) 
Hullo there again everyone!
Now to the business end of this post – Wednesday is the highlight of many of our weeks when we go on the biggest blog hop in the world hosted by Julia over HERE ~ What is On Your Workdesk Wednesday!! 
Mm, well some goodies indeed here for me today - totally spoilt!
There is a Memory Box die (nay two!) and blaming Sarn for that .. you see I saw this card HERE, and thought, yes! that is nice (AND they were so reasonable :D)
Then at the back you can see a lovely parcel which winged it way across the seas to me - all the way from beautiful England's fair shores. 

If you want the details of the wonderful gifts Jo has made not just for me - but for many others - please look across to her post HERE please... thank you, dear Jo!
 Also on left of my desk is the card which was missing, when did my last card show from Christmas 2012.
Thomas' Card,  THANK YOU Thomas (he is three years old. I think he and mummy did a grand job!)

I would also like to share a tip seen on Ikki's blog ages ago. It maybe old hat, so scroll on if it is. I had heard that Memory Box dies were hard to get out (these are my first ones, so not sure). To to be safe I rubbed the candle end over surface + dust off excess wax with soft cloth. As you can see it came out superbly - maybe these ones do? 
NOTE - craft card, this is from an iceblock packet. I love how many nice kraft colours you can get on the inside of packets.. have you noticed?

I am going to close with flood. One taken on Monday before flood, as it was building up, rest yesterday after the flood. Most homes in our town were not affected, but not so for many in Brisbane, Ipswich, coastal Qld north of Brisbane, Northern NSW.
The beginning of the flood at our local creek just down the two blocks from us. it is teeming with rain when walked down to take this ..and blowing a bit, but a gale later on.
The debris yesterday from creek shows the high level it did reach, near the railway bridge over creek.

Seas raging like a washing machine out of the harbour.
You cant even see the island which is visible on the horizon normally.
Jetty Harbour yesterday too, is the only place protected from the huge sea swells. There are surfers catching a wave.. all the black dots on left of centre picture are surfers, one is catching a wave.

Well, thanks so much everyone for popping over for peek and chat.. and may God bless your day wherever you may be.
Shaz in Oz.x. 
A special prayers and thoughts for those here in Oz fighting the fires down south and west, or recovering from our incredible floods. Australia is a land of contrasts ~ "of droughts and flooding rains". As Dorothea McKellar said in her poem, My Country - "the Wide brown land for me!". She was a true blue Aussie.


Bernie said...

Dear Sweet Shaz;
Thank you for the fabulous card and especially for the beautiful messages inside. Thank you also for your support and friendship I treasure all of it. Praying for the people of Oz. I’ve been watching the stories unfold on the news. So sad!
Be safe. Be Well.
Love & Hugs

peggy aplSEEDS said...

oh my, so many people are facing all sorts of challenges with the weather these days. those are great pics of the sea!
happy WOYWW!
peggy aplSEEDS

Lunch Lady Jan said...

It truly is a land of extremes...sending prayers that people and animals get respite from both types of mad weather.... your flood pics are amazing, especially the boiling seas....
Hugs, LLJ #36 xx

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. It is horrifying how many extremes of weather there are around the world at the moment. We have another day of strong wind, but hopefully it will be dry. Ali x #34

sara j said...

Mother Nature can take out her wrath in so many ways....and it can be so least the sun is shining now and hopefully the waters will keep receding. Your calligraphy is simply gorgeous...and such vibrant colors.
Love the tip about the candle; I find some of the Memory Box dies really difficult, so can't wait to try this.
Have a great week.
Saraj #42

Queenie Jeannie said...

Such weather you're having! But still, what a gorgeous part of the world you live in!!! *jealous*

For those dies, I always sandwich wax paper in between the die and my paper. Works like a charm!! Love that brand but they can be fiddly sometimes!

Happy Crafting!
Jeannie #12

Ann B said...

Wax paper for me as well, I leave the candles for the power cuts (hope I'm not tempting fate there). Love the gift Jo made, such a generous soul.
Ann B

Helen said...

Looks like you had a lucky escape, such devastation being caused here there and everywhere with heat and rain... stay safe!! Helen 9

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh definitely Shaz, these extremes of nature that Australia is experiencing have me holding you all tight in my thoughts. Aren't the surfers brave...I've tried it a couple of times and the bruising and the being dragged along the bottom when it goes wrong didn't suit me at all - scared me!! It's a great picture though, i find wild seas compelling. The MB dies are something else aren't they,
so delicate, that's such a great tip.

Sarn said...

Super pictures of EVERYTHING Shaz. Gosh bet you were a bit worried when the flood was only 2 blocks away. Glad you are okay though.

SORRY you "HAD" to go and buy some dies because of me! LOL!


Sarn xxx

shazsilverwolf said...

Dear Shaz- you have such extremes of weather to deal with- we complain over here, but we have to deal with very little compared to you, we may get floods, but thankfully never forest fires. I use a quilters beeswax block on my dies, or cut them a couple of times with waxed paper too.Have a great day, Hugs, Shaz xx #69

Sandy said...

That die is so delicate and very pretty, can see you getting lots of use out of that one.. Great tip with the candle. The floods are just terrible, fires have stayed away from my area but we have had only 2 mm of rain in 6 weeks and my garden is just so dry. Such a contrast that up in Queensland they are having over 700mm in 48 hours.
Take care..
Sandy :)

Karen said...

What a lovely idea for the cross packets, they are so cute and just perfect for friends in your life. The photos show how bad things can get, we don't realise until we see it in photos or films. Take care and keep smiling! Karen 84 x

The House of Bears said...

Lovethat die, lucky you with your fab present too.

The bears @#80 this week

Alison Scott said...

Lovely gifts sent to you.
Wow the extreme weather you are experiencing is dreadful. Thinking of you and hoping it stops soon.
Great pics though, I am a coward amd would have stayed indoors.
Alison #72

Roudi said...

Hi Shaz!
Love the card your little friend has made you. So sweet!
And look at all those goodies! Looks like you'll be doing a lot of crafting!
Your photos of the sea are pretty. Scary, but pretty. Prayers for the people of Oz. ♥

Happy WOYWW from Egypt. xx
Roudi # 94

Tammy said...

Oh, the dies are fun! I have a few from them and love them, always on the lookout for more. Great photos too - such a lovely place. Happy WOYWW! Tammy #90

Minxy said...

What a lovely selection of goodies, you lucky thing, enjoy playing, and stay safe with that rogue weather x
Happy Desk Hopping Day
Hugz Minxy #59

ria gall said...

A great desk thanks for shairing the inspiration and oh those photos are stunning love love love
Ria #44

Unknown said...

Everything on your desk looks so bright and happy! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #104

MiniOwner said...

My goodness I hope it all settles soon for you. Keep safe. Happy Wednesday. :o)
Sue x (MiniOwner@74)

Di said...

Hi Shaz

Jo is a sweetie, met her at the crop last year - how kind, but quite typical of her.

Clever you mastering that die straight off - long ones like that can be so tricky! One to remember!

Stay safe my friend!

Hugs, Di xx

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

It does seem unbelievable that one country can be suffering such extremes of disasters at one time. Even our British weather has gone totally nuts over the last couple of years. I do love sitting on the rocks watching the waves crashing in. Thanks for the tip about those dies and for your visit today. Keep safe and well. xx Maggie #11

Lindsay Weirich said...

thanks for the tip with the wax! Happy WOYWW~! Lindsay #137

Caro said...

Wow, what an amazing land of contrasts. Praying that everyone stays safe. I also got a lovely cross from Jo....aren't they beautiful. Happy WOYWW. Thanks for sharing. Caro #60

Lucy said...

Terrible news about the floods. Seems to be that time of year when the weather gets out of hand. We had heavy snow here two weeks ago, which is fairly unusual for the south of England. As per usual, everything ground to a halt! All your goodies look exciting - have fun using them:) Lucy #23 x

fairy thoughts said...

Lovely photos Shaz, the weather is certainly strange at the moment. Luckily you are far enough away not to be too affected. great cards I especially like the red oriental one. I saw jo's envelopes on her blog recently they are gorgeous I will try and make some of them
janet #32

fairy thoughts said...

Ps forgot to comment on the memory dies... I love their designs but do sometimes find they are difficult to remove always thinking it is because they are so detailed. I will try the tip with the wax and let you know if it works
janet.... agsin

Anne said...

Hi there. Had heard about the floods and the fires so awful for those affected. We have had very strong winds today - quite scary at times. I know some ares are threatened by floods as well. I love memory box dies and they can be tricky will try your tip. Lovely presents you have received from Jozarty. Take care. Anne x #144

Chrysalis said...

G'day Shaz - your desk looks very interesting today (not that it doesn't always, if you see what I mean!) Glad you're safe with all the Aussie weather at the moment, and thinking of all those who are struggling. God bless, Chris x

RosA said...

Hi Shaz, We must have both just been "spying" :) on Neil's blog at the same time!
LOVE those Memory Box dies but haven't completely mastered the use of them. Must come back and look at your tips next time I'm stuck.
We were at CH many years ago in similar weather conditions. Remember sitting in the car park at the jetty watching the wild weather. (It would have been impossible to get out of the car. Torrential rain and very poor visibility.) But I love the sea in any weather.
Happy WOYWW, RosA # 64

Belinda Basson said...

Always interesting to visit your desk over in OZ. Thanks for the peek into your world both on your desk and your environs around.

scrappymo! said...

What extremes your country is dealing with at the moment! It is terrible and such a source of worry for so many!
Glad to hear you are not flooded out.
Your desk looks like you have been busy! I will check out Jo's post for details!
I use a torn piece of wax paper in my MB dies and the paper diecuts slide out like butter.

Anonymous said...

I have quite a few MB dies and some are heard to release, others are fine, but I like your tip about the candle, I never knew that. Love little Thomas' card, so sweet! And Jo's gift too, she make she most amazing things, true gifts from the heart. Your lovely beach and creek look so different in those pics, amazing the power of nature, I drove to work today at 20mph in a snow blizzard!

Brenda 91

lisa said...

Your country is really being battered by Mother Nature isn't it, Shaz. I hope you are keeping safe.
You have some lovely things on your desk this week. I adore Memory box dies, my wish list just keeps growing!!
How lovely to receive such beautiful gifts too.
Take care and Happy WOYWW
Hugs Lisax #63

okienurse said...

love the card and pictures today Shaz! Very nice use of the new dies! Sorry it has taken me so long to get by but this week is just that way. Thanks for visiting my desk and leaving such a nice comment. I hope you have a great week and get to have a lot of time crafting! Vickie #31

jude said...

hiya hunni ,
i have been wondering if floods where anywhere nearyou and was thinking about you .Hope your all ok ?Missed acouple weeks but got loads time now so im going round the blogs to see what you all been doing without me!
Have crafty week hugs judex167

Robyn said...

Stopped by via Little Birdie Blessings. So glad I did. Your blog has been fun to visit. Your cards, desk and beautiful photos are worth visiting! Be encouraged to continue to share the Lords work thru you talents.

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