Thank you for taking time to visit, and I hope I am even a tiny bit helpful as I have been helped and blessed by so many others. I have been doing Calligraphy since teens, and card making for many years as well. In 1990 I delighted in the joys of stamping with ink and embossing after a trip to Cairns, Qld. In 2009 I discovered the brayer, 2010 the Cuttlebug, also have now taking to reading up on crafting blogs and lo! Here I am, on one of my own.

I live on the coast of eastern Australia. I am a Christian. I trusted in the LORD down here at the beach, amazingly it is not far from where I now live. It was over 50 years ago, after a Beach Mission Service at the age of 12 years

Wednesday 10 July 2013

WOYWW, Ryn's Droplet + Lemon Tree - Eureka

Hullo there everyone - here we are! one blink, 'tis another WOYWW or What is On Your Workdesk Wednesday. JOIN us do, over at Julia's stamping ground!!
So here is my desk and on it some wonderful new card from Ginny of  WOYWW over at Maxam Made.
Some weeks back on WOYWW she had a competition to guess who Ping the duck was, and what he had trouble doing, as it was favourite children's book I guessed correctly along with few others ..

..and lo! here is one hugely juicy prize for me all the way for the US of A! and the lovely Ping the duck card to boot!
Woohoo!! thanks Ginny ..these are some of the ultra super-uber, wonderful Strathmore cardstock she has for sale over here, (bargain prices + free post in USA, folks!!) so very kind of her to send them to me ~ thanks mate! 

Also on my desk is new fav. (pigment) sooo luscious gold ink pad I recently have found, (used on my cards here) called Delicata golden glitz.

Here is a card posted to UK a few weeks back now.
As Ryn's Droplet stamp was gift from Di at Snippet's challenge, I made the first card with it for her. It was stamped on vellum and coloured on the back with Promarkers.       
I cut the Cuttlebug Olivia alphabet "thanks" on an angle on base card, without going through the bottom part of letters with die which was tricky. 
Was so pleased when it worked, then discovered it did not stand out enough anyway  :(
Had to overlay with black, so blue "thanks"was now just a shadow. Cut frame with Spellbinders Rectangles.
Another great card with same stamp is here - made by Sandra from "Stamping with Pleasure"  and some more Droplet cards over at Di of Pixie's Crafty Workshop and Snippets fame ~ over here: 
The lemon tree is again loaded and ready for picking. 
If you want lots of big fruit - prune your tree to about five foot, as that is how big our ten year old tree is! Also easier for pest control without spraying. It is always loaded with thin skinned, juicy fruit ("Eureka" variety lemon, it fruits most of year). The biggest lemons have been up to 500grams or half a kilo. 
And for those of you wondering about our "homegrown-in-backyard" pineapple?

Well, link here (or scroll below) to the photos on post from yesterday, with all the details! from start to end..
Thanks so much everyone for popping over for peek and chat, and may God bless your day wherever you maybe!
Shaz in Oz.x
would like to enter droplets card in:


Betsy said...

Wow! Look at those lemons. They're so expensive here I would like to pop on over and grab some to make lemonade on this hot summer day!

RosA said...

Hi Shaz,
WOW, your lemon tree is a tad more prolific than mine! More accessible too! Mine, although roughly same height (but much older,) has to be covered in bird proof netting to stop those white cockatoos from demolishing it!
RosA # 23

Nan G said...

Gorgeous card! I hear that gold ink is de-lish! Have to scroll down to read about mr. Pineapple who looks to be ready for eating. Thanks for the earlier visit. Happy WOYWW! Nan G #22

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I have found gold to be a very juicy color. But it dries just as quickly, too.

Love the pineapple. Lucky you. I tried to grow one once, but it died before it took off properly. Happy WOYWW from #2.

Helen said...

Gorgeous lemon tree... off to read the pineapple post now! Thanks for stopping by. Helen 17

RosA said...

Hi again, I thought you bought a whole heap of those pan pastels? If you're not going to use them, please send them my way :) :)

voodoo vixen said...

Lovely craftiness going on and that lemon tree is truly impressive... I am trying to imagine a half kilo lemon but the mind boggles! That gold ink pad is lush, such a rich pattern you have produced with it. Happy WOYWW from Annette #7

Claire said...

lemonade all round, I reckon!! great pics of your desk n goodies!
happy WOYWW and have a fun week :)
no. 31

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Your lemons are really amazing. I wish I could grow some like that but our weather is not the best for things like that. I love that droplet card too, and you put so much work into it. Thank you for your visit today and all the good vibes you are sending. I have always had problems with electrical equipment and my father banned me from using anything when I was young - it always went up in smoke. I have bitten the bullet with the shampooer and bought a new one. I shall get the old one mended, with luck, and keep it upstairs to save me having to carry it up and down. Hope you have a good week. xx Maggie #10

Neet said...

Cor Shaz, those are some lemons. Guess they won't grow in Manchester.
Clever you with those letters, the card looks super.
Nice to see the monkies - now why do I never lift Katie from her perch high in my room? Must try to remember another week.
Off to see the pineapples now.
Take care - lots of love
Neet xx

Neil said...

Hi there.
Just popping my head around the door to say hi as I haven't been around for a while. You've been busy!
Hope you have a great week.
Neil #39

john-w said...

Beautiful work! Gorgeous photos! I tried some calligraphy many years ago, but didn't get on too well with it. Maybe I'll try again one day the Lord willing!

Anyway, have a good week,

John W (Pyro-jack #68)

Karen said...

Beautiful work desk, love the gold inkpad. Your lemon tree looks lush!!! They would be so great with some ice in a cool drink right now! Happy WOYWW! 70 x

Bridget Larsen said...

Well you must have good soil, my lemon tree is sleeping for now, too much frost
Bridget #1

Mrs.D said...

I love that card on the right, I guess it was delivered with the stuff you won from USA.
I also have just noticed your WOYWW on the easel by Monkey. That is gorgeous.
Very envious od your lemon tree, grew one in a pot once but even in our conservatory it didn't produce fruit. Just not consistently warm. Just have to go and buy some to make lemonade to drink in our current heatwave.
God bless

glitterandglue said...

What a delightful card, Shaz.
Have seen your lovely card to Chris and Adrian - it's on their mantelpiece - when I popped in the other day. A is doing well, walked a mile and a half yesterday!!
Gorgeous lemons - and what a pineapple. Trust it tasted as good as it looks!
Margaret #66

Jackie said...

That lemon tree looks absolutely lovely and all of big lemons
I have just purchased that Ryan Stamp of the water droplets your card looks right
Jackie 15

roffeycreations said...

Hi Shaz - your card for die is fantastic - I have to make one for her as she is such a generous lady... Have a great week - Happy WOYWW - Mxx #89

ike said...

Fabulous card - I love that droplet stamp and soooo want one of those.
LUV your lemon tree :-) Mine is new in last winter and has loads of flowers and I am hoping for a lemon.... even if it's just 1 :-)

IKE xx #93

Stephanie said...

Wow, look at those lemons! My mother-in-law has a lemon tree but has only gotten a couple of lemons off it. I am sure lemon trees aren't that great for where we live :)

Hugs to you!

Jan said...

Great work space xx Jan (102)

Krisha said...

Hi Shaz,
What a awesome card, love the way you colored and shaded the water droplets....they look real!!
Krisha #5

Anonymous said...

Ooh when life hands you lemons, make lemonade! I'll be over for a glass shortly, just as soon as I've finished with the dragons/dinosaurs! Lovely cards, I see a Christmas one there at the back, and great buy on the card stock from Ginny too, I'll have to pop in and see what she's got!

Brenda 3

Monique said...

Love your lemon tree. I think that would be great to just walk outside and pick a fresh lemon!
Happy WOYWW and I wish you a wonderful week.
xx Monique #106

MaryH said...

Just loved what you did with the fantastic Ryn win! Super card. And I already know you will love the Delicata. It has become my fav ink pad for golds. So smooth, glittery and even stamping. Is great to smudge too, using a sponge or dauber. As always, enjoyed your lovely pictures too. More congrats on your winnings. TFS & Hugs

Unknown said...

Wow...I love that card. I have had that inkpad for awhile, and I haven't used it yet. You have a nice lemon tree. Happy crafting #7

Elizabeth said...

Wow, Shaz! Your lemon tree is very pretty and loaded with fruit. We can only dream of growing big fat juicy lemons here in Scotland and then go buy the tiny ones from the supermarket :) Love your droplets card - the blue is gorgeous. Hope you are having a lovely day. Elizabeth x #57

shazsilverwolf said...

I'd love to have a lemon tree! My favourite fruit- probably the only fruit I ever eat.
The metal shim is supposed to stop the problem with intricate dies not cuting all the way through in places- saves all the turning & recutting. The Corner Chomper is a sort of heavy duty corner rounder- does chipboard & thicker card stock than normal rounders. Love the Ryn stamps, I'm waiting for her to get them back in stock at the moment.Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz xx #51

brenda said...

There's that pineapple again Shaz, oh to have warm weather to grow them.

Love the water droplets, so very effective.

It's lovely to see you at Allsorts challenge this week, thanks so much for joining in.

B x

Rossella said...

Those lemons look so good!. Delicata is one of my fave ink pads too.
Rosie x

Gail L said...

Congratulations on your wins!
I went & read about the pineapple, I'm jealous!
I can scarf down a whole pineapple if it's sweet & juicy!
Your cards a wonderful, and the lemon tree is great!

Caro said...

Your lemon tree is gorgeous, and I am so pleased that the pineapple turned out so well! Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#71)

Unknown said...

Far too cold here in Northern Ireland for lemons usually, although we've had a mini heat wave this week with temperatures up to 27 (that might not seem a lot, but it's unheard of over here :-) lovely card, that droplet stamp is great, and your thanks stand out well with the black letters so it was worth doing. Thanks for joining in with Stamping Sensations this month and hope to see you again. Maddy x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Oh, I would so love a lemon tree...I know envy is a sin, but I am jealous of yours!
And how lovely to receive all those goodies from overseas, so pleased for you :-)
Hugs, LLJ 45 xx

Nikki said...

Ohh Fresh lemons that looks so amazing and the fresh pineapple YUM!!!
Happy Wed hugs Nikki #16

Anne said...

Great card - I had seen that stamp over at Di's and Sandra's and really liked it.
Lemon tree looks fab wish we could grow them like that. Happy WOYWW Anne x #50

Anne said...

Super stamp and great card! Bravo! Those lemons look amazing!!!!!!

Mrs A. said...

Saying Hi to your monkeys. The droplet card is a fab take on the stamp. Bet Di loved it. Hugs Mrs A.
p.s. That Parrot is very rude. Did he come straight off a ship or sumfinck!!!

Unknown said...

The blues on your card are really beautiful, while the drops are so refreshing. Makes you want to make lemonade.
Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful artwork with us at WAW. We appreciate your participation.
Carole Robb Bisson
Word Art Wednesday

peggy aplSEEDS said...

happy WOYWW! i'm happy to get a chance to peek at your desk today! oh, i love ping the duck and i still have a copy on my bookshelf even if my youngest child is already almost 20 years old! i am so impressed with your lemon tree!
peggy aplSEEDS@18

Di said...

WOW, that's one fabulous lemon tree Shaz!

I adore the droplets card, and the letters really do seem to be shadowed, very cleverly done.

Super snippets card indeed :)

Hugs, Di xx

Spyder said...

Great lemon tree, I had both orange and lemon trees in pots, I planted the pips in a pot plant I was given when in hospital (years ago) they latest quite a few years... I even plated a peanut too! Lovely cards! Have a great crafty week! Happy WoYwW!?
((Lyn)) #11

Karen Letchworth said...

Gorgeous art work, as always. You are always such a blessing and encouragement to me. Our God is SO GOOD to allow us to share His love and goodness all the way across the world with people we've never met (in person) and to share that deep love for Him and faith in Him. He is truly amazing to bless us this way!
Thanks for sharing with us again this week.
Word Art Wedneday

Cazzy said...

Hi Shaz!

Happy WOYWW!

How lovely to win a prize, and a nice one at that.

I have enough trouble getting the strawberries to grow, and the courgettes, I don't think a lemon tree would do well and would have to come in every winter, and pineapples would need a special heated house over here!

Cazzy x

Sally H said...

Wow, Shaz! What a cool looking card! Gorgeous colours and a fabulous take on our theme! You have convinced me, I need that stamp. Thanks for joining us at Stamping Sensations this month and Good Luck!

Ryn Tanaka said...

So neat that you have a lemon tree! Wish I could grow one here in Canada... Great use of Water Droplets! Thanks for sharing with me :) If you would like to add it to my monthly Customer Creation Challenge you are most welcome to. You can add 1-3 projects a month. Here's the link:

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